Over the last few months I’ve been contemplating reducing the number of posts I write per week from the normal 5 per weekday to something like 3 (not including picture posts), and I’d like you get your opinion on it. It’s not that I don’t have something to say, or ever post for the sake of posting, but think it may be easier for subscribers to consume. So, what do you think?

am i posting too much

I already write for Tech Guide For Travel, How To Travel With Pets, and Travel Blog Advice so there are always new posts on my other sites (at least 5 a week total). I’ll also be adding more videos to the site as well as getting more of my pictures up to my gallery. There are other changes coming to foXnoMad and will start rolling them out over the next few weeks.

Set Course: Geek Takeover Week 2019, Engage!

Tweetup In Amsterdam

  • I’m still planning the details but will be in Amsterdam on Monday night for a tweetup. I’m hoping to meet Keith from Velvet Escape in the Leidseplein area and if you’re free around 7pm would love to meet you. Feel free to send me an email if you’re up for it.

Thanks for sharing your opinions and helping me improve the site!
