The Garmin Inreach is a small device that uses satellites for communication and very common gear for hikers, bikers, and other people who travel far from the reach of cell towers. GPS communicators are small, less expensive, and more common than they’ve been in recent years. All of those factors mean many are traveling with them without being aware devices like the InReach are banned in many countries, including India.

You can watch the video above to see what happened to one traveler who was detained at an airport in India.

What’s An InReach?

Devices like the InReach are useful for maintaining communications where you might not have any reliable cell phone coverage, like when climbing mountains, hiking in the woods, or are diving for example. Having reliable communications is important for safety when you just can’t rely on a cell phone to make a call or send a message.

But bringing a satellite communicator with you internationally to certain countries is where a lot of travelers get into trouble.

Where Satellite Communicators Are Banned

On the purchase page for the InReach buried in the fine print, Garmin note that InReach uses the Iridium satellite network but that some countries require government permission or require a government issued code to activate satellite communication. Other countries completely restrict the use of satellite communicators, like India, Thailand, Vietnam, China and Georgia. Additionally, the United States embargoes satellite communicators from countries like Afghanistan, Cuba, and Russia.

Verify Your GPS Device

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Those of you planning to travel with any kind of satellite communicator should check with the embassy of the countries you’ll be visiting to see if there are any restrictions. I would recommend you add some details like what specific device it is and why you’re bringing it, for example “I’m going to be hiking this popular trail or climbing this mountain,” and wait for a response.

new delhi airport

If your communicator is restricted, don’t bring it. If registration is required, make sure you get all of the proper permits and paperwork before you travel. And if they say it’s allowed, I snap a screenshot of the reply on your phone just so you have it in case there’s any question or trouble you come across.

Don’t make assumptions about the countries that allow or don’t allow satellite communicators. And in some places, like Mexico and Romania, services like SMS messaging are restricted. So make sure that you know any limitations and compensate for them so you can keep your outdoor activities safe. In countries where satellite communicators are restricted or banned, you may be able to rent one from a local authorized dealer. Some local bike shops, car rental locations, tourism offices, and hiking stores may be able to help.

iPhone and Samsung users also have the option to use the built in satellite communications in emergency situations. It doesn’t work as well as a dedicated satellite communicator and not available in every country but if it’s your only option, it’s better than nothing. In India having a Garmin InReach with you could lead to an arrest, detention at the airport, and in general a bad time. I can see though how people can make the mistake, these are small, useful, commercially availalbe and popular devices. But now you know to be careful when traveling with one so you don’t end up ruining your next trip.

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