Due to the hectic March madness travel contest a few weeks back (congratulations again Porto), I wasn’t able to highlight the best comments from last month. So, today for this last post of April, I’m combining the last 8 weeks for a bonus look at the best comments from March…and April.

talking penguin

  • Those of you using a Windows desktop back at home for computer support should take this bit of Rich Polanco‘s advice.
  • Tijmen asks and Jose answers – a good example of how blog comments bring foXnoMad, and all of you, together to travel smarter.
  • Thanks Natalie for sparking the idea to do a live feed of the Iraq talk Wandering Earl and I will be doing in Vancouver at the beginning of June. (Anyone who will be around is invited to hear us chat about traveling in Iraq plus hang out with tea and shisha. We’ll also announce details about the video feed closer to the talk.)
Journalist Richard McColl Talks About Colombia's Forgotten City, Mompos

My sincere thanks to everyone who left a comment over the past two months. Good conversation, advice, and laughs below each post so if you haven’t already, check out the comments from time to time or leave one yourself. If you’re shy, start by saying “hi” right on this very article to get things rolling 😉

[second photo by: !WOUW!]