This map is now available in app form! DroneMate is available on the App Store and Google Play.

Many travelers have been caught off guard at customs and having traveled around the world with my drone, can say the rules are often confusing. A big part of this is due to a lot of hearsay and misinformation floating around online, so I got in touch with the appropriate governing bodies in every country in the world to put together this map of official laws for recreational droning worldwide.
- Last update: December 31, 2024
You can also bookmark the map or this page to keep up with any future updates.
The map is updated regularly and only applies to recreational drone use – commercial drone use requires a permit in practically any country you can think of. I’ve also included links to registration forms and any other relevant contact information you may need before you fly your drone in a given country.
U.S. States And Special Circumstances
Several U.S. states have additional (to the Federal Aviation Administration; FAA) rules governing drone use, those have been included in the map above as well. Additionally, some specific tourist sites, parks, and other areas have their own rules concerning drone use, those have been noted as well.
Help Me Clear The Grey Areas
I’ve tried to organize the map into four main categories:
- Green: Drone use is generally allowed.
- Yellow: Drone use is limited or may require cumbersome registration processes.
- Red: Drone import or use is prohibited or otherwise heavily restricted.
- Grey: No data or there are no defined or applicable UAV laws.
Of course, not all drone regulations fit neatly into these categories so please feel free to comment if you have any questions – and in many countries, the law may say one thing, but travelers experience another. I hope that you’ll help add to this map by commenting about your experiences below. Lastly, although I’ve done my best to get the most accurate information but it’s informational and ultimately it’s your responsibility to know the rules and not get in trouble. I hope this map helps serve as a valuable guide as you travel with your drone around the world!
I’ve had several friends bring in and fly drone in Kyrgyzstan – not sure where you got that info from. Only place I’ve seen it be an issue is during large public gatherings on holidays in Bishkek.
The information came directly from contacts in the appropriate governing bodies on Kyrgyzstan. Though thanks for your comment, like in many countries, when it comes to droning, the laws says one thing but in practice is another.
Recently came back from Iran and made a rookie mistake of not doing my research before taking my drone with me. Anyways long story short everyone said drone is banned in the country and especially in the capital city Tehran, but I heard you can apply for a permit to fly your Drone in the country, but good luck getting one as things are complicatd there and takes time, so to avoid what I have being through and survive to write this, DO NOT TAKE YOUR DRONE TO IRAN. I was very to had mind taken and return to after 4 days of waiting and questioning when I flew it at tourist attraction site and unknowingly flew over sensitive area in a city called Isfahan.They might think You’re a spy with your drone..
Thanks for adding your experiences – I’ll be back in touch with the authorities to clear up if there have been any official rule changes (none as far as I know nation-wide). I hope this map comes in handy on your future travels, it’s also in app form too if you’re interested:
Haha, same happened to me, big drama with Secret Services and police in the middle of Isfahan and whole day at immigration being interogated. However I disagree totally, you can take drone to Iran, and it is permitted, saying that you need to choose carefully where you fly. Apparently I was close to some military bunker in the desert that’s why I got followed for 3 days and detained. One more thing I have british driving license which caused escalation, otherwise It would have been fine.
Police and secret services confirmed, that drones are allowed in Iran. Not over Tehran though.
Hey, speaking from Pakistan here, No drone laws applicable here so it should be marked as grey!
Hi, thanks for catching that! I updated Pakistan on the map and have been working for a while to get more detailed information.
Hi Shayan,
I am looking to travel to pakistan next week and was hoping to take my Phantom 4 Drone with me. Will I be charged customs duties/taxes for Import/Export on both my in and outward journeys?
Adnan, the map above will be updated with any new rules, regulations, and taxes.
Vanuatu has had drone laws since October 2016 –
Registration of both RPAS and Operator are required. –
Thank you for the information, I’ll update the map now!
Sahara Occidental isn’t a country. Is a ocuped region for Maroc, so, the laws are the same taht Maroc: forbidden fly there without permission from Maroc Adouane.
Thanks for this amazing map!
