hitchhikingAs gas prices go up many travelers are looking for creative new ways to save money on every aspect of their trips. There are however, some ‘travel relics’ – formerly popular, now lesser used ways to get around, meet up, and stay in touch.

These travel relics are all in various stages of making a comeback, and you can use them to shave off cents to save for your next tank of gas.

  • Hitchhiking – You’ll need to be good with directions to make sure you’re hopping off the right rides in the right direction. Hitchhiking is best done when traveling solo, preferably in a country you are familiar with.
  • Camping – Pitching a tent by the side of the road is cheaper than staying in a hostel and in many parts of the world you can find kilometers of uninhabited land to live off of. If you’re in a city you can do some ‘urban camping’ by crashing in airports (scope the best spot) or hotel lobbies.
  • Taking Indirect Flights, Overnight Layovers – Any of you who can remember flying in the 80s and early 90s recall that overnight layovers were common, even for more expensive flights. These days we’re a bit spoiled by direct flights and short layovers, but many airlines still offer an overnight (hotel paid) layover for cheaper airfare. Call and ask the airline to see what your options and make 8 minute travel plans for your 24 hour trip.
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The more I look at my travel predictions for 2008, which wrote in January, the more I see the value in looking back to tried and true methods of backpacking and getting around. I’m becoming fascianted with travelers in the past, from 30, 50, 150, etc. years ago. Perhaps that is why we backpack to remote destinations, to escape the modern world.

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Do you feel these travel relics are too dangerous or inconvinient to be worth the potential savings?

[photo by: mcf photography]