megaphone in earThe more you travel the more you’ll hear people you encounter say the following things. Frequent and long-term travelers often hear these remarks whenever their plans or past travels come up.

Tell me have you heard (or said) the following at some point?

  1. “Must be nice.”
  2. “I wish I could do that.”
  3. “I wish I had the money.”
  4. “You don’t have kids yet do you?”
  5. “When are you coming back/going home?”
  6. “What do you do for a living?”
  7. “Where have you been?”

Two other great travel bloggers also added to the discussion on Twitter. Stephanie Yoder from 20 Something Travel @20sTravel says:

20s travel twitter

Carrie Marshal @globetrotteri who writes My Several Worlds tweets:

globetrotteri tweet

Funny, I was just asked that yesterday by someone in Texas when it came up that I had been to the Philippines. There are certain stigmas attached with traveling and travelers. I’d be curious to hear what you’ve heard or would add to this list? I’ll be taking a closer look at the issue next week and look forward to your comments.

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[photo by: tranchis]