tipping worldwide

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Tipping practices around the world can vary from confusing to awkward, especially when you don’t know what the local customs are. To make sure you’re being a courteous traveler who knows how much and what services to tip for your can check the map below. It has all of the tipping practices for restaurants, guides, hairdressers and more.

  • Last update: July 15, 2021

You can also bookmark the map or this page to keep up with any future updates.

Take This Map Offline With You

You can put this map on your phone, for offline use with TipFox (download on iOS or Android) has even more detailed tipping info, notifications with tipping practices based on your location, ways connect with locals and other travelers, plus dedicated support during your travels. You can also bookmark this page so you don’t lose track of the map above.

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Share Your Experiences And Updates With Me

This is a living map based on my travels, contact with locals, guides, and feedback from you. Tipping practices can vary a lot based on locality so if you notice anything missing, needing an update, or want to add some information about a service not listed, please comment on this post or email me directly with your update. I’ll keep the map updated to help your fellow travelers and hard working locals as well to make sure nobody leaves feeling shortchanged.

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Putting Spare Change To Use

Of course, after most trips we’re left with change in a foreign currency that often goes out of circulation once we’re back home. Here’s what you can do with leftover foreign currency from an international trip, create a completely digital travel budget, or travel with literally no money at all.

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