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Rio de Janeiro slipped past Vienna with a single vote, Valetta past Kyoto with 3, and Edinburgh defeats Ljubljana despite a strong campaign by the Slovenians in The Best City To Visit 2012 Second Round. And thanks to a posting in one of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s largest websites and corresponding Facebook page, Sarajevo defeated Vernazza by 1,600 votes. Yet if there’s one trend I’ve seen in this contest over the years, it’s that big votes in one round don’t correspond to subsequent ones. Early votes, consistent votes, and rallying the folks already promoting your city are solid strategies.

This group of 32 cities will be 16 by next Tuesday. You have until this Sunday, March 11th 11:30am US EST to vote for your favorites and decide the cities that advance on to the top prize. Results may not appear after you vote so check back throughout the day and I’ll post updates in the comments below. Those of you reading through email and RSS will have to click-through to this page to vote. Good luck!

best city to visit tournament 2012 round of 32 bracket

Please keep in mind the final votes for any poll aren’t final until they’re verified by my diligent verification team. By Monday, March 12th there will be a sweet 16 of cities left ready for the next round that comes up quickly next Tuesday, March 13th. Best of luck everyone!

Tell Me The Best City To Visit In 2018 And Win $250