Having two passports and nationalities opens up the world of travel to the estimated 1% of the globe’s population [PDF] – over 60 million people – that have some form of dual citizenship. That combination means dealing with fewer visas for countries around the world but can also leave you with complications if you’re not careful.
For those of you who are also dual citizens, these general guidelines can make sure neither of your nationalities causes problems for you as you hop over one international boundary after another.
Always Use The Same Passport Entering And Exiting A Country
This one seems straightforward but if you’re on a longer journey and visiting several countries with differing entry requirements for your particular nationalities, it can feel intuitive to to enter with one passport and exit with the other. I’ve made this mistake once or twice (most recently when flying out of Georgia to Ukraine) and had to charm my way out of buying an impromptu flight to Istanbul.
The reason is because countries want to keep track of foreigners entering their borders; using two passports not only makes that more difficult, but also changes the legal framework you fall under.
In general, even if the next country you are visiting would require a visa from you with passport #2, use the same passport to enter and exit a nation. The passport control officer in the country you’re leaving doesn’t care about where you’re going – only about you when you’re in their borders.
Airlines And Governments Are Different; Flash The Right Passport
The advice above is specifically for passport control – not when you check-in with the airlines. They are the ones who are going to care about whether you’ve got the rights (e.g. visa-free travel) to enter the destination. In these cases you should show airline staff the appropriate passport for where you’re going. The airline staff want to make sure you’ll be allowed entry to the country you’re flying to.
Several times prior to boarding a flight I’ve been taken aside by staff to have my documents re-examined. If there’s any question about whether you can (visa-free) enter the country you’re headed to, don’t hesitate to let them know about your dual status.
Don’t Advertise Your Dual Nationality Otherwise
Yes, says the guy who is publicly blogging about dual citizenships to thousands of people right now. Broadly speaking, most governments worry about illegal immigration; which your second citizenship may actually be guilty of. Don’t tell passport control you’ve got two nationalities – even if asked. Doing so can forfeit your rights as a legal traveler. By the way, you’re not lying in this case either. No country in the world records dual citizen entries by tourists – they only see you as a single national.
I should mention also that many immigration and passport controls are tinged with a hint of racism, often biased against citizens of Third World or those who make up a significant minority in a given country. Another good reason not to mention your second citizenship and to keep your second passport inconspicuously stored in your carry-on luggage.
Which Country Sends Commandos After You In Case Of Kidnapping Varies
That is a bit of an extreme example for most people, but the basic premise is if you get in real trouble in a country, whichever passport you used to enter is the nation that’s going to bail you out. So if you’re a French-American dual citizen held hostage by genetically-engineered llamas on your trip to Ecuador you’ll know whether to expect Navy Seals or French Special Forces. (Or Superman, who doesn’t discriminate unless Lois Lane is in trouble at the same time.)
What To Do If Problems Arise
Problems aren’t likely to happen if you’re a dual citizen taking advantage of your two passports – especially if you’re cognizant about not flashing both around. Your biggest troubles are likely to be at passport control due to a second nationality – remember to stick to the one that gets you legal entry. Be firm but confident and if all else fails, get in touch with your embassy.
I had problems on both times I tried to leave Turkey in the last year. One trip was to Meis and the other to the UK. It involved an old British passport, a new British passport, lack of residency visas (because they took them off me when I got my citizenship) and a kimlik.
Both times, they said the kimlik was no good because I was not leaving on a Turkish passport but I had to show how I had been living legally in the country and that was the only proof. On both occasions, they tried to piece the time line from the last entry stamp in the old British passport which was about eight years ago, to present day!!
They both gave up in the end but I have learned to arrive super early if I try to leave the country.
I am assuming you enter and leave Turkey on your American passport?
I wonder if that’s because of the British passport, residency, and the ignorance of whomever was checking your passport!
No, I always enter and leave Turkey with my Turkish passport. (And if from Istanbul pay that stupid 15TL exit fee.)
I will be exiting Thailand on my American passport and want to get into KL Malaysia on my German passport.
Would this be possible if my German passport is empty and has never been used?
Hold would I need to do this?
Can I do this also by border crossing, or do I need to fly.
