Every insightful comment you leave on a post enhances foXnoMad more than I could with even the best travel article. I appreciate every comment, hope you’ll leave more, and encourage you to do so if you never have.
In case you don’t get a chance to follow the latest comments in the sidebar, or read through a viewer, here are some of the best comments of the month.
- Andy says that money and friends are two things you need to keep the trip going.
- Take your time traveling recommends Soultravelers3, one of the best things about long-term travel is being able to immerse yourself much more deeply.
- Let your travel blog inspire others to travel for a successful travel blog, according to [F]oxymoron.
- James is saving his money for a number of trips and not spending it all on one giant vacation.
- Greg agrees that if you have a travel blog you need to make a connection with your readers.
- The best place to live in Southeast Asia is Jakarta, ask James G, he’s lived there for 4 years.
- Bas didn’t think that Utrecht, The Netherlands, would win the Best City To Visit Tournament 2009, but he’s one step closer.
Sorry for posting the best comments late for last month, I generally have them up on the last weekday of the month. Thanks to all of you who commented, if I missed you this month keep leaving those great comments!
[photo by: Doug Sparks]