Blog - foXnoMad

Pinoy Protesters Organize with Texts

A shout out to all of the Pinoy hanging around L’avant Poste. Holla!

In the Philippines, protest organizers are setting up demonstrations on the fly using mass texting. And according to this article, it works.

Once they might have called a demonstration by printing fliers. Now, they do it by mass texting. Palatino had spent days getting the word out, banging out text after text on the keypad of his little Nokia phone.

…All the organizing is done through texting. It’s affordable and instant.

This is happening all over the world too. It always amazes me how in poorer countries I’ve been too, even the garbage men have the sharpest cells. I bet a man sitting in a hut somewhere in Indonesia has got a better cell phone than any of the Americans stopping by L’avant Poste.

Well, guess that beats air conditioning 😉

Those crazy Filipino hippies, protesting against haircuts and clothing.

Why Anthorpology Matters

I don’t know if you peoples have been following the Jill Carroll story. She was that journalist kidanpped in Iraq a few months back, held for 80+ days and later released.

She worked for the Christian Science Monitor, and has spread her story over 9 days posting an article per day. It has really captivated me and I’ve been reading each one daily.

Here is something along the lines she keeps bringing up, and I think are a good example of how the social sciences (anthro and history for example) are relevent and should be emphasized as much as stupid “No Child Left Behind” tests.

I’d heard that it was best for hostages to try to make captors see them as human beings, to elicit sympathy, so I tried talking to him…I was open, even friendly. That turned out to be a big mistake.

You can’t be that way with men in such a conservative culture. They often take it the wrong way. He began to get demanding, even assertive. At one point, the pin on my hijab came loose, and I started to pin it back up.

To Westerners this may sound like an innocuous exchange, but in the context of the conservative Middle East, this was a totally inappropriate advance. I needed to shut him down completely. I put my head down, held my hands in my lap, and didn’t move a muscle.

Granted, she was under unimaginable stress – but the point is still valid I think.

The Best Videos of the Web

You can keep track of the most popular videos on MyTube and Google Video and other places with the Internet TV Charts. I saw this on Lifehacker and decided to share seeing as videos are becoming the cool thing on L’avant Poste.

I’ll be posting some of my own videos and party documentaries coming soon. Who’s with me? Got any ideas?

I should have some old clips up soon and will be making new ones in the next few weeks.

For now, a video only a trekkie could love. Yes, I know you’re all out there…

About Anil Polat

foxnomad aboutHi, I'm Anil. foXnoMad is where I combine travel and tech to help you travel smarter. I'm on a journey to every country in the world and you're invited to join the adventure! Read More

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