Please help
Why switch passports if you don’t have to? As far as your German passport being empty, you can tell them you hold dual citizenship if you like or use your German passport for entry to Thailand and into Malaysia. I wouldn’t recommend switching if you don’t have to.
It’s because I have to get a Non B visa in my German pp because of a work requirement.
How can I make this work departing out of Thailand?
Why didn’t you then enter with your German passport, obtaining the visa first? (Read the first bullet point of this post.) I’m not sure in your case, I would contact the German embassy in Thailand to see if they can be of assistance.
I didn’t know you were Turkish… I love Turkey (just had to share). Thanks for the post… I always get so nervous when I am going to switch between passports. Then again I have only done it once. I entered Europe on my US pp then exited with it spent a month in Morocco and came back in with my Mexican one. I did it cus my 90 days in the SZ was up. It worked fine. This is one of the reasons I love having two passports. I didn’t know that the country that you used to enter would be the country to bail you out. So if I used the Mexican one I couldn’t have USA get me out? I know it’s extreme but am curious.
Always happy to hear people who’ve been and loved Turkey 🙂 When I first saw your Facebook comment I had to look up the visa-free area of the Mexican passport – very advantageous to have the Schengen as part of it. Really for you it’s like 180 days of entry (with a quick hop out, then back in).
As for getting international help, it can depend on the specific situation. Occasionally countries will work together to help resolve an emergency if the person is a dual citizen (and both countries of citizenship get along). Otherwise, generally, jurisdiction initially falls to the country whose passport you used.
Thats a really useful post. Its hard to find information on traveling for dual citizens. I agree, its important to be consistent and remember the passport that you used to enter the country!
Thank you and sounds like you’ve got two passports as well. Definitely an important point – using the same passport in and out – as it’s the most probable place you’ll have problems. After that, it’s much more of an advantage than anything else 🙂
There is also the “master nationality rule” which states that if you are citizen of a country and physically located in that country, then that country has the strongest claim on you. This usually means that if you are arrested etc, another country’s diplomatic mission cannot provide assistance to you even if you are also a citizen of that other country.
This is certainly the inspiration for why many countries have a national law that requires citizens to use that country’s passport (another reason is for immigration – it can get messy if dual citizens enter on a foreign passport and then take up employment for example), but the master nationality rule applies no matter what passport you use. A dual UK/US citizen is not entitled to consular representation from the US embassy while he is in the UK, even if he entered the UK on a US passport. Lots of people have been trapped by the misconception that entering on a foreign passport means they will be treated like a foreigner if they get into trouble.
A very good point I didn’t include in the first draft of this post. This is even written in US passports as well and something dual citizens of any two nations should keep in mind. I appreciate you pointing it out!
The state department recommends that only use your American passport when entering your other country of citizenship; the reason being that if you use any other passport besides your American passport. The state dept can not get involved, because when you enter let say with Turkish passport, then the Turkish law will apply to you while in the country!!but if you only showed the US one then you are just visiting and if you get in any kind of trouble, you can count on The US to try to get you out…
That’s not quite accurate although, at least according to the first page of the U.S. passport. It states the government will be limited in its authority to help you in your other country of citizenship. (With a very few exceptions.)
One problem I’ve had traveling with two passports is switching between the two. A lot of countries I’ve been to want to see the exit stamp of the previous country, making it impossible to switch at their border. At this point, I’ve actually got a little list of places I know I can go to if I need to switch for whatever reason.
I have been asked why there isn’t a previous exit stamp but never had to show my second passport; interesting to hear. I hope it didn’t cause too many problems at any such exchange.
Canada, USA, UK don’t stamp your passports. They don’t even exit controls. LAX just walk out the door. Got to have the correct docs to get on a plan but there is no exit stamp.
Hence my desire to go to Canada first then to the USA as there is no exit stamp.
Hi Anil,
So what do you say when they ask you why there is no exit stamp? Iam going backpacking in SE Asia soon with two passports…French/Israeli.. and i iam especially worried about going to Malaysia! any advise would be greatly appreciated thank you!