Thanks! Yes, it’s a bit of a legal grey area, I will update to better reflect the situation on the ground.
Great start. Hopefully you will get feedback to improve it so it can be even more accurate. A few additions:
U.S. – Must have a FAA license for commercial use (Part 107 License)
– Cannot fly over National Parks (Supposedly temporary rule, but since 2014)
– Cannot fly over National Wildlife Preserves
State of Pennsylvania – Can only fly in designated areas of a limited number of State Parks
State of North Carolina – You must have a state license for commercial use, available online for free with a test that seems to be a subset of the FAA Part 107 test with a small amount of State Law questions.
Thank you very much for the additions, I’ll add them to the map.
There are no laws in Georgia on drones specifically. However, there are certain bylaws and rules set in place for the purpose of restricting certain areas of drone use to ensure that the public, and the users alike, are safe during any operation.
The Georgia House passed a resolution (HR 744) to create a committee to look into drones. The committee continues to look into federal drone laws annually.
Continue to monitor FAA Regulations with regards to registration requirements of hobbyist operators. The committee does not want to duplicate the process or hinder the industry.
Form a commission made up of legislators, researchers, industry experts, and others deemed appropriate to help develop policy and encourage industry expansion within the state.
Continue to encourage our universities and technical colleges to find ways to get involved by offering classes, certifications, or any other opportunities that may be deemed necessary.
Encourage the state and its agencies to use drone technology in areas where it could provide a cost savings or improve safety.
Look for opportunities to encourage venture capitalists to help with startups in Georgia.
Hello. Some information on Sweden is wrong. You only need liabilityinsurance if you are flying comersially. Not for hobbyists or recreational flying. Also you don’t need to mark your drone with telephone number or name.
Thanks Kevin, I’ll follow up with the CAA to confirm the wording of the regulations.
Confirmed with updates!
Nice map, thanks for putting it together! You have a green for Ecuador but in the Galapagos drones with cameras are not permitted by tourists. They only allow the use of camera drones for research under strict permitting. This is the rule we were told. We did have someone on our trip who brought a drone and the operator allowed him to fly only when we were alone and no other boats were in the area.
Thank you for the feedback. I’ll follow up to see if there are any official rules.
Confirmed and updated, thanks again!
Hi there, drones are permitted in Cook Islands, their regulations follow the same as New Zealand.
Connecticut- Drone use is “prohibited at Connecticut State Parks, State Forests or other lands under the control of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, unless specifically authorized by the Commissioner in a Special Use License.”
Confirmed and updated, thanks.
For Portugal, the description is far too generic and the reality in most urban areas is not as mentioned.
The official rules, displayed on the National Aviation Authority’s (ANAC) specific site are quite more restrictive than what is displayed in your tool.
The website (link below) is is Portuguese but there is a KMZ file for Portugal (“Regulamento RPA_ver_5.0.kmz”, version may have changed) and a specific one for Lisbon listed (Areas_Lisboa.kmz):
Thank you for the feedback, I’ve added the tools and additional regulations with guidelines.
Useful website, thanks!
Concerning mongolian laws :
I’ve personally flown my drone (mavic pro) in the capital city of Mongolia and all around the country and there is no problem. I even asked if I could take off from a rooftop of a restaurant in the capital and they were more than happy to let me fly.
[EDIT: removed]
Keep up the good work,
Hi Zeph,
Thanks for the feedback and reporting on your personal experience. I had followed up to confirm the link you had sent some time ago but it’s not accurate – currently there are no laws or regulations in place specific to drones in Mongolia.
Hej, great work, I’ve been looking for something similar for quite a time!
As an Austrian I would like to add that for most consumer camera drones you don’t have to really pass an exam to fly, but you’ll have to register and of course insure the drone. The registration has to be renewed every year and costs 330€. After successful registration flying below 150m above ground is permitted if constant visual contact can be guaranteed.
