pug on computerAs you often do, many of you have graced foXnoMad with your informative, entertaining, and simply awesome comments this past month.

To show a bit of thanks and to encourage those of you who might be a bit shy, I’ll be giving a $15 Amazon gift card to one commenter this month. To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on any post published during the month of June, 2010. You’ll get one chance to win per every post you leave a (unique) comment on; I’ll pick the winner at random and announce them at the beginning of July.

I hope to do some more of this in the coming months – any ideas for prizes? Why not let me know with a comment (and give yourself 1 entry for the gift card) after reading some of the best from May.

  • In addition to his excellent guest post on Kyoto, Japan, Todd was also kind enough to extend his help if you’re ever planning a trip there.
  • So many of you have great summer travel plans this year, especially road trips across the US. Rod@GoPerFriendly will be driving around mid and northwest states in the coming months.
  • Sometimes the most memorable moments when traveling occur when we slow down or simply lay low and relax. I’m sure many of you can relate to some of Bethany‘s experiences.
I Traveled With A Beard And It Was (Very) Different

Many thanks to everyone who left a comment this month – I hope you’ll keep them coming! Remember each post you leave a comment on is a single entry for a $15 Amazon gift card. Also, I know many of you travel frequently and a Amazon card might not be too useful so if that’s the case I’ll send you the $15. You can buy yourself a beer, Coke, or perhaps a night at a hostel.

[photo by: larryvincent]