In your case are you concerned about Malaysia asking about no exit stamp from France and discovering the second Israeli citizenship? I’ve never been asked by another country about a third country’s stamps. If they’re concerned about entry; they almost always just look at the last country you’re entering from. So you should be OK as long as you’re using your French passport in SE Asia or at least from the country before arriving in Malaysia. Hope that makes sense, but let me know if not 🙂
When I was asked about not having an exit stamp, I just had to show them the stamp in the other passport and then enter with the stamped passport. I actually think Malaysia was one of the countries where I tried to switch once, but they wouldn’t let me. Either way, if you have the exit stamp from the previous country in your French passport, you won’t have a problem. If it’s in the Israeli one, then just hope they don’t ask to see it. I’d switch to the French passport somewhere else and make sure the stamps and visa from the country before Malaysia are in the French one.
If they don’t let you switch anywhere, one place that lets you switch right in front of them (they look at the exit stamp in the one and have no problem putting the entry stamp in the other) is on the ferry between Hong Kong and Macau.
In Thailand currently on US PP.
Wanting to enter country using German passport for need to apply for work visa in Thailand under German nationality.
There will be no exit stamp in the German pp.
What are my options?
[Replied above]: Best to call the German embassy in Thailand to get the most accurate information for your situation.
I travel very often and to be precise Using a EU passport to enter or exit Europe one is never stamped. Ie. British / Portuguese passport. Malaysian authorities did ask me about the exit stamp as the second league of the flight was via the UAE (though airside). But if you say you are coming from London or Paris or any other city from within the EU they CANNOT ask anything further..
The Same holds good for a canadian passport.
More info.
if you use a canadian passport and cross over into the US by Land (using either your canadian passport or a Drivers license) and then fly from the states out you will Never get stamped for the exit nor will you ever have entry stamps to the US on your canadian passport.. The same is true if you entered canada or left canada on a canadian passport.
Besides the above scenarios there are some countries that dont stamp passports anymore
1. Israel
2. Hong Kong
3. Macao
Also there are NON EU countries that a EU citizen can enter without a passport (with an ID card) eg
1. Turkey
2. Serbia
3. Montenegro
4. Albania
5. Nothern Cyprus
6. Macedonia (never even checks)
7. Iceland
8. Norway
9. Switzerland
and many more
Things have changed. Entry into the USA by Dr. Lic or Canadian Passport is fine, but there is an ELECTRONIC Record of your entry even if they dont stamp your passport (and of course they wont stamp your Canadian (Provincial Dr. License). So if you leave the USA by flight, you will be asked how you entered… if you entered with a Dr. Lic. they will want to see your passport at passport control. If you entered with Canadian Passport, they will have a record of that. if you leave with a USA passport, then there should be no problem leaving, but remember your entry with a canadian passport, the next time you come back to the USA or leave the USA with that passport you may be guilty of extending your stay beyond the allowed time. My friend just had this happen to him and he was detained at USA immigration control for about 3-4 hours. In the end, he explained he was a dual citizen and that he forgot which passport (innocent face) and they let him go but told him that the event was noted in his “file” and that any future infraction would result in penalties monetary and potential denial of ingress/egress.
Anil, you’re a naturalized U.S. citizen, right? And, therefore–American, right?
Both of my parents are naturalized U.S. citizens. In order to become Americans, they had to renounce their former citizenship. I was told the U.S. didn’t recognize dual citizenship and that taking on another or retaining your old citizenship meant losing your American citizenship.
So, my question is: how did you do it?
I was born in the US and then it’s a bit of a story after that. The United States does not recognize second (dual) citizenships but doesn’t require naturalized citizens to give them up so far as I know. Renounce but not relinquish is the main distinction.
Oh. Thanks Anil. Sounds like they could’ve kept their old citizenship after all, with their master nationality as American. The U.S. State Dept’s website says that claiming dual citizenship doesn’t forfeit U.S. citizenship, unless they did so with the intention of reliquishing it.
Thanks–it finally makes sense! Wonder if I could get dual citizenship…:)
It all depends on the second country’s requirements – many don’t allow dual citizenship forcing naturalized citizens to give up theirs.
As far as Britain is concerned, if I understand correctly, then – for example – even if a UK citizen had to renounce their UK citizenship to become a US citizen, the British authorities wouldn’t necessarily recognise the renunciation and may still issue a British passport to that person.
Also, surely another important point is that a person with an EU/EEA/Swiss passport (e.g. British-Australian or Rep. of Cyprus-American dual national) should always use that passport to enter an EU/EEA member state or Switzerland since it allows them an unlimited stay (plus the right to reside, work etc.)
