The online service Diddt, which lets you find places you didn’t know you wanted to visit, answers 7 questions about it’s vision, competition, and tools for travelers.

diddit logoIn a ‘tweet’ of 140 characters or less, why would a traveler want to sign up for Diddit?

Diddit is the only place you can check off and share all your travel experiences and discover new and interesting things to do beyond travel.

How many users do you have right now?

We have around 20k registered users and over 100k new visitors each month. We just launched publicly in February of 2009 and are still growing rapidly.

What was the inspiration behind the site?

The vision of the site is to become the for your life. We hope that Diddit becomes the place you go to both share your perspectives about meaningful experiences in your life and discover new and interesting things to do. By continuing to check stuff off on Diddit and leave your ratings and stories, we are able to start making recommendations about new things to do for you across all the interests of your life including travel.

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diddit baseball pageFacebook and Twitter are the predominant social networking sites out there, how does Diddit compare?

Diddit complements your Facebook and Twitter accounts by allowing you to share and connect via those established networks. You can create an account on diddit with your Facebook or Twitter credentials and then share your diddits and wannados with your friends and followers on both services.

In your opinion what are the strengths of Diddit for travelers?

Travel experiences are often some of the most memorable ones in our lives. Diddit is a great place for people who like to travel to check off all the places they have been, leave stories and ratings, and suggest new things to do for other travelers. Because for most of us travel is just one aspect of who we are and where we have interests, Diddit also has over 20 more channels of interests such as Art, Entertainment, Sports, Family and Kids just to name a few. You can build a profile of diddits and wannados across all of the channels of interest that you can then share on any other social site of blog and is the foundation for great recommendations.

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What about weaknesses?

If you are looking for ways to book hotels or find the best fares, there are many other sites much better equipped to help you with that. If travel is just one of your passions though, we hope you will check out Diddit.

Any new features in the works?

Many more than we have time or space for here. 🙂 We recently released the Twitter Connect capability and are updating the way we display and recommend things to do around a given location that will help the browse and discovery process on the site. We are technically in public alpha, so we actively poll the community and take all feedback in to build a better service for our community and visitors.

Please stop by and check us out when you get a chance.  Thanks! is free and links to your existing Facebook account and worth a few clicks. Watch Diddit in action and check it out and let me know what you think.