craiova park lake

The 2015 Best City To Visit Travel Tournament was the one where the Romanians, whose city’s Sibiu and Craiova won in 2013 and 2014 respectively, looked most vulnerable. There was a very close call with Granada in the Final Four – had the local media campaign begun an hour earlier it’s likely Targu Jiu would have lost. Instead, Targu Jiu passed Granada by 3 votes and eventually Boston, to be named 2015’s Best City To Visit by you.

Same Country, Different Results

Although it’s the third Romanian win, three things still hold true about The Best City tournaments: no Champion city has ever won back to back contests and no city has ever won the tournament twice. Finally, and most exciting for me, is that no city I have ever visited before has won. Since I always head to the winner of the best city contest before the year is up, I’m especially looking forward to planning my first trip to Targu Jiu some time in 2015.

Tell Me Your Favorite City For A Chance To Win $300 In The 2015 Best City To Visit Travel Tournament

2015 best city final bracket

Next Year’s Tournament Will Be A Big One

I’ve already have a few things in mind for the 2016 Best City To Visit Travel Tournament, including a big prize. You’ll have to wait until next February to find out the specific details but the best way to get first word on how 2016’s contest could send you traveling is to sign up for my free bi-monthly newsletter.

Congratulations again to The Best City To Visit of 2015, Targu Jiu as well as Damian, who originally picked the city. You’ll have $300 coming your way soon! Again, thank you to all of you who nominated the other 63 cities as well as those who voted. Your participation is what makes the contest come to life every year!

Here's What Craiova, The Best Romanian City You Probably Haven't Heard Of Looks Like

Let me know your recommendations if you’re from or have been to Targu Jiu in the comments below. When or what events would you suggest I visit, what should I eat, see, and eat?