Only 32 of these 64 cities will advance to the next round of The Best City To Visit Travel Tournament 2013 based on your votes. You have until Monday, March 11th – 6pm US EST to select your favorite cities in each of the match ups below. Those of you reading through email and RSS will need to click-through to this page to vote. Best of luck to you all!
These are the final 64 cities competing to be named, by you, The Best City To Visit in 2013. There were some very tight races, with Seoul slipping past Manaus and Jerusalem falling to Pattaya, to round out the remaining cities in the First Round. Now however, throughout the rest of The Best City to Visit Travel Tournament, no city is safe and any one can be eliminated from round to round, as you can see in the brackets above. We’ll see which 32 remain by next Tuesday, March 12th – so vote and rally your supporters early!
Below is a map of the latest cities (in red) to be eliminated and those still competing (green).
View The Best City To Visit Travel Tournament 2013 in a larger map
Please keep in mind the final votes for any poll aren’t final until they’re verified by my diligent verification team – and any races that are still tied at the deadline are broken by me. The cities that survive will go on to compete in the Round of 32, which begins next Tuesday, March 12th.
how come Baku is on the list again, when it lost from Novigrad in the pre round?
Hi Dino, good catch on the error. I’ll have to explain it in the next round since I’m currently on a layover waiting for a connecting flight.
Yeah Seoul! 🙂
Very true
I’m dropping out of your game as it’s too much work to vote with a different captcha on every choice of two places! Can’t you make it so we make all our choices then press the vote once with one captcha?
Sorry, it’s just not fun anymore. Only speaking my mind.
I wish I could but I’m using a polling service rather than something I coded up. I understand the captchas aren’t as easy as a single click, but they help prevent spam, bots, etc. from causing problems with the polls.
Go Rome!
How did Rapid City S. Dakota get paired with Florence? Biggest mismatch ever.
It’s based on the voting of the preliminary round – the cities with the top votes get placed against those with the corresponding least number of votes. The bracket is then filled in with 1 vs. 64; 2 vs. 63; etc… with match ups being placed in the top left, bottom right, top right, bottom left, etc. of the bracket. That is the scheduling format of most major international round robin tournaments 🙂
No, the biggest mismatch ever was Barcelona vs Sibiu. 🙂
Just to make it clear: it was not me posting the previous comment. It’s just a name coincidence. Anyway, seems like Sibiu is going to win this round against Barcelona 😉 Go Sibiu!
It looks like someone is stuffing the votes for Sibiu. There is no way those numbers should look like that.
The Romanians have mobilized in a social media campaign that’s gathering momentum…
Jeff, this is typical West-European paranoia/prejudice when speaking about Romania(ns). Sibiu is promoted by some major blogs an will continue to be promoted. Is this a “stuffing” of the votes?
I do not have anything against Romania. I have not been there yet so I can not form an opinion on it. It is just that there are significantly more votes in that pair than any other pair. Plus it is going against Barcelona which would be in the top 10 of any ranking of great cities to visit. It is my favorite so I am a little biased.
I know this is all for fun and think it is great that there is a lot of support for Sibiu. I challenge whoever is supporting it in the voting to make it #1.
Thank you, Jeff, for your answer. Waiting forward for you to visit Ro 🙂
@Jeff As you correctly mentioned, there really is a lot of support for Sibiu in this competition, coming from major blogs as well as from people (both from in and outside Romania) who love this city and decided to vote as such.
@Bogdan Thanks for your comments and, once again, thanks for your support!
Awwww, Istanbul vs Valletta. Our two favourite cities in the competition and I’ve been forced to vote one of them out!! 😉
At least one favorite gets to move forward 🙂
Looks like the Romanians are getting behind your competition this year. Good to see our REAL favourite made it through. 🙂
GO GRANADA! 😀 best city in the world!
Granada of couse … One of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the world!
Wow, the city where I live in (Seoul) is getting destroyed. Also, I am pretty sad Mexico City is doing so bad. It is quite an amazing city (but I am Mexican).
Sibiu, Romania is the best. Must win!
You see that huge mass of land in the middle of your map…it’s called Africa. It’s the fastest growing continent in the World, has stunning wildlife, beautiful scenery and cosmopolitan cities. You seem to have completely omitted it?! How about Nairobi, Addis Adaba, Accra, Winhoek, Abidjan, Arusha, Lome, Libreville, Lagos, Kumasi, Mombasa, Bamako, Maputo, Dakar, Marrakech for a start?
I didn’t omit anything, few people nominated cities in Africa. Feel free to next year, the distribution of cities varies every time.
Granada of course