Blog - foXnoMad

The Best Time to Buy Plane Tickets

I saw this on lifehacker and thought it was pretty neto, ‘specially for L’avant Poste. Enjoy!

What’s the absolute best time to purchase a ticket directly from the airlines? Turns out it’s Wednesday from midnight to 1a.m. in the time zone of the airline’s “home base.” (For instance, Delta is headquartered in Utah Atlanta and United currently calls Chicago home.)

Why? That’s when the computer systems of most airlines get rid of the reserved but unbooked lower fare reservations. Most of us at one time or another have booked a reservation, then let it go without purchase. Snap-up these discounted fares right after this happens and you’re likely to get a significant discount.


Baltimore Teaches Us Words

Like “pedestrian.” Is that what those are??? Thanks for the arrow Baltimore!

Fredo and “V” (pick a name V!) came down from NY to learn some vocabulary from our Maryland friends!

How about “Terrapin“? A big turtle whos urine tastes like wine!


We also learned that “Baltimorean” is a word…

and that Jesus H Christ himself plays for the Baltimore Orioles!

Finally, segergation based on sexual orientation is “OK” if you just name a street after them. For example:

A great day all in all I must say. You can view all of the pictures by clicking here!
oh, and fredo, could you post a link to the pictures your guys took, that would be scrumptious

Where Have We Blogged From?

Since we’ve been getting hits from all over the world, and most visitors to L’avant Poste are fond of traveling, I thought it be a good idea to keep track. We’ve now got an interactive map to track all of the places we’ve blogged for If you’re going somewhere in the world, or a state in America, send us a small post about it.

We’ll put it up on the site, and get to shade in your little corner of the planet. If any of your friends go, they can send a few lines too…just let them know! Send an email (the “Contact” link at the top of this page).

You can see the humble map now!

Thank you all 🙂

foXnoMad Locations

Where have we blogged from? The visitors to foXnoMad, and its editors are an international crowd — and we’d love to show where we’ve been seen L’avant Poste was set up. If you travel anywhere in the world send us an email with a few words about your trip. Help us to paint the world!

International Locations

England, Philippines, Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Turkey, France, Slovakia, Cyprus, Spain United States: Virginia, Maryland, DC, New York, Nebraska, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Georgia, California, Florida

Map courtesy:

What’s in Your Passport?

If you have a passport that doesn’t need to be renewed for a while, your in luck. If you are going to need a passport anytime in the next 10 years, I suggest you get one now.

That’s because the US State Department plans to fit all newly issued passports with RFID tags this September. RFID tags are essentially little chips that can broadcast information (up to 30 ft). These RFID chips will contain all of your passport information, including picture and social security number.

You could be sitting at a cafe anywhere in the world watching all of the people with American passports walk by from your laptop. They wouldn’t know a thing.

Even scarier, is that some geek you used to beat up in high school has been able to (over wireless) take the information from one of these chips, and copy it. Cool, so the State Department has just made identity theft easier.

Also, there has been discussion that it is possible to create bombs, that would only be triggered when a RFID chip in a passport gets within 30 feet. Now imagine that.

This details are on Bruce Schneier’s blog. He is one of the world’s leading experts in information security. Now, is that George Bush clock really so crazy? <-- that was a cheap shot..

Also, as I Googled the word “passport” to put the picture in the post up, I found countless people who had scaned and put their passport insides on the Internet. Not too bright, some people even put their children’s passport online. Good thing I’m not Jason Smith 😉

About Anil Polat

foxnomad aboutHi, I'm Anil. foXnoMad is where I combine travel and tech to help you travel smarter. I'm on a journey to every country in the world and you're invited to join the adventure! Read More

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