Post Highlights are a selection of the best and most popular posts from the past two weeks updated every other Saturday. Another great way to get the best of foXnoMad is to subscribe to my RSS feed (what is RSS?).

When To Fight The Airlines

With airfares going up and service going down, should you act or should you just keep quiet like everyone else?

Would You Spend Your Life Savings On A Once In A Lifetime Trip? [POLL RESULTS]

Last Monday I asked all of you living paycheck to paycheck if you’d spend all of your savings on a once in a lifetime trip. I was suprised that most of you would – or at least strongly consider it.

4 Things Frequent Travelers Need To Consider Before Getting A Cat

I Traveled With A Beard And It Was (Very) Different

While it’s not impossible to have a cat and be a frequent traveler, there are some unique challenges (apart from considering a dog) that present themselves and that you need to consider.

The Best City To Visit Travel Tournament 2009: Sweet 16 17

See this week’s results.

15 Travel Related Things About Me

In no particular order here are 15 travel related things about me.

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