Yes, so long as they don’t terminate the citizenship officially – but it depends, you’ll have to talk with the appropriate British government office for the most accurate answer.
Great idea for a post! I’m in the process of applying for my Bulgarian citizenship so I might be able to live within the EU without anyone knocking on my door saying time to go. (I’m American.
A good (soon) Schengen visa have – in addition to your US passport 🙂
That’s cool stuff. Never required to travel with 2 PPs, but certainly it feels great to be a citizen of two nations. Leaving for Canada in September, and may be will settle down there, at that time your post will help me a lot Anil.
Good luck on the move!
Hi, I hsve dual citizenship for Germany and the US. Before I knew I held German Citizenship, I legally changed my name in the US.
Now I have two passports, two different names, and the same picture:). Soon I am leaving the US to live and work in the EU but a different country than my citizenship.
If I enter the new EU country with my US Passport, will that country require me to have an entry stamp on my EU passport to legally be there for work or is this a non-issue?
I assume the name on my plane ticket has to match the name on my passport.
Check with the German embassy to confirm but I would suggest entering the EU on your US passport (names must match ticket like you mention) and then legally change your name in Germany and update your passport.
Thanks. Unlike the US, Name Changing is difficult. It requires an approval. In the US, there’s an approval process based off one’s criminal history.
So if you have no issues with police, the approval process takes minutes and it cost about $5o. In Germany, the approval process seems more complicated and it costs up to 1300 euros.
It would be great if I could know what to expect. BTW- thank you for the ticket information.
I am familiar with German bureaucracy – and costs for enduring it unfortunately 🙂 Having two different names is not a problem if you use the appropriate one in Germany; however it can cause problems when you are traveling out of the Schengen. Do you have a common middle name you can use perhaps?
i hold two passports Saudi and Canadian there is a slight difference in the last name. is it possible for me to go into Bahrain with my Saudi passport, bored the plain and then when i get off the plain in Dubai use my Canadian passport to bass customs and continue using it for the rest of my journey.
note: i will be entering Bahrain by car so should i enter with my Saudi PP and then go to the airport and use my Canadian pp even tho my Canadian pp is empty. it only has one entry and exit stamp from 2011-2012 and no entry stamp into Bahrain, and do Canadian pp holders need a visa to enter Bahrain now if so what should i do
Please help its the first time i use both pp and i will be traveling soon
Thank you in advance
That may cause you problems – try to enter and exit countries with the same passport. To find out the visa requirements, check the embassy websites of the countries in question.
Hi may,
I know it may be a bit late to reply, but in case someone else reads this…
Canadians now require a visa arranged in advance to visit Dubai. I met a guy from Winnipeg who said he was actually turned away at the airport in Dubai (in August 2011) and had to book a flight out of there because he had no pre-arranged visa.
This is a pretty recent development over a political tussle with the government of Canada refusing to grant landing rights to Emirates airlines in exchange for having a base in Saudi Arabia as promised. The Saudis thus after that now charge a fee and require Canadian citizens to have a visa.
In short, I wouldn’t bother with the Canadian passport there.
From Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs:
“Whatever the purpose of their stay, Canadians must be in possession of a visa obtained at one of the agencies authorized by the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Ottawa or the nearest embassy or consulate of Saudi Arabia if residing in a foreign country, prior to departure.”
“Visa applications must be sponsored by a Saudi citizen, company, or organization. Upon arrival, foreign residents are required to surrender their passports to their sponsor and obtain a residency card (iqama).”
how can i enter Bahrain with an empty passport or a passport that’s not stamped would they questions that ??
They may, so it’s best to call the Bahraini embassy in Saudi Arabia to find out if there might be any problems using both passports there.
if i enter the country by land with my saudi and only present my Canadian passport when exiting would that be an issue
It may be, I can’t say with certainty. Your embassy(ies) are the only definitive source of information. I wouldn’t take a chance but rather give them a call to find out.
