Where you travel can tell you a lot about wireless passwords (and visa-versa); you Mac users might be wondering if it’s time to upgrade to that new operating system (Lion). Find out what gadgets are in my backpack and those you might want in yours – with other goodies in this tech roundup from some of my posts around the interwebs recently.

Cultural Commonalities Of Default Wireless Passwords Around The World

The default passwords many people, coffee shops, and hotels use for their wireless networks is in large part based on their local culture – from how the postal system works to the phonetics of the alphabet. Learning these patterns can help you get online when nobody is around to let you in on the password. [Read more from Cultural Commonalities Of Default Wireless Passwords Around The World.]

The Best Travel Memes On The Internet


Travel Smart: The Best Tech Gear For The Road

A shorter more visual version of this article I wrote for PC World will be published in September’s print issue but these gadgets might help your summer travels right now. [Read more from Travel Smart: The Best Tech Gear For The Road.]

pcworld travel tech

4 Advantages Of Traveling With Tech In The Middle East

This region of the world is generally misunderstood across a variety of aspects with technology and the Internet certainly being two of those. I’m guessing you’ll learn something new in this post I wrote for the GoBackpacking blog. [Read more from 4 Advantages Of Traveling With Tech In The Middle East.]

Alexandria library egypt

A Few More Posts That Might Be Up Your Digital Alley

When Will Travel Return To Normal After Covid?

It had been a while since we’ve touched base with my geeky side of backpacking site Tech Guide For Travel and other posts I’ve written elsewhere on the world wide web. You can also keep up or delve into more of my posts, articles, and interviews that don’t appear on any of my sites from my updated press page.

[top photo by: @jbtaylor (“wireless”)]