meditateIt’s been a hectic past 4 weeks in my life, which has included moving, keeping up with your emails, and finding a solid Internet connection – among other personal obligations. I got to the point today where my mind was simply too fatigued to write anything of quality (I was planning my follow up on why Americans should travel more) and decided to take my own advice.

I’d recommend not to force your writing and don’t be scared to take a break when you feel you need one.

And, today, I’m in need of one.

I’ll resume my regular schedule tomorrow with the best comments of the month, catch up over the weekend and get back to my regular writing schedule next week. On Monday, November 3, 2008 I’ll be announcing my next contest, the Inspire Me Africa photo contest, Tuesday I’ll find out what the most important travel issues are for the next US president, and Wednesday I’ll finally post my thoughts on why Americans should travel more than they do.

Boathouse Restaurant With A View In Traverse City, Michigan

[photo by: Troy B Thompson]