The 3 finalist videos in the Live The Backpacker Life Contest are out and you’ve got a chance to be part of the decision on who will win a free 1 week trip anywhere in the world. This public vote is one part out of 5 that will ultimately decide the winner. (The other 4 coming from 3 other travel bloggers and myself.)


The Finalist Videos

You can review the 3 videos to choose from below.

Add Your Vote Below

[poll id=”82″]

The poll will be open until 11:59pm on October 23rd, 2010 (US EST) and the winner of the 1 week round trip anywhere will be announced next Tuesday, October 26th. Best of luck to all of the contestants and thank you for adding your vote!

The Cocoon Grid-It Is Cable Management For Your Backpack

Don’t worry if you missed this contest, I run several throughout the year. Subscribe to foXnoMad via email or RSS so the next one doesn’t pass you by.

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[photo by: Theresa Thompson (vote)]