Today’s live chat is a bit unusual in that it’s on a Wednesday, not normally when I publish anything. But that’s when Wandering Earl, with whom I’m organizing this May’s “I Love Istanbul Tour” will be joining me to answer any and all questions you might have about it. Want to know more about what we’ve got planned, reasons the tour is so unique, or hang around for a chance to win 180 Turkish lira (~$100 USD) off the tour price?
We’ll be here answering all of your questions live for one hour today from 2pm-3pm US EST (7pm-8pm GMT) in the comments below.
A very nice place to visit but I’ve actually got another church in mind that hardly any tourists ever go to.
An Armenian church in another part of the city.
Wasn’t gonna bite but the curiosity’s set in. Tell all re the church!! 🙂
🙂 It’s the Aya Dimitri Church in Kurtuluş. Unique for its design compared to other churches of that time and one of the few (regularly) active Armenian churches in the country.
Just had to slip away then to get bearings and look at a pic or two. Looks lovely! Will you get to chat to anyone about it while you’re there or is it just a wander?
Yes, we’ll speak with one of the overseers there as well as a very interesting church member.
We’ll be following with interest via your online presences! 🙂
Hello everyone, it’s not very Turkish I know but it’s the quickest booze I could find – I’m ready for today’s Istanbul chat!
I’m ready as well! And I’ve just cracked open a bottle of Merlot here in South Africa.
Hi Earl, welcome 🙂 How’s SA been going?
Very well…my mom and I are having quite a trip. Currently resting in Joburg for one night before heading up to Kruger National Park for our safari. All good stuff!
Even though this trip is going so well, I still can’t wait to be back in Istanbul though!
So right now you’ve got a Mexico tour planned, what’s on the itinerary?
The Mexico tour, coming up in March, will offer quite a diverse range of destinations – we have the white sand beaches on the Caribbean coast to a few of the most spectacular Mayan ruins, visits to some more traditional towns scattered in the hills, a couple of days in beautiful Oaxaca…and plenty more of course. I’m very happy with the itinerary and I’m confident the participants are going to love the experience.
That will be your second tour, the I Love Istanbul your third and my first. How would you say – having the experience of organizing the others (India and Mexico) – the Istanbul experience will be different?
The great thing about the Istanbul tour is that the entire experience will take place in that one fascinating city. We won’t have to take any long bus or train rides or constantly check in and out of different accommodation. This will allow everyone to truly make the most out of each day and will enable us to offer as complete an experience as possible, something that can’t be offered in a quick two or three day visit.
Will you also be able to control time, space, and sound as you did here?
Absolutely! What you see in the video is exactly how one views the world after a night out on Istiklal Street.
Plus some rakı of course 😉
Hey friends! How are y’all? I am so sad I can’t join you on this trip. I’m sure it’s going to be awesome and I will definitely be there for Istanbul Round 2, whenever that may be!
What? You’re definitely not joining? We were just talking about you and how we hoped you’d change your mind! I have a feeling we can convince you 🙂
Maybe trivia question discount?
Or this:
oh man. the food might get me. y’all are KILLING ME!!
No words:
Hahaha those look familiar! Seriously save me spot #1 on the 2nd tour.
I should add to all of the chat stalkers here now that we’ll also be going on a tour of the Güllüoğlu bakalva factory and meet the man himself – who is as enthusiastic about baklava as a human being can get.
Don’t forget about the traditional mehane dinners! It’s a feast, with dozens of dishes to choose from and we all sit around sharing the food and drinking some raki. And the mehane dinner on the tour will take place at what I believe to be one of the best restaurants in the city!
Definitely one of the absolute best with a fascinating story behind it. I’ll tell everyone about it over lots of food and drink there. A tale and table not found on any other tours.
Funny you should mention that, there have already been talks about a second tour…
Gotta dash. Enjoy the rest of your live chat, both. (Hi Earl.) Really good luck with your Istanbul gig. Wish we could get up there to gatecrash…maybe for your second tour. 😉
Have a good rest of the evening! Thanks and hope to see you again in Turkey soon. Istanbul is never too far outside of my continuing travel plans…
Alright, for those of you interested in a $100 discount off the tour price – a very easy question for you:
Who was the Ottoman Sultan who conquered Constantinople in 1453 and renamed it Istanbul?
Hey Anil is the chat over?? Just saw it in twitter.
Hi Stephen, still here for the next 10-15 minutes 🙂
How are you and where are you in the world right now?
Sweet! The answer to your question is Mehhmed II. I think lol.
Correct 🙂 You’ve got the discount or can transfer it to anyone you know who may want to join us in May.
Good mate. I’m in Ohio till May. That’s my departure date. When I start traveling full-time. My first stop is Egypt. How about you?
Egypt is a fascinating place, especially these days. It was very interesting to talk to the younger locals about the change taking place after the revolution.
I’m well too btw, just hanging out in one place freezing right now in northern Germany. I’ve got so many stories and photos to catch up on I’ll probably be in one place for a few weeks at least. I think.
It has always been one of my top destinations. I’m looking forward to it. Ryan from Pause the Moment is connecting me up with a local he knows. So hopefully I will get some good insights.
Giulia is also a good person to get in touch with:
Your video was bad ass btw!
I glad we are talking about Istanbul. I spent a month there a couple years ago. I completely fell in love with the city. Looking forward to getting back their soon.
My favorite in the world. Any favorite memories from there?
Some many good ones haggling in the Grand Bazaar. One of my favorite things was breakfast (as funny as that sounds) sitting. My hostel had breakfast on the rood. Everyone would sit on pillows while you could hear the morning prayers around the city.
Breakfast is such an important part of Turkish culture. I still take about an hour to eat that meal every day no matter where I am in the world.
On a side note, I believe Earl was eaten by a lion. Dangers of travel blogging while on safari.
haha oh no. Maybe wandering Earl wandered somewhere he shouldn;t have lol.
R.I.P. Wandering Earl
Death by wandering.
Wandering would be the way I’d want to go!
Haha agreed
Nope…the lion just got my left arm but I’m still here. Just didn’t want to interrupt the conversation. But I do want to mention that if any of the silent chat followers out there have any questions about the tour or about Istanbul that they didn’t want to ask on here, please feel free to email either of us!
Absolutely – and you can email Earl here:
or myself:
to ask any questions you may have or sign up and join us for Istanbul in May!
(Hope the lion didn’t eat the entire arm…)
When is the Istanbul tour?
It’s May 1-6th.
Alright everyone, I’m going to begin wrapping up the chat for this month. Sorry about the technical problems and the fact that my guest was eaten by a lion. Next time I’ll try to keep everyone alive. Or at least conscious.
Looking forward to seeing some of you in Istanbul!
Thanks guys! Nice to talk to you 🙂
Have a great time in Egypt!
Cheers again everyone who chatted and watched along. Until next month and perhaps in person in Istanbul, bye!