Blog - foXnoMad

Life’s a Joke

Don’t know if you recall, but I went to a concert a few weeks back to support the drummer from The Chance, my hommie Viraj. He was filling in for the drummer of The Speaks, and I really liked the band. It was a fun show, like the music or not (there was a drunk crowd surfing perverted midget there) – no reeally there was.

I wrote to their manager Jerry the other day, and we’re now streaming some Speaks song, down on the right hand side in the music players.

Here’s a song for ya, right there, “Life’s a Joke” – holla!


And here’s the song High that was popular in the Philippines:


Star Trek Inspirational Posters

I picked this up from Slashdot, and I thought it was pretty clever. Not to mention how many heated responses I got from the Matt Damon/Kirk post from last week – I figured some might enjoy this.

Either that or you guys would prefer more Matt Damon hate news. (Which can be provided on request).
Here are my favorite two:

and of course this one…

All of the posters can be found from this clever dude’s website!

Got any favorites?

Need a mini-Myspace Break?

Well, I’ve finally been able to get the forum up and going, with a few well placed posts on there. Here’s what it’s good for…

  • aop1980 Forum? for any gossip, good parties, recaps of events, etc. for all the interconnected people who we and you know checking out the site. Know of anything cool going on or coming up?..that’s the idea 🙂
  • Media Forum for all those nifty weird news links or random videos of cats who can play pianos that we tend to accumulate during the work day
  • Franklin College is for our one editor aka.peaceluvbug sister…but that’s her own thing.

Feel free to pop by any of em’ and write what ever you’d like. You don’t have to register or anything, just click post! 🙂 A few people popping by here and there and let’s see if we can make this seed grow!


this nifty picture + link that’s always on the upper right hand side of this page

Adventures in Amish Land

To summarize Amish country:

That’s about it. If you do decide to venture out there though, rest assured that everyone will give you conflicting directions. If one guy at the gas station says go left on Rt.30, the next woman eating a Ho-Ho down the street will says go right.

We pull up next to this old man to ask for directions, as my cousin looked at me like it was the worst idea in the world. The conversation went as such:

“Excuse me sir, could you tell me how to get to Amish country?”

To which he replied:


[Ok the music player above may not be working…the guy said:

Aaaaamish Cuuuntry wadduuu you waanna doo theere??”

Ah, yes…so nobody invited us in to their homes, no market with little Amish people line dancing…no nothing. Just farms. Amish country was a big let down. I didn’t even learn to say “hi” in Amish-talk. They all looked to pissed off to ask anyway. 🙁

You can see all of the pictures by clicking “Images” above, or right here!

Finding a Good Hospital Abroad

Going overseas is always fun, but sometimes when you go to smaller towns or shady countries it’s always good to find a good hospital around, just in case.

Joint Commision Resources has a list of internationally accredited hospitals in many parts of the world. If you’re planning on going to any not-so-first world countries anytime soon (like some of us crazy editors who hang around L’avant Poste), it’s a good list to have.

Not the Only Twin on Full House

Looks like our very own Fredo should have been “Danny Tanner’s” twin brother on that show. Guess a picture with Sagat snags all the ladies, just look at those two chicks on the right in the background.

Twins? What do you guys think?

About Anil Polat

foxnomad aboutHi, I'm Anil. foXnoMad is where I combine travel and tech to help you travel smarter. I'm on a journey to every country in the world and you're invited to join the adventure! Read More

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