There are 4 different categories for which you can apply:
A – drones <5kg and above undeveloped and unpopulated areas
B – settled areas and <5kg or unpopulated areas and <25kg or undeveloped areas and <150kg
C – densely populated areas and <5kg or settled areas and <25kg or unpopulated areas and <150kg
D – densely populated areas and <150kg
The requirements get higher with each category, for B-D you'll need to prove that your drone is "safe to operate", which means it'll have to have some sort of redundancy so it doesn't come down if e.g. one or more motors stop to work. For C&D you'll need to pass said exam on aviation law.
Excepted from these rules are drones with a kinetic energy of less than 79 Joule, so called "toys". If you can assure that your drone will have less than 79 Joule of kinetic energy on impact (if it falls from the sky or you crash it into something), you can fly it below 30m above ground and in a way that no people or objects are at risk. For more than 30m you'll need permission from the "Austro Control" (authority).
If kin. energy is below 79 Joule, you're good to go below 30m above ground, for bigger/faster drones you'll need to register depending on what area you're planning to fly above, which will cost money and time.
Thank you very much for these details Alex, I’m going to confirm them and post once I do!
Thank you again for the information you provided. The authorities just sent me the latest relevant rules and I’ve updated the map and app with them.
Philippine RPAS Rules Summary:
1) Latest RPAS rules for the Philippines available at [EDIT: Link removed]
Thank you. It seems the rules you posted may have been recently updated, I’m following up to confirm with the authorities.
Thanks for the great resource! Just a small update to add to Connecticut, as of June 2017, the state of CT passed a bill that prevents individual towns from passing additional drone restrictions.
For my own experiences, I have had no issues flying 100+ drone flights across the state.
Great tool here thanks, I just notice that Turkey is green, but they didn’t allow import of drone, I don’t know if using is prohibited (they keep mine at customs for futur destruction…)
Thank you. Yes, there are no official restrictions but many travelers report this happening to them – others however, don’t have this problem. I would recommend thinking twice before bringing a drone to Turkey.
The Netherlands should be yellow, since there are quite some rules and restrictions. Especially for commercial use (you need to be certified for certain drones)
And you need to stay away 15km from airports (3 km from helipads and gliding ports)
This map shows forbidden and restricted areas:
[EDIT: Link removed]
Estonia –
For France:
To fly professionally you need a licence, an insurance, you need to register your drone to the authorities.
This is the case – at a minimum – for most countries. The map only show recreational regulations.
Great job, thank you!
A few remarks concerning Poland:
1. For airport controlled zone (CTR) permission from the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency is not required when flying:
– at least 1 km from airport fence – aircraft up to 0.6 kg weight, maximum altitude 30 m
– at least 6 km from airport fence – aircraft up to 25 kg weight, maximum altitude 100 m
2. Flying is also not permitted over national parks and military areas
3. Handy map of no-fly zones and restricted zones:
Best regards.
Hi Lukasz, I followed up with the authorities. The distances you listed aren’t correct but the general information looks right – thanks!
Which authorities?
Here is original Ordinance from Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction, came into effect Sep 7 2016:
Załącznik (attachment) nr 1, Rozdział (chapter) 4, point 4.1, sub 6) tells about necessity of having PANSA authorisation for flights in CTR.
Point 4.3 of the same chapter excludes aircrafts up to 0.6 kg at least 1 km from airport border
Point 4.4 of the same chapter excludes aircrafts up to 25 kg at least 6 km from airport border
It is also consistent with the map I linked in previous comment.
Thanks for the information, it’s updated now 🙂
Official Info-Flyer by Ministry of Transport for Germany has a nice graphic on p. 2
FYI, all drone use in Maine State Parks has been prohibited since June 1st.
Thanks for the update!
I live in Hungary, everything written is only a plan, Hungary has strict, impossible law on drones basically written for planes and helicopters.
I don’t want write today situation, because they promised to finish the drone law until July, now it’s almost October, and there is still no news about the drone law.
In Chile drones must have parachutes just if the drone weight more than 750 gr. The Mavic pro doesn’t ‘t require a parachute or any permision to fly.
Thanks for the feedback, I’ll verify.
Hi Anil. Did you end up verifying about Chile?
