foXnoMad got a new look last week and over the weekend some enhancements. To help further protect your privacy and security online, all connections to foXnoMad are now using TLS encryption. This means, among other things, your comments (along with the information you send with them, like email addresses) won’t be visible to anyone potentially watching the wireless network you’re on. Switching to full encryption is a move sites like Google and Facebook have made and it was about time I did here too.
Sites using SSL/TLS do give you some privacy on wireless networks but to be completely secure, you should be using one of these VPNs for travelers. For foXnoMad, you shouldn’t notice any major differences from the change (except a little lock icon in your browser bar) but if you do come across any weirdness, I would appreciate if you could please let me know in the comments below. Thanks!
Well done. Encrypting is real solution when governments are spying. I went last year to Yemen and in my way to Dubai I had to stop in Houston for transfer. At US immigration they stopped me and my wife for questioning why we were going to Yemen. We did not have tickets or visa that would tell we were traveling to this country as tourist to take some photos. Some read my mails to our driver. No other clue.
Perhaps it was information sharing from your flight data given it was your final destination.