You new iPhone battery’s life is decent for a year, then starts becoming ever useless (as the phone slows down on purpose) rather conveniently as the next generation is about to be released. A bad battery is annoying in general but especially frustrating if you’re traveling and don’t have as frequent access to a USB port. (Be careful with those by the way.) Fortunately, if you’re feeling bold and your out of the 12 month warranty, it’s possible to replace an iPhone battery for around $20.

On top of that, these replacement batteries have about 20% more capacity, allowing even a fairly heavy user to get through most of the day without a charge. Yes, you can finally be able to trust that percentage meter (no more 20% to 0 instantly) again too. Replacement batteries come in complete kits but the instructions aren’t the best. You can watch me take apart an iPhone 6s in the video above and upgrade your own battery with 20 minutes of effort – or if you’re still not convinced, try this ultra-thin charging case.

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