long way up

You probably don’t need much inspiration to travel these days if you’ve been quarantining but with the world closed off, everywhere feels a bit less reachable. Fortunately we’re more connected digitally than ever and having just come out of the tech season, you might be the owner of a new Apple device. New iPhones, iPads, and Macbooks come with a free year subscription to Apple TV and the vibrancy of these three series will make take your imagination places.

Here are 3 Apple TV original shows any travel lover will enjoy.

1. Long Way Up

long way up

Part of the Long Way series, Long Way Up follow Charley Boorman and Ewan McGregor’s electric motorcycle trip from the southern tip of Argentina to Los Angeles. The cinematography is stunning, the motorcycle tech evolves literally throughout the series, but the camaraderie between Boorman and McGregor will remind you of your own road trips with friends.

Long Way Round is one of the best motorcycle books you can read and is a personal inspiration of mine as well.

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2. For All Mankind

for all mankind

An alternate history where the Soviet Union lands on the moon first before the Americans and how it could have pushed the space race. The real appeal of For All Mankind, which is based on the technology possible during the 60s (even calls a very recent lunar discovery), is the societal changes that result. The acting is excellent and you’ll appreciate the story on Earth and the challenges in space, leaving you with optimism for our current times.

3. Earth At Night In Color

earth at night in color

This is another Apple series where you can marvel at the tech, focus on the result, or enjoy both. Using some of the most advanced cameras available, the series films wildlife at night but are able to show it in color. You may have seen night vision – take that image out of your head – and watch the first episode. The crew are able to film the nocturnal habits of lions, migratory birds, and adorably deadly (for insects) tarsiers.

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A lot of the footage is the first ever captured because of the nighttime world the cameras unlock. Weaved beautifully into each 30 minute episode is a specific message about conservationism you might not have heard before. These are stories of the lives of animals, they’re families, and their environment. At the end of each episode you’ll also get to see a bit of the lengths the crew had to go to in order to film Earth At Night In Color, giving you an appreciation of the effort involved.

One More Thing

There’s a visual quality to each of these Apple TV series that’s bold aesthetically but nuanced in a way that makes the experience of watching them fresh. Once you’ve watch these, here are 8 other series you might want to marathon before you next flight.