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World Basketball Championships Update:Turkey

Don’t worry, I know you don’t know what the World Basketball Championships are. Nobody in the United States does because it’s not advertised here. Also, they are playing in Japan so the games are on at like 4am.

Well, to let you all know, Turkey is 3-0 so far. They beat Lithuania, one of the best teams in Europe, and the rest of the games are looking easy.

August 24th is vs. Greece. I’ll tell you one thing, any competition between Greeks and Turks is worth a late night. Or TiVo at least 😉

Am I tooting my own horn? You bet…TOOT TOOT!

Read the full story

[UPDATE] Phew, and Turkey just beat Brazil 73-71 an hour or so ago…

The US is 3-0 too…

How does 5 minutes always become 30?

You know those mornings.

The mornings where you hit the snooze button and say, “just 5 more minutes.”

You then tell yourself that this time you won’t go over five minutes and oversleep again. Then…you do. It is 30 minutes later and you’ve got to skip some part of the morning routine (breakfast, shower, teeth brushing – not in any particular order) only to find yourself saying,

Next time it’ll only be 5 minutes. I won’t let it happen again…sigh.

That’s why we’ve got sunrise clocks now isn’t it?? 😉


I saw this a looong time ago and Bat-Adam was kind enough to send over the link. I wish I could embed the video on here at L’avant Poste, but for technical reasons I can only send over the link.

It’s a short video that should make you laugh, unless your sense of humor was damaged because your Dell laptop exploded while you were using it.


Guys, Cut Your Risk of Heart Attack in Half

A recent study found that men who eat nuts (any kind – almonds, peanuts, etc.) cut their risk of a heart attack by 46%. And although they are high in calories, your body can’t absorb all of the calories found in nuts (some weird digestive reason).


Tip References: Nut consumption and decreased risk of sudden cardiac death in the Physicians’ Health Study. Albert, C. M., Gaziano, J. M., Willett, W. C., Manson, J. E., Archives of Internal Medicine 2002 Jun 24;162(12):1382-1387.


About Anil Polat

foxnomad aboutHi, I'm Anil. foXnoMad is where I combine travel and tech to help you travel smarter. I'm on a journey to every country in the world and you're invited to join the adventure! Read More

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