Yes, the latest rules are up on the map!
I went to Senegal last winter and they wouldn’t let me enter the country with the drone, I had to let it at the douane.
The map indicates “no data”, well I’m telling you it requires authorization.
Thank you for the map, hope I helped a little bit!
Thanks for the update, I hope you got your drone back!
This is not correct, according to the local authorities.
This is what I’ve been looking for!! I have a DJI Spark- I guess I will be ok without a permit and paracute?
Yes, the Spark is only 300g.
Ok, so to clarify, operating a DJI Spark in Chile, no need for permit or parachute?
Clarified the rule on the map (there are some conditions). Redirecting you there as the information in the comments might be outdated and the map will be current.
Good evening, The Mavic is appx 734g according to DJI site, so the Mavic should be good to go without registering to fly in Chile and no parachute needed….just looking for solid confirmation.
Please check the map for the updated rules (clarified today).
I have heard and read that one must declare their drone in customs when entering Chile and a temporary importation tax is applied for the Mavic (most likely other drones as well) when entering customs in Chile, are you able to confirm this? If so, what %? And is the tax returned when leaving the country?
Thank you in advance,
Please check the map, Chile is up-to-date.
This info relates to passengers on board cruise ships operating in the Arctic. More often than not, access to the outlying areas is restricted to those on a cruise . Few of us can charter an aircraft to reach far distant places so there’s a strong likelihood of most people being affected by these regulations
Montenegro – special license needed. On border they took my mavik for … expertise. I had an hour nervous disscussion with customer officer. Finely he returns me the quadrocopter without microSD! There wasn’t any unlegal pictures. I lost my records and card. He didn’t give me formal paper, hу had robbed me. I felt myself f*cked.(((
I’m going to follow up with them – though the confiscated SD card seems shady. Sorry this happened to you.
Those border authorities weren’t acting in accordance to the law, based on what you’ve said. The map has been updated with details.
Thanks for the great work !
I will be going to Costa Rica in 2 weeks and I am thinking of taking my mavic pro with me. I have seen that costa rica Is green on your map however, I read that a new directive took effet in August 2017
According to it, a 48 hour theoretical training and 10 hour of practical training in schools authorized by DGAC or from an equivalent international organization but approved by DGAC are needed.
Do you know anything about it ?
Many thanks for your help.
I’ll have an update shortly.
Hi Anil!
Love the map! Super useful. There are more details for Singapore, but this is a very good overview! I am wondering if I can republish this [EDIT] and link everything to you? Do let me know! Would love to share this on my main website.
You want to embed the map?
Georgia (country). Regulated by GCAA
OK to fly, follow rules. No registration for drones under 5 KG.
In English –
And more details using Google Translate –
Thank you very much, I’ve confirmed and updated the rules on the map and in the DroneMate app.
Hello! I believe that you need to put the red marker on Russia. Unfortunately in our country getting the official permission to fly your drone is next to impossible, so everybody is flying illegally here.
Here is the official bulletin regarding the drone operations in Russia.
Briefly: you must get the official permission from local AND regional Air Traffic Control for any UAV operations, no matter the drone weight, altitude and other flight properties. In addition to this, when flying in urban area, you must get the official permission from local authorities. When using the aerial camera, you need to have a separate permission from authorities, as this is officially recognized as “aerial works”.
Thanks for the feedback! Yes, you’re right, it’s more of a “red” situation and I’ve updated the map and DroneMate app to reflect that.
In the meantime the red marker on Belarus is not correct. According to recent changes to Belorussian law (as of Feburary 25, 2016), there is an “air model” subclass of UAV. Within the “air model” class fall the controlled UAVs which can operate only within VLOS (and also any uncontrolled UAVs).
In August 16, 2016 the rules for air models’ usage in Belarus were established. The air models may be launched and operated below 100 m AGL (outside the restricted zones) without any prior notification of officials. If the total weight of air model exceeds 500 grams, it must have the identification markings made by its owner (name and address of owner).
Looks more like a yellow color, isn’t it?
