About half of all the airports in the United States have free wireless access and roughly that many (major) airports around the world do as well. But for those that don’t, offer wifi only in select areas, or have daily time limits, there’s always the wireless oozing out of the lounges. Of course if you’re staying in the airport lounge getting access to wifi isn’t a problem, but when you’re not, there are some options.
I’ll be getting further into those methods in the coming weeks but want to compile a list of wireless passwords you may have picked up along your travels.
For example if you’re in Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport and want to extend your wireless access to your gate, you can use the password ‘Lounge2012’. Or if you’re passing through Amsterdam’s Airport Schiphol, you can tweak this lounge password with the current date: KLM210912 (i.e. KLMDDMMYY). [Thanks Melvin.]
I’d like to see if we can come up with a living list I’ll help maintain (or end up with a small disappointment)…but I know you won’t let that happen! So throw down your passwords, even those from vague memory, in the comments below and I’ll follow up with the compilation in the next few weeks.
i’ve had luck getting lounge passwords in foursquare’s tips section. there’s even an iphone app called 4sqwifi that shows only the tips where wifi is mentioned.
Thanks Gabriel, both tips on my list for the upcoming post 🙂
Absolutely cannot wait to see this list. Wish I had something to contribute.
Thanks Barbara, I’m sure you’ll come across a few soon with the amount you travel!
Another password for Ataturk airport. When you enter the International Departure hall, to the right, there is a cafe which I want to say is called Toss Cafe? Anyway, the password for their wifi is atahava2012
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Anil,
Admittedly I am quite shameless. Just like I ask strangers if I could borrow their phones, I also ask people stepping out of first class lounges if they have the wifi password. Youngish (flirt-able) women are my target group. Most recently, I’ve had luck squatting outside Ataturk’s Lufthansa lounge but sadly I can’t recall the password.
Begging v/s stealing.. classic!
cheers, Priyank
All good tactics – begging or borrowing 😉 And no worries about the Lufthansa password, it seems Ataturk Airport is disproportionately littered with wifi passwords here 🙂
Hey if someone goes to Venezuela. The main international airport where everyone arrives is Caracas.
The wifi network is: WIFIAEROPUERTO
and the password is: WIFIAEROPUERTO
All in capital leters.
Thanks so much for helping grow the list! I’ve added your tip here:
It is 23 October 2015, anyone has the the accurate codes for Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport ?
Happy journey 🙂
This wireless password list was just updated in October, including Istanbul Ataturk Airport: http://foxnomad.com/2013/06/11/how-to-get-wireless-passwords-at-airports-when-they-dont-have-free-wifi/
Where i can find Free Wifii in Istanbul Airport in the Transitzone?
And if no free Wifii – have you easy to find Passwords an Locations? The list still actual?
my friend found one Cafe (he not remember the Name) which give him free WIFII after Show ticket – BUT Whats app, Viber or calls via Facebook NOT WORKING anyway … so safe your energy to find WIFII – the VOIP and not working and Whats app and Viber not even work AT ALL – but normal Facebook and Internet working if you just Need that
Hi Anil,
in Argentina’s Ezeiza airport and Aeroparque airport, you can connect free to wifi, unlimited
Thanks for the tip!
What is the Wi-Fi passwords for Madrid and Barcelona?
Check the map!
free wifi
philidelphia amex centurion lounge password is
Confirmed on the map, thanks.