My husband and my son have dual citizenship ( USA and Brazil ). We live in Atlanta. Which passport should they travel on? US requires visas for Brazilians, and Brazil requires visas for Americans (they don’t hold any visas for either country). Did you say they need to check into the flight with the Brazilian passport, and then do security and boarding with the American passport? And then coming back home, just use the American at check-in, security, and boarding? I am so confused. My husband is goign ahead of my son and I, so I don’t want my 19-month old to get detained because of passport problems. I also have a question about my passport. I have a 5-year visa in my old passport that expired, so I was issued an new passport, but my valid visa is in my expired passport?
Please help!
Confirm all of this with the appropriate embassies. But, check in with the US passport, letting the airline know about the Brazilian citizenship. Upon landing, show the Brazilian passport at passport control; on the way back, do the the reverse.
As for the expired visa, I’m really not sure. You may be able to bring both passports (one for entry and the other for the visa) but double-check with the embassy to be certain.
Hope this helps, best of luck.
heya, im dual australia/uk…. i just applied for my indian visa online and it asked if i had dual nationality and so i tried to type both in but it wouldnt accept the issue date for my uk passport so i just said that i had single citizenship. do you think that’s a bad idea? and what the hell am i supposed to do if it wouldnt let me enter in the right info anyway?
Pick up the phone and give the people behind the site or the relevant embassy 😉
hey. i’m going to brazil in december and i have dual citizenship for Peru and USA. i know that i need a visa for my american passport, but not for my peruvian one. so i just want to make sure i understand what you’re saying. i’m supposed to leave the US with the american passport, arrive in brazil with the peruvian one, leave brazil with the peruvian one, and enter the US with the american one? and if i’m right, when should i show each passport? i’m just a little bit confused.
Check this comment, it should help:
Anil, this is a fantastic site. I recently discovered that I have been a dual citizen of the US and the UK with out actually knowing it (UK being the previously unknown one) and I’m in the process of applying for my UK passport. Do you know of anything I have to do with the US State Department to make sure it’s all above board?
Hi Tom, thanks very much 🙂
You don’t need to do anything on the US side as far as I know when opening up a UK passport.
Ok.. so i have a Polish and American passport. I entered usa with the american one, and now I want to go back to Europe. From what I understand, when I will be checking in, I should use my American passport, show them the Polish one if they ask..and than when I land in Poland, hide the American one and enter with the Polish one?? Sooo confused!
[replied below]
iam a filipina ..i would like to ask if i have my dual citizenship British and filipino and when going back home is it possible that i will just use my british passport ? what are the advantage(s)if any using any ?
I am having my dual citizenship because i have my property and a stockholder of a duly registered in SEC small company in the phil of which i acquired while i was still living there but at present iam a dual citizen.Thank you very muchin advance to all replies
Why use your British passport to get in the Philippines? There’s no advantage that I know of and you may even have to pay any applicable visa fees. When visiting a country you’re a citizen of, use their passport.
http://www.newcitizen.us/dual.html Here it says that you can carry two passports on the same time, even in the airport and you should not have a problem with that.
The advice above works as well. You’re not breaking any laws in the case of either country, you just want to make sure you’re showing the proper papers throughout the trip.
Great article! I feel more comfortable traveling with both passports now. I have US/German nationality. I changed my name in the US but not Germany. As a result, I must travel with both passports and US Court Order to avoid issues in case questions pop up:).
Hi there, I have German and Myanmar Passport.I wanted to go and live in Myanmar.But Myanmar passport doesn’t allow to use in German , and I won’t be got a long stay in Myanmar with German passport. I considered that, If I exit from Germany with German Passport with one way ticket to Thailand , then get in with Myanmar Passport with Thailand Visa into Thailand. And then I will buy one way ticket with Myanmar Passport, and exit with Myanmar Passport , then get in Myanmar with Myanmar Passport
Wait, I’m confused. Myanmar doesn’t allow or doesn’t recognize dual citizenship?
Could you give me an advice what if I got wrong? Thanks…
I try to get to all the comments as fast as I can – though under 24 hours is pretty good 😉
I don’t think so, that Myanmar doesn’t accept dual. I can go to Myanmar from Germany exit with German Passport and enter with Myanmar Passport.Problem is, I need to show Myanmar Visa if I exit with German Passport to aboard.Right?
Call the embassy, it’s the best way to find out honestly but if you’re exiting Germany with a German passport you won’t need any other papers.
