Bush’s Watch Stolen? Posted by Anil Polat | Jun 12, 2007 | Pictures and Video | 3 ShareTweetPinThis has been going around since he left Albania yesterday. Look carefully around the 55 second mark. The watch is there, then it’s gone. The US government is denying the watch was stolen. Related Posts:My Camera Was Stolen In Argentina 7 Years Ago, Now I…How To Watch Movies And TV Shows With Your Friends…RELATEDWashington DC In Wide Angle, Photos During Lockdown
Jeffer on June 12, 2007 at 16:39 dude! whatev! you can totally see the guy taking it and running off…pause it at 3:09 Reply
the guy in the white shirt stole it!!!
you can totally see the guy taking it and running off…pause it at 3:09
i know there is a WMD joke in there somewhere…