Blog - foXnoMad

Brad Pitt Fight Club Diet

It’s helped me lose 25lbs, be in the best physical shape of my life, and I can now see my abs (it took about 1 year). If you want to have a body of steal – the Brad Pitt Fight Club diet is what you need.

It is not for the faint of heart however and you’ll need the low-card diet that goes along with it. I’ve modified this workout routine and diet for a normal-I’m-not-an-actor lifestyle and time constraints.

You can do the same…I posted this here for a certain twin I know. What are your workout secrets L’avant Posters?

Ladies/gay men, for you:

Look Who I Found

Peaceluvbug and I certainly got a lot done in the day and a half that I had in Lugano. We drove to Lake Como and tour parts of the city, got pizza (damn good with curry and tomato sauce – who wouldda thunk?), and I got to watch one of their basketball practices.

The “infamous” hill that she has to walk up to during the week for class and basketball practice – well I walked up it too. I didn’t think it was so bad 🙂 (I await the nasty comment). It was pretty cool to see her in her natural habitat and to meet her roomie and some of her friends.

Next time I come though I’ll stay a bit longer – and learn some Italian too.

Next Time You’re At the Airport

Beware of who might be watching you.

Wholesale surveillance is a whole new world. It’s not “follow that car,” it’s “follow every car.” The National Security Agency can eavesdrop on every phone call, looking for patterns of communication or keywords that might indicate a conversation between terrorists.

Many airports collect the license plates of every car in their parking lots, and can use that database to locate suspicious or abandoned cars. Several cities have stationary or car-mounted license-plate scanners that keep records of every car that passes, and save that data for later analysis.

I’m On My Way

I’ve decided to drip drip the couple of things I’ve written over the next few days so as not to overwhelm.


About Anil Polat

foxnomad aboutHi, I'm Anil. foXnoMad is where I combine travel and tech to help you travel smarter. I'm on a journey to every country in the world and you're invited to join the adventure! Read More

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