anilReading Erica’s 30 travel related things about me inspired me to follow my own advice on building a successful travel blog and share some of my personal travel habits. In no particular order here are 15 travel related things about me.

  1. I am habitually late for flights, buses, and pretty much any mode transportation.
  2. I never take pictures of myself when I travel.
  3. I enjoy sleeping in airports.
  4. My favorite city in the world is Istanbul, which consequently has the best airport I’ve ever slept in.
  5. I primarily travel with the small but efficient SwissGear Synergy computer backpack.
  6. The longest I’ve ever been without a shower on the road is 22 days.
  7. I always travel with my digital essentials – a laptop and encrypted USB drive (loaded with these 12 applications).
  8. I am never without a book, ever.
  9. No matter how much I fly, every time I get on a plane I feel like I’m pushing my luck.
  10. Traveling makes me appreciate everything I have and realize that family and health are things never to take for granted.
  11. I can’t leave a hotel room without checking it over and over only to still feel like I forgot something.
  12. Due to poor planning, I’ve run out of cash in the worst places.
  13. Bargaining is a great way to get a deal – and make a lifelong friend.
  14. I missed my first flight ever last December (see #1 above).
  15. Although I speak English, Turkish, and French, I always end up in places where none of those languages do me any good.
Momo Man At Berlin's Street Food Fair Will Make You And Your Stomach Very Happy

In case you thought you were off the hook, I’ll be asking some of you to add a few travel related things about yourselves next week. Until then if you’d like to get to know me better you can read my About page, see where I’ve been, or catch up with me on Facebook.