July 2006 - foXnoMad

Month: July 2006

The Steroid Olympics

The recent story about Floyd Landis using drugs to win the Tour de France is the latest big deal in the sports community. So the guy had some extra testosterone in him, who hasn’t at one point? Landis came by l’avant...

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for some reason aol has decided to be retarded and i can’t log in to my email 🙁 it’s driving me crazy so i have decided to share that with the world. thank you and have a splendid day full of emails. 🙂 0...

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Need help finding work?

Looking for a job like this guy? Well, I’ve run across many hommies who have lately, so I thought I’d share a tool one of my co-workers recommended. It’s a website called “LinkedIn,” and it’s...

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crazy day

ok so alllllllllll we wanted to do was go to the friggin’ movies with some frenchies, equadorians, koreans, turks, and americans. lol right, so my cousin’s class wanted to meet up for a movie sunday afternoon in DC....

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About Anil Polat

foxnomad aboutHi, I'm Anil. foXnoMad is where I combine travel and tech to help you travel smarter. I'm on a journey to every country in the world and you're invited to join the adventure! Read More

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