In the past 2 months I’ve met a flurry of new travel bloggers and discovered a number of great travel blogs. I’ve added a number of them to my Links page and would like to take the opportunity to introduce them to you as well.

  • Admirable India – Written by Maneesh, a jack of all trades who travels out of his home base in Bangalore, India.
  • Almost Fearless – A blog that follows one woman’s journey from corporate manager to free wheeling travel writer.
  • Asian Ramblings – Former Canadian resident Stevo, after traveling extensively in south-east China plans to see and photograph more of Asia.
  • Bas Bas Bas – Dutch student lost in Istanbul.
  • Big Travel Web – Chris, 28, a travel enthusiast London, UK who writes sharing advice and tips on travel to Latin America.
  • Clearly Enlight – Shawn left Santa Cruz, California in 2007 to travel the world for the next 5 to 7 years.
  • Final TransitWritten by Priyank, a fresh but thorough traveler who writes about his travels through India, Israel, and Peru, among others.
  • Le Monde, Cuckoo’s Eye View – Experiences of the traveling Cuckoo. (Funny, the predecessor to foXnoMad was named L’avante Poste).
  • One Giant Step – A 40 year old couple who in June 2009, will set off for a one year journey โ€˜around the worldโ€™.
  • Soul Travelers 3 – A family of three from Santa Cruz, California traveling in an open-ended, years long trip around the world.
  • Trail of Ants – Ant took 5 days to enter Asia, and a further fourteen months to exit via eight of the most unforgettable nations on the globe. He’s currently galvanizing in Melbourne, Australia before continuing east so it’s a great time to catch up on The Trail.
The Best Travel Memes On The Internet

Did I forget about your site or not know about it?

Send me an email or leave me a comment introducing yourself so I can make you a part of my travel reading and links.