And I’m afraid that you posted the incorrect text regarding the situation in Russia.
There are 2 different aspects which don’t correlate with each other:
1. Your drone (with weight starting from 200 grams) must be registered in government agency and bear the NFC ID, but the process of registration has not started yet.
2. For every single drone flight you must get the official permission at the local and regional air traffic control. If flying in urban area – also from the local authorities. These permissions are valid only for specific time and location, so you need to get a separate permission for every flight.
I’m following up to see if I can get digital copies of the forms, thanks for the feedback!
For South Africa it does not say anything about a permit for recreational use while I find on the web that you need to get that… can you please advise?
The information above is up to date, currently no permit is needed for recreational use.
I have just successfully gone through the process of registering my two DJI Mavic Pro drones in Curacao. The procedure and forms were apparently created in August 2017.
Contact Mr. Michael Llanes (Aviation Safety Inspector Operations ) at Curacao Civil Aviation Authority, [email protected] +11-(5999)-839-3309. He will provide a form to be completed and submitted as well as safety guidelines and a map showing “no fly zones’ related to the airport, industrial facilities, military training areas, and wildlife areas.
He will refer you also to Mr. Glennert Riedel at Bureau Telecommunicatie en Post ([email protected], -11-(5999)-463-1738), who must also provide approval based on the remote control and aircraft transmitters frequencies and powers. You must provide a form of identification to Mr. Riedel. Mr. Llanes and Mr. Riedel will coordinate between themselves and both provide official stamps and signatures on an approval letter, and will email it back to you.
Without registration, your drone will be confiscated at Customs, and will be returned to you when you have acquired a properly executed approval letter. So, it is a good idea to go through the process via email before traveling to Curacao!.
CCAA will be adding the form and procedures to their web site (now under re-development) Real Soon Now.
Thank you very much for this detailed information. I’m following up with all the contacts you’ve listed and will update as soon as I can confirm.
Azerbaijan – restricted, red mark.
Blocked at customs :
5.5. Commodities restricted from being passed through the customs borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the physical persons:
– unmanned aerial vehicles (air drones) controlled from distance.
Thanks for the update!
Turkey should not be green. You must register your drone to fly and only turkish citizens can register. Also, you can get your drone confiscated at the customs. [EDIT: Link removed.]
The link you provided was outdated. Please check the map above for the latest rules.
Any experiences when flying a drone in Monaco? did you apply for a permit? using a mavic pro. Thanks!
Turkey only for citizens (as of April 2018). Registration required _BOTH_ for pilots and for drones over 500g. Foreigners/tourists can not fly anything (ever Spark or Mavic Air, which are under 500g). Here’s a response from Directorate General of Civil Aviation ( “In order to fly your drone in Turkey, you have to register your drone and yourself in our reg.system. It is not required to register your drone since the MTOW is under 500 gr. But as a pilot you have to reg. Yourself. But fort he time being foreign people can’t register him/herself. Because reg.system connects to Ministry of Internal Affairs system to verify the citizen number. If you have not Turkish citizen number, you can’t do that.”
I’m going to follow up on this, thanks. Currently this doesn’t correspond to the official rules as stated but perhaps a formal update hasn’t been issued. In either event I’ll update if there have been any changes.
Some improvement suggestions for the Netherlands: it is stated that “Drones may not be flowen over … public roads.”. This is true, but there are two exceptions: “roads in 30 km zones within built-up areas and roads in 60 km areas outside built-up areas”. After this statement, the map says “Drones may not be flown over railways or motorways accessible paved roads, excluding roads in 60 km (37 miles) from build-up areas”. True, we may not fly over railways, but the second part is incorrect; it is covered by my previous comment: you may fly over roads in 60 km areas outside built-up areas. The last rule says “Drones must be flown at least 3 km (1.8 miles) of any airport.” This is true for small airports, but we are not allowed to fly within controlled air space, meaning you have to keep a much bigger distance from large airports. Apart from this, there are nature reserves we are not allowed to fly in.