Hi, I have both an Iraqi and Canadian passport, im residing in Iraq trying to go back to Canada soon. Im travelling via Turkish Airlines so my transit is in Istanbul, the city which i adore i must add, my Canadian pp is recently renewed so it has no stamps, ive been to Turkey before with my Iraqi pp, my question is can i use my iraqi pp to get into turkey and then from there switch to my Canadian one to go back to Canada? please help! thanks in advance
I love Istanbul too 🙂 So, you’ll be leaving the airport in Istanbul with the Iraqi passport? When you check in to the airline, make sure you show them the Canadian passport as they’ll want to check if you need a visa otherwise – but at customs show the Iraqi passport. If there are any questions you can let them know about Canadian citizenship but if not, I wouldn’t bother mentioning it.
I recently came back from Istanbul after spending 2 months there, taking a Turkish course as we speak haha 😀 Ill be leaving the airport in Iraq with my Iraqi passport, and arriving in Istanbul and i plan on going through the passport control and customs with the Iraqi one so i dont pay the visa fee 😛 anfd then from there youre saying once i get to the check in i use the Canadian one? and i shouldnt run into any problems? Btw my plane from Istabul goes to barcelona first, then to toronto. What do i do once i get to barcelona? get the transit visa with the Canadian one? wouldnt they want to see an exit stamp from Turkey?
Kolay gelsin 🙂
Use your Iraqi passport to enter Turkey, and then when leaving to Canada: when checking in to the airline, show the Canadian passport. After you get your ticket and head to passport control, show the Iraqi passport at immigration. Transit shouldn’t be a problem since the airline has you as Canadian and in Barcelona if you have to show the passport, you can use your Canadian one there if that makes sense.
Tessekurlel Abi! 😀
Yea it makes sense cok tessuker ederim! Im booking two seprerate tickets online, the first to Istanbul with my Iraqi passport, the next from Istanbul to Toronto via Barcelona using my canadian passport, Im booking the flights online so that shouldnt be a problem right? So what i understood is, leave with the Iraqi passport, get a visa entry to turkey with it, show the iraqi one at passport control and then switch to the canadian one which is the one i show to the airline there with my ticket and luggage? degil mi?
Rica ederim 🙂
Almost correct 😉 You’ll show the Canadian passport when checking in to the airline (before passport control). Then at passport control in Istanbul, Iraqi passport – from there just your Canadian passport.
tamam tamam sag ol!
İyi yolculuklar!
Btw abi, Im planning on booking a round trip tiket even though i dont plan on coming back, only because its alot cheaper. will that cause any problems?
No, it shouldn’t. I know of several people who’ve done that trick. You can even call the airline to let them know there was an ’emergency’ so they can give your flight to someone on standby.
okay sag ol abi! you made me relieved haha thanks again great topic!
Hi Anil,
I read your post and it’s great!! I have dual citicenship US/ Honduran Citizen. I am traveling to Argentina and if use my US passport the entre fee is extremely high and if enter with my Honduran passport it’s free. My question is when checking online, they ask to put your nationality and passport number. Which one should I put, the US info or the Honduran info? Thank you for the info!! 🙂
Thank Ali – when checking in online, use the US passport. The airline needs to confirm you have valid entry papers into the country.
I have a similar situation, as I will be visiting Argentina from the US, but am a dual citizen of the US/Brazil. if there are 4 points at which I have to show my passport:
1) when I leave the U.S.
2) when I enter Argentina
3) when I leave Argentina
4) when I re-enter the U.S.
Given that I want to show my Brazillian passport when I enter Argentina, when should I show my US vs Brazillian passport?
Also if I am taking regional flights within Argentina, would I use my Brazillian passport for those since that is the passport I used when entering the country?
This article should answer your questions:
Let me know if you still have any after taking a look.
I have dual citizenship Peruvian/US, i left US with American Passport got in Peru with the same, they stamped it for 60 days , that will expire september 20 2012 is close they told me i could step out n back in so i dont pay taxes,(i will be staying more than 60 days in Peru) right now im getting my peruvian passport since i had it expired thats why i didnt use it to get in Peru, now if i have my peruvian passport can i go out with it and get in US with the American? But my question is , it wont have the american passport with the stamp that i got off Peru, and if i get off from Peru with Peruvian passport wont have Visa since i will it need to leave Peru to go to US.
