Carry an Unactivated Credit Card While Traveling Abroad To Avoid ID Theft
By using an unactivated credit card, you??ll have the plastic to show but won??t have to worry about a shady car rental employee from buying a Prada bag with your Visa. Just make sure to peel off the activation sticker before you hand it over.
Practice While Learning A New Language On LiveMocha
New language learners you can now practice your skills with other student on LiveMocha. The free website lets registered users take language lessons, test their skills, or be tutored from other fluent speakers.
Budget Travel has come up with a list of countries Americans need visas to travel too and the best ways to obtain them.
Unusual Foliage Tours and Adventures
Peter Greenberg writes that New England is not the only place in the US to enjoy the fall leaves, you just have to know where to look.
Find The Places To Workout At Away From Home: Athletic-Minded Traveler
Athletic-Minded Traveler provides health-minded subscribers with the costs and distance of the nearest swimming pool, vegan restaurant, or jogging path in cities across the US and Canada.
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