Most government warnings tend to be on the cautions side but those for Cambodia are especially alarming. Crime, theft, and robbery are all prominently highlighted but just how safe is Cambodia really? As for any country it depends on where you are but the main warnings are best managed with generous amounts of common sense.

Bag Snatching

Many of the warnings revolve around bag snatching where someone, usually two people on a motorbike, will grab a bag as they pass by you on the street. These are fast crimes of opportunity that can be avoided by carrying your bag or purse on the opposite side of the street. Simply by having your body in between the street and your bag makes you a more difficult target to hit quickly so it reduces your chances of a snatch and grab. Same goes for your phone or camera but any items you can keep out of sight while walking, the better.

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Is Cambodia Safe?


There aren’t masses of people robbing tourists on the streets but there is something every visitor will have to deal with and that’s the heat. Cambodia is located around the 12 north latitude close to the equator. That makes the sun much stronger than anywhere in the US or Europe so prepare with sunscreen and remember to stay hydrated. Although you might be a city like Phnom Penh and surrounded by restaurants and cafes you can still end up dehydrated if you’re not consistently drinking water.

Always keep a bottle with you and plan your days like locals do, try to avoid the mid-day sun.

Follow The Sun

When it gets darker you’ll want to be even more aware of your surroundings. You’ll also want to avoid casinos and “massage” parlors and seedy bars, all places where scams, crime, and worse are much more likely to happen. Stay clear of those are your trip is much, much more likely to go smoothly.

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You can also use the Grab app to call a ride or tuk tuk to get from one place to another and stay out of the sun or after hours get back to your hotel safely. Overall Cambodia is a destination you can visit safely and without incident if you follow some common sense advice to stay out of trouble.