Post Highlights are a selection of the best and most popular posts from the past two weeks updated every other Saturday. Another great way to get the best of foXnoMad is to subscribe to my RSS feed (what is RSS?).

A Look Back On My Travel Predictions For 2008

With the year drawing to a close I’d like to look back with you at my predictions and see how each of them turned out.

World Map of Air Travel Over 24 Hours

A representation of air traffic patterns across the world during a typical 24 hours span using data from delay predictor FlightStats.

How To Protect Your Home When You Travel

Travelers who will be gone for even a few days from their homes can take a few simple measures to protect them and deter thieves.

The Differences Between Traveling In India And Pakistan

The Photo Contest Entries That Weren’t

Several of the contestants for the Inspire Me Africa Photo Contest sent in multiple pictures and I was faced with the difficult task of choosing my favorite for the competition. They were all so good that I thought I’d share them with you for your pleasure as well.

Travel Resolutions You Should Consider For 2009

To be honest I hadn’t given it much thought, but when I put my mind to it there are some long standing travel habits that I, and all of us, could all stand to improve upon.

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