The teleferico in Quito, Ecuador takes you up the side of Pichincha Volcano to a height of about 4,100 meters (~13,400 feet). From there you can hike up even further, but should take it easy as you do. I was struggling to find my breath at that altitude as well as dealing with a bit of dizziness. The view though is certainly extraordinary for the price of $9 for foreigners and $5 for locals.

You Can Hike Or Bike To The Top

I was actually incorrect in the video when I say the only way to get to the top is by the teleferico (cable car). You can hike or mountain bike up to the top if you’re physically able. Since it’s an extremely steep incline, most people just tether their bikes to the cable car and make the difficult ride down. (Also not to be taken lightly, I heard many stories of people who had broken ribs and dislocated shoulders.)

  • The air is very thin so take it easy if you feel lightheaded.
  • There’s a small amusement park at the bottom of the cable car open during the summer months.
  • You can try the oxygen inhalers at the cafe at the top of Pichincha, about $10 for 15 minutes.
  • Some snacks, drinks, and artwork like in the picture below is on sale at the top and bottom of the teleferico.
How Crowded Is Petra During The Day?

pichincha volcano artwork

Pictures From The Top Of Pichincha Volcano

You can see some more of my pictures from the top of Pichincha Volcano which is well worth visiting if you’re ever in Quito.