I see Rome/Vatican City is prohibited. I don’t see any information on the Dolomites in northern Italy. Do you know if there are any restrictions or concerns for the Dolomites region in Northern Italy?
Sorry, I must have missed this comment. Check the map above for updates but as of this writing, in several regions there are open for flying, with some restrictions.
News from France :
Above 0.8 kg you have to register your drone and pass an exam here :
The map remain the same :
From this law article :
Thanks for the update – it’s in the map and in the DroneMate app!
Philipines drone laws to add on your map.
Drone use is allowed in the Philippines, but there are several drone laws that need to be followed when flying in the country. Operators must ensure that they follow the following drone laws when flying in Philippines.
I’ll parse and post the latest laws if there are any updates shortly, thanks!
Is this map still being updated? Has an overview of drone laws, the official government website of Malawi is down now, otherwise I would have added a link from them. Provided link on droneregulations has links redirecting to the government website, so maybe that works by the time you are checking!
Absolutely, this map is updated as the laws are!
For France, currently first statement is incorrect :
> *Prior to flying a drone, you must register and pass an online exam found here (
It should be :
> *Prior to flying a drone weighing more than 800g, you must register and pass an online exam found here (
The training is good to follow even with a drone below 800g, but drone registration & exam pass is not required.
Thanks for the updates!
Wow I had no idea of all the restrictions and the countries you’re not allowed to even take it into the country. I’ve only recently got a drone and plan on travelling soon and this has saved my life. Thank you ever so much!
You’re very welcome, I’m happy to help!
Hello, I’m wondering if anyone has any recent experience taking a DJI Mavic (or similar weight class drone) to Argentina and what their experience was going through customs. I see on the map that registration is required, but the link is in Spanish (or Portuguese) only. Is there any other helpful hints with getting the registration filled out, i.e., how long it takes for a response (if there is one)? is there a fee? is the drone required to have insurance? is there an import tax at customs, if so, is customs strict? When I went to Chile last year, they didn’t even ask or check for a drone. Wondering if it will be similar. Any feedback will be appreciated!
COMMENTAny info with taking drone through customs in Buenos Aires? As in are they strict with drones being taken in? Will they charge an import tax fee? Are they strict with registration?
Home the owner still support this map,
The terms is changing for Bulgaria
From January 2019
u or everybody can ask him thru mail why this all is not at English and
how the foreigner suppose to know or understand for that changes,
we are at EU at all,
still roll the law from 20’th century
but punishment is from 21’st century
” For violation of the above provision, a fine of BGN 1,000 to BGN 10,000 shall be imposed on the persons
pursuant to Article 144 (5) of the Civil Aviation Act. “
Thanks for this note, I’ve verified the rules and updated the map and the DroneMate app.
Found this page with rules for Cabo Verde:
This is official Civil Aviation page. According to page drone law is quite liberal.
Looks like that page is not currently working. Thanks for sharing, I’ll keep checking back.
Strange.. if enter their main page and click “drones” banner which leads to same url it works.
Odd, it was working off and on – think I’ve got it now. Thanks again!
Good work,
i see they are make ENG. APPl.
PDF’s is for how much permission and who have it
HTML files are the NOTAM daily maps
Regards Teo!
I would like to tell you about change in Slovakian laws. Under the pressure of EU and the terminology in Slovakian laws, a lot has changed. Nowadays, you can fly with drones without any issues, if you aren’t making profit from the photos and videos you make. So if you fly as an hobby and you like only take the pictures for your use, or post them somewhere without making any profit, there is no need for permit or flying license.
Hobby flying restrictions:
– Max flying height is 120m.
– You are forbidded to fly after sunset.
– You always have to see the drone.
– You have to be atleast 50 meters away from buildings and people.
If you are selling the photos and videos you make:
– Same rules apply to you aswell.
– You need to have flying license for the drone you are flying with.
– You need to create something like a guide about your drone, its parameters and what you can and can’t do with it.
– You need to have permit, which costs 600 euros and is for 1 year. ( When it ends, you have to apply for the permit again, but its cheaper)
– You have to have insurence against hurt or damage to third party by the drone.
