foXnoMad Features: Monthly Archives

monthlyEvery Friday over the next three months I’d like to introduce you to a feature of foXnoMad. Helping you make the most out of every post, connect with your fellow travelers, and travel smarter. You can read previous foXnoMad Features on Search, Blog Locations, Email Subscriptions, Getting In Touch With Me, Recent Comments, and Categories.

This may be no new news to many of you, but for those of you who aren’t quite as Internet-savvy I’d like to introduce you to yet another way to search through foXnoMad posts. You can take a look at a breakdown of posts by month on the right side of the main page,

If you were traveling last December you can catch up on a chronological list of foXnoMad posts from that month or you can throw it way back and check out some posts from the early days. You can also conduct searches based on dates with a little link hacking – the format is or

WiFox Automatically Gives You The Best Airport Wifi Passwords Upon Arrival[year]/[month]

Take a close look at the number of posts throughout the past 3 years. You’ll notice the number of posts per month increase, decrease, increase, then settle down to about 20-30 monthly, something I explained in the history of foXnoMad. A large part of it was based on my wife’s advice and coming up with a weekly posting goal – something I’d highly recommend to any traveler if you want to keep your travel blogging passion alive.