typical disney touristSend me your cheesiest travel photo by August 14th and you could win one of several prizes including $150 via Paypal. I’m looking for your most embarrassingly touristic pictures. The only criteria are that your face has to be in the picture and it has to be clear where you were visiting. Take a look at the two pictures to the right to get a better idea.

I’ll select the best entries and readers will vote on the best to determine the first, second, and third prizes.

The Details

  • Send me your photo entry. Email your entry to anil(@)foxnomad.com and include the ‘Photo Contest’ in the subject line. Pictures must be less than 2MB. Please include your name, single line caption for the photo, and website if you have one.
  • The deadline is 11:59pm EST August 14, 2009.
  • The winners, first, second, and third place, and additional prize winners will be determined by August 28, 2009.
  • By sending me your picture you are also giving me consent to use the picture in future posts under a creative commons (with attribution) license. That basically means I can use the picture on this website for other posts so long as I give you credit for it.

arms wide in brazilThe Prizes

  1. $150 via Paypal.
  2. A travel book or DVD or your choice (up to $30).
  3. Some travel gear (more details soon).
  4. Additional Prizes: All of my RSS readers, email subscribers (newsletter subscribers too), and Facebook fans are automatically entered to win a 4 pack of ultimate sporks (very handy for travelers).
Win $600 By Telling Me Your Favorite City For This Year's Best City To Visit Tournament
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I hope that you’ll enter and have fun with this one, I’m looking forward to your entries!

[photos by: Bolt of Blue, Svetlana Zhukova]