I might have missed something, but that is the general gist of it.
Thanks – I’m going to follow up with the authorities and add the official updates shortly.
they keep my drone in YANGON Myanmar and give it back to me at the end of my trip 😉
Let me know how it goes, glad you got it back!
Hola. Rpca Dominicana desde 2015 tiene regulaciones. Para drones menores de 2 kg. no es necesario autorización pero limita a vuelos VLC 455 mts y altura 121 mts. y en condiciones VMC. Y A 5 mn de aeropuertos y no es permitido en sitios arqueológicos.
So if you now have this data could incorporate it to the map
Thanks, I was able to pull the latest laws and update.
Thank’s for this huge work. Unfortunately, I think the legislation is changing for Canada.
From the 1st June 2019, a drone pilot certification will be needed to fly a drone, with an official registration
Best regards ! 🙂
Thank you! I’ll be sure to update the map on the 1st.
Drone is banned in Kyrgyzstan??? Where you take this information from???
From their Civil Aviation Authority and Air Force.
Your Information are very wrong. I just talk to Kyrgyz Embassy in London.
Thanks for the update. I’m getting conflicting reports from internal sources – though on paper drones are officially banned in Kyrgyzstan. I’ll keep following up and update the map and DroneMate accordingly.
….and drones banned in Uzbekistan.
Drones were absolutely banned in Sri Lanka lately.
Also, this february, law in Slovakia changed; The rules you currently have in the map now applies only to people earning money by flying with drones. Meaning: If you create video footage you will gain money for (any way, even ad on youtube counts), you need to have permit, insurance, license etc. to even fly the drone in the first place. Recreational flying with drone is available in Slovakia as long as:
1. You are in distance of 50m form people or building structure (not specified further)
2. You are not in National Park area, military area or airport area.
3. You don´t fly in night.
4. You have the drone in sight during the whole flight.
Thanks – Sri Lanka has been updated since the law changed and I’m adding the latest Slovakia laws as well.
Bangkok is a complete no fly zone, you must ask for permission from the CAAT (in person) detailing your flight and landing and takeoff zones, the zone covers a radius of 19km from Victory Monument
Really nice blog article – especially the map is amazing.
I have found that article during my time in Peru [LINK REMOVED] and maybe you can use it for that country?
Thanks – I’m in touch with the authorities there and will add any updates soon.
Have You Got more clear information from Kyrgyzstan?
I’ve actually got some calls to figure out the situation as the official information I received wasn’t entirely clear. I’m going to follow up as soon as possible, hopefully this week.
Probably worth a direct link to the Iceland government website. Also worth noting that it is illegal to fly a drone within the National Parks without permission.
Thanks for the suggestions, I’ve added them to the map above.
Mexico per CO AV-23/10 R4 section 8: You do not need to register the drone unless over 250 grams. Over 250 grams you must register the drone and must be a citizen to be able to register. Many other typical and standard additional flying requirements follow in the document.
Following EU legislation since Nov. 15, 2019 there are new rules for drone flying In Slovakia. No drone registration is required when no commercial flights are performed. Drones are categorized by weight. Categories define zones, max. height, distances, etc.
Drone categories: up to 900g, 900g-4kg, 4kg-25kg
I must say the current slovak drone rules are very, very comfortable for hobby flying.
Here is a link to the legislation act (Slovak version).
Thanks! I’ve made the needed updates to the map and DroneMate app.
hi i am on cruise ship and traveling in Oman than india , i have mavic mini 249 grams, do i need a licence and anything else to do ,any licences or reports.
and also do i need to report in thailand and malasya 249 grame drone?
This video goes into further detail:
Specific laws can be found in the map above and in the DroneMate app:
Hello, what if I come from Canada to USA and then back with the drone same day (Ontario->New York->Ontario), may customs take it away? Do i need any license for carrying it with me? Also, can you take it as a hand luggage or security at airport might take it away?