Thank you i will really appreciate your answer …
Also, im confuse, i have my kids one got in with peruvian passport the other with american, which passport i use to get out?? n get in over there??
The US immigration won’t care about your lack of a Peruvian stamp as long as you have a valid US passport.
Okay. I have 2 passports, 1 from peru and 1 From usa. I entered Peru with USA passport 1 year ago. Can I exit with brand new peruvian passport so I don’t pay $220 for staying over 180 day time period. Which passport do I book arline with to exit? I have maiden name on documents in Peru and married. Name on my USA passport. Confused. So enter Peru with USA for protection and exit with Peru to avoid overstay penalty?
“Can I exit with brand new peruvian passport so I don’t pay $220 for staying over 180 day time period.” >> Yes.
“Which passport do I book arline with to exit?” >> US
“I have maiden name on documents in Peru and married. Name on my USA passport. Confused. So enter Peru with USA for protection and exit with Peru to avoid overstay penalty?” >> If you a citizen of a country, always use their passport for entry and exit.
I have a similar question. My daughters and I recently became US citizens and got our US passports. We also have our Peruvian passports as we are still Peruvian citizens. We plan on living in Peru for a couple for years. I had a friend before that had 3 citizenships and never bother to ask how he was using his passports, I know he was using 3 of them when traveling. My question is again for my own clarification; what passport should I use to exit the US to be able to come back without a problem? I do want to use my Peruvian PP to enter Peru and have the rights to stay there. Should I use the Peruvian PP to exit or the US to exit Peru since they require a visa to leave the country?
Thanks a lot!
In the US, use the US passport. Going to Peru, use the Peruvian one. This article should help: http://foxnomad.com/2012/11/16/the-fast-answers-to-your-questions-about-traveling-as-a-dual-citizen/
Thanks for the post. I have a similar issue as most of these post but I couldn’t find the exact answer I was looking for. I have a “scientific” Visa to France starting October 1st but I would really like to be there before that. Since I have dual nationality and the second passport (Mexican) allows me to visit France as a tourist, I was thinking of going there with the Mexican passport and then leaving a few days before October first to London and going back to France. I’m not sure however as to whether this will work and where would I be getting stamps? Any help would be appreciated
What’s your other citizenship? It sounds like that would be fine; though call the appropriate embassies to confirm. Also, you will most likely be getting stamps between UK-France as the UK is not a part of the Schengen Area.
I have the visa on the Lebanese nationality…Is that still the case for smaller airports, like Lyon? Thanks.
Any international airport that will be the case.
I have a South African Passport as well as a British Passport. I am on my way to France. Like I understand your post. I do not need a visa for my South African passport to enter France? I leave South Africa on my South African passport and enter France with my British passport.
Hi Anil,
Great post! I’ve done a bit of travelling on Swiss and Australian passports, and I know what you mean when you sometimes don’t know which one to use. I was once flying from Columbo to Singapore, and was asked to show my proof of Australian entry because it was a connecting flight (even thought I had to wait in Singapore for about 8 hours). The downside is you don’t get any visa stamps in your passport!!
Another plus is that you can use the one you’re not using for a ‘security deposit’ for car/motorbike/hotel rental. If they try to get you to pay extortionate fees for a ‘scratch’ etc, then you can probably bargain it right down if you pretend you don’t need it. The Swiss ones are connected to your fingerprints so it’s super easy to get a new one if needed.
I guess it also helps with the problem of travelling from Israel to the Middle East (if anyone wanted to take that route), these days most people have to go Israel after the Middle East due to entry restrictions.
Thanks Sarah, and another great set of advantages to having two passports, despite the occasional confusion and complications!
Hi, I have a US passport and a Spanish passport,I used to live in the UK legally with my Spanish passport but I decided to move to the US, I used my US passport to leave London as well as to enter the US. But now I want to move back to the UK! and I’m worried I might have any problems. What can I do?
It is extremely unlikely you’ll have problems but call the UK embassy to be sure. Good luck.
I’m British, and – for some crazy reason – for several years the UK hasn’t had exit controls, so immigration don’t know what passport Maria left on (or even that she left, as far as I can tell). If she showed her passport when leaving Britain, it was most likely only to airline or airport security staff.
