This is a great idea so long as you are not driving the car. For business travel getting online in your rental vehicle would be a nice way to kill some time on MySpace get some extra work done after your meeting.

Starting in the first quarter of 2007, Avis customers will be able to rent an Autonet Mobile Service unit, the first “always-on broadband mobile network,” which provides a portable mobile Wi-Fi hotspot that works virtually anywhere. The new technology will initially be available in 10 U.S. markets, for an additional fee of $10.95 per day.

The little gizmo works with all wi-fi enabled laptops, pdas, etc. The service will be available at select Avis locations in the following cities: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York (metro area), San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. Even more spiffy is the fact that the portable wi-fi spot can be removed from the car and taken anywhere the traveler goes.

We’ve got talking and driving, texting and driving, how long before emailing and driving starts? Or have the Blackberry folks already beaten us to it?

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