Check the laws for both countries to see the latest if there are any restrictions. As for transportation, you must at least have the batteries as carry on, airlines prohibit them from being in checked luggage. I usually have my drone with me as well, with my other electronics.
Hi, According to GACA, you can register and fly a drone in Saudi Arabia since 2019, there is a link to register on the general authority of civil aviation.
Hello! One famous Russian blogger was recently imprisoned in South Sudan because the local military service in the airport found a drone controller in his luggage ( They’ve decided he performed flights while having no permission from the local ministry of a wildlife. But actually the drone was withdrawn in the airport of Uganda due to the same reason. So looks like you need a permission not just to fly, but even to enter these countries with the drone.
Thanks for the update. I’ll look into whether this is a legal issue or a case where the enforcement doesn’t quite match the law.
hello, is it possible to take a drone to the maldives and is it possible to fly there freely?
Check the map or DroneMate app, they’re updated in real time!
I have a line on a drone (in Canada) that the guy selling it says came from Puerto Rico and he moved to Canada but cannot get a permit (drone license) to fly it here because he is not Canadian. Is this true, you need to be a Canadian citizen to get a drone license here (he said he bought a mini to be able to fly instead)?
There are a few things to unpack from that question. If you’re an iOS user you can leave your question in the DroneMate app. Premium users (30-day free trial) get guaranteed replies with a notification about just such specific matters:
As a general answer, it sounds like he might not need to register the drone but check the Canada rules on the map or check in on DroneMate for personalized support with your drone.
ps. Android version coming soon…
I published it on Facebook group and immediately some people noted that this map must be updated. Is it possible to do it as contributors or do we have to send you messages ?
All the best
There are a few ways – either through the comments here or by email:
Additionally, if there are any DroneMate users, the apps have a built-in update, comment, and rating system. I (with some help) verify from official sources and follow up on any suggested updates.
Which Facebook group? Let me know and I’ll try to answer any other questions. Thanks!
The group is “DJI Mini 3 Pro France”.
Thanks for your answer.
Thanks – please also feel free to share my reply and this page on the group as well.
Just gone to Senegal, and it’s possible to enter with personal drone.
You need to declare your drone to ANACIM. It’s mandatory.
But if your drone has a camera, you need the agreement from “Ministère de l’intérieur”. You need to ask them (because of camera) first and then, if you have their agreement, you can post to ANACIM to get the ability to enter to Senegal with your Drone and then use it.
Both step are required.
The numeric way is very difficult. Contact them directly by phone if you need answer quickly.
Thanks for the update! I’ll research further and make any necessary updates. Feel free to get in touch as well, I’d be happy to connect with an upgrade to DroneMate.
In France now, you are limited to 120m high in open category
Thanks for the update!
We have a trip scheduled to Vietnam and I would like to know where I should apply for authorization. I would like to film in Phong Nha Caves. Could you help me apply for authorization.
You can get personalized support with DroneMate Premium, out on iOS now and coming soon to Android:
Bonjour , je dois me rendre à Singapour puis en Australie ..
mais avant cela j’ai bien souvent des escales dans des endroits comme doha au Qatar où abu dhabi.. est ce que cela peut me poser problème pour mon drone à la douane pendant le transit ? Merci
Check the map and DroneMate app for the latest specific rules for those countries. You can also, in DroneMate, get additional personalized assistance. Hope this helps and safe travels!
Hi Anil! Thank you for the work you’ve done – great job!
I’m about to test drone flight in Bosnia & Herzegovina. So far I found this resource:
When I go there and check it myself, I’ll let you know the results.
Hope this helps
Thanks Dmitrii! I’ll update our data here too.
Drones are totally prohibited in Jordan for individuals despite the fact that there is no law for drones.
Drone in Uzbekistan are forbidden, just got mine confiscated by the customs (Will get it back at the airport when i leave)
Didn’t have any trouble in Kirghizistan and Kazakhstan
Drones are temporarily suspended in UAE according to Ministry of Interior
Sorry it took me so long to reply – yes, that’s correct. Drone use has been effectively banned.
Hello there is no western sahara in Morocco, need update