Dublin is a very photogenic city although I couldn’t do it justice. (My pictures looked much better on the back of my Casio Exilim digital camera.) I was in town attending the Hoscars but arrived a few days early to explore. I happened to capture this picture while I was lost trying to get from one end of the city to the other and took it on a whim. The streets tend to curve and names change from one block to the next…plus I’m hopelessly terrible with directions.
D’olier Chambers was built in 1891 by a tobacco company but now houses the Mona Lisa Restaurant on the first floor. I’ll be writing more about Dublin next week, which is a fun city to wander around; until then you can see some more of my photos from Dublin here.
NEver been to Dublin yet – hoping to get there soon! Looking forward to your upcoming posts!
Fun city, I think you’d love it 🙂
I looked at the dublin photos- really enjoyed the architecture. I think this would be a place I would love to visit one day.
I’m glad you got to see some of the pictures, I took so many more that were worse and I decided not to post. It’s a good city and nice hub to stop in on any US/Europe route.
Isn’t that a pub around the corner? And just down the street is a sign that says “B-A-I-L-E-Y-S.” Yup, you’re in the right place!
hahaha, there certainly are a *lot* of pubs and places to drink in Dublin. Hmmm, I’ll go do some math…
ok, I’m back (quick wasn’t that). According to some Dublin tourism sites there are about 1,000 pubs in Dublin which has a population of 495,000. That’s about 1 pub per 495 people.
James Joyce said that it would make a wonderful puzzle to figure out how to cross Dublin from one end to the other without passing a pub. I tried it once and failed miserably!
I don’t see how it would be possible!
My roomie felt Dublin was grubby. But, your article might change his mind! Despite the point of view that Galway is the current hotpost, I still think Dublin is worth a spin.
The worst part about Dublin was the price of everything. It’s expensive, even for Europe.
Dublin is not going to appeal to everyone.
Granted. No place is every going to appeal to everyone.
Love Dublin (for the most part) and your pictures are fine, stop being self deprecating 🙂
haha, ok, I am too hard on myself often.
I have yet to visit Ireland so I have one question for you. Could you understand the accent? I struggle best of times!
I didn’t have much trouble although I had to catch on quickly to each individual cadence otherwise I’d miss the first few words.
I’ve heard that the recession has changed the pricing in Ireland considerably, and because they were living so high–it has hit the Irish particularly hard.
Re: Photographs. If you figure out how to get good photos of cities, let me know.(Although I’m not condemning yours which I think are wonderful) I fall in love with the very things you can’t photograph–the rush, the multiplicity of images all bombarding you at once, the side by side contrasts of old and new, luxury and hovel, the wonderful faces that you see in the crowd, but can’t catch. It is very frustrating.
I always end up taking architecture photos generally, but I enjoy architecture in general. One of my resolutions was to take more pictures of people but still working on that one.
Anil, I found your line, “plus I’m hopelessly terrible with directions” interesting. So much of having a good time on the road is predicated on something going wrong – or at least not working out quite as you expected. A bus that breaks down mid-way between two cities and you’re forced to sleep on some friendly villager’s floor. A hostel is full and you set off into the night to find somewhere to sleep and, more often than not, some great experience that you wouldn’t have had if you were asleep on some dorm bed. And the same with getting lost. You get those great moments that you wouldn’t have had if you’d found that Italian restaurant that Lonely Planet recommended.
Getting lost has lead to some of my most interesting travels, it’s a good bad trait to have I think. I always end up taking the longer route even if I don’t intend to. Never went in the restaurant though 🙂
Ah, are you taking higher number of pictures on this trip Anil? They always look better on the camera. 😀 A little secret tip (you may already know this!!): If you are using a photo editor such as Photoshop, import the pictures keeping the Camera’s colour profile intact, i.e. don’t let the software force its own color profiles on your pictures. 🙂 Hope that helps.
I’m trying to take more pictures, something I tend to get lazy about. I’ll take your tip and give it a shot to see how the pictures turn out.
Dublin captured my heart. I was fortunate enough to spend a few nights there before heading back to the States. Oh, what a time I had! This brings back wonderful memories Anil. Thank you!
Glad this picture brought back some fond memories Shannon 🙂