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Finding an open wireless connection in many airports isn’t always easy, or possible, without a password (or local phone number which is stupid). The difficulty of getting online is why I asked you for and created an always-up-to-date list of airport wireless passwords around the world. You’ve been sending me your tips regularly and I post on the foXnoMad Facebook page when there’s a new password or airport added.

Recently, reader Zach made a great suggestion that will make it easier for you to search, add, and keep up with this airport wireless password list.

The Map Of Airport Wireless Passwords

Below is a regularly updated map of all the airport wireless and lounge passwords you send and I come across on my travels. I’ll still be updating the original how to get wireless passwords from airports page with this information as well but now you can search around on the map directly.

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  • Last update: November 29, 2024

You can also bookmark the map or this page to keep up with any future updates.

Please Send Me Any Passwords You Come Across

This list becomes more useful the more of you who send me passwords you find at airports. If you get any lounge passwords or for other access points, please leave a comment on this post or email me directly. (Even if the airport is already listed; since they tend to change frequently, the newer the update the better.) I’ll update the map to help your fellow travelers stay connected when they’re hopping from airport to airport.

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Upgrade Your Wireless Superpowers

When you are snagging some wifi from a lounge, extending your laptop’s wireless range lets you sit further away from the source, which might mean the difference between a cold floor or a cushy cafe seat. The biggest boost to your wifi range is getting one of these USB wireless antenna. Once you do get connected, prevent network time restrictions from cutting you off and be sure to share with any friends you may traveling with.

The Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II Are Ready For First Class

Please don’t forget to send me any airport or lounge wireless passwords you come across from anywhere in the world! It will help me keep this list, plus the map, updated and help a lot of other travelers.