Well, I’ve finally been able to get the forum up and going, with a few well placed posts on there. Here’s what it’s good for…

  • aop1980 Forum? for any gossip, good parties, recaps of events, etc. for all the interconnected people who we and you know checking out the site. Know of anything cool going on or coming up?..that’s the idea 🙂
  • Media Forum for all those nifty weird news links or random videos of cats who can play pianos that we tend to accumulate during the work day
  • Franklin College is for our one editor aka.peaceluvbug aka.my sister…but that’s her own thing.

Feel free to pop by any of em’ and write what ever you’d like. You don’t have to register or anything, just click post! 🙂 A few people popping by here and there and let’s see if we can make this seed grow!

I Started This Blog 10 Years Ago Today


this nifty picture + link that’s always on the upper right hand side of this page