February live chat reminderHello, good morning, afternoon, or evening wherever you may be in the world; I’d like to invite you to my February live chat taking place right here on the site. Just come to any foXnoMad page and click the gigantic banner you’ll see floating atop the entire site. The chat will begin at 5pm US EST and I’d love to hear from you. I’ll take your travel and tech questions, comments, and let you know what my next contest prize may be in March.

In the second hour at 6pm US EST I’ll be joined from Mexico by guests Dan and Audrey who write Uncornered Market. They’ll be talking and taking your questions about their recent travels in Iran and over 60 other countries in the last 4 years.

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The Chat Will Be Live Later Today At These Times

Traveling Offbeat? We’ve Got You Covered

Whether it’s Kyrgyzstan, Iraq, or Antarctica; if you’ve ever wanted to travel to an offbeat destination, this is the chat for you. I hope you’ll drop by and look forward to spending some time with you.