So there should be no problem. As a Spanish citizen she has the right to live and work here, and can actually use a Spanish ID card to enter instead of a passport if she wishes.
(I hope I’m not double posting)
My daughter is going to Argentina on a student exchange. I’d like her to enter with her Swiss passport to avoid the $160 charged to US citizens. When she comes back to NY in 3 months, will she have problems if her US passport has no stamps from where she’s been?. She has no plans to go anywhere else, only Argentina.
She shouldn’t have any problems, though I would double-check the Argentinian embassy website to see if there are any conditions for dual-US citizens.
Hi Anil, thanks for the post. The comments are just as informative too. My wife, kids and I are Australian’s and entered the States on our Australian passports. My wife has a UK passport and the kids and I have German passports. We’re planning on heading to Europe for a short stay and then returning back to the States. We plan on exiting the States on our Australian passports, and entering the Europe on our EU passports. We don’t have a set destination yet. When we exit Europe we plan on exiting with our EU passports. So I have a few questions: (a) Are there any countries in the EU that would prevent us entering on our blank/new EU passports (no stamps at all)? (b) We entered the States on VWP, can we re-enter States on our EU passports, or should we re-enter on our Australian passports? (c) If we leave North America and come back, does our VWP 90 day limit get reset (do we start a new visa period)? and (d) How can we maximize our length of stay in the US by traveling in and out of N. America to Europe?
Hi Dom, thanks. I hope I can answer your questions:
a. unlikely but check embassy websites prior to confirm.
b. best to stick with the same passport for multiple entries
c. call the US embassy to confirm, I’m not sure the reset length
d. you could try using both passports but that’s likely to get you denied entry as you’ll be registered twice. I would look at getting a longer term visa if you plan on staying longer than 3 months
Thanks for your fast reply Anil – much appreciated. I’ll post back about our experience when the time comes, it might help others in the decisions they make – this is a new experience for us.
You’re welcome and best of luck on a smooth journey.
Hey guys! I am sorry if someone already asked this question but I have U.S. citizenship and Bulgarian one. So will the U.S. let me leave the states with my Bulgarian passport? I don`t want to use my U.S. passport. Thanks 🙂
No, you will check in to the airline, showing both passports. At passport control in the airport, if you’re asked to show papers, give them your US passport. (Otherwise you’ll likely have problems.) Then enter Bulgaria (or next destination) with Bulgarian passport at passport control.
Hi, I was wondering If i can leave the US with my US passport and enter the UK with my EU passport, however my EU passport is expired =|
I’m pretty sure an EU passport allows you entry to the UK but it has to be valid. Double-check their immigration site to confirm.
Hey, thanks for the great post, just what I needed! 🙂
I have a Serbian and Bosnian passport and want to travel to Botswana via South Africa (I need visas for both countries with both passports), but the good thing at least is that I can send both of my passports at the same time to have the visas issued.
My plan is to get the Batswana visa in my Serbian passport and the SA one in my Bosnian passport. BUT! My Bosnian passport is brand new i.e. stampfree (I will just have the SA visa)…
Would it be better to exit Serbia with my Bosnian passport then, to get some stamps in it (I can do it easily in Serbia, because Bosnians enter Serbia with an ID card), or I shouldn’t worry?
My plan is to enter and exit SA with my Bosnian passport and to go then to Botswana with my Serbian one. Just hope it will work. And then exit Botswana with my Serbian passport, fly to Johannesburg and show them my Bosnian passport again.
I’m just scared that the Batswana will ask to see my SA exit stamp, because there aren’t many flights from Gaborone, Botswana to other countries… So, I mean, they can really easily “keep track” of where you just came from.
I mean, I’m ready to defend my rights, I’m sure it’s nothing illegal, but still, you don’t argue with border control. If they don’t let you in, they don’t. 😀
What should I do in case of problems, I’m a bit insecure, because it’s going to be in Africa, where I’ll be a complete foreigner, and I’m not sure how their administration works (trying to be realistic, I know that people here in Serbia would make fuss about nothing just because they are uninformed, I guess that could also happen “down there” :))
Is there any particular reason you’re not using the same passport for entry into both countries?
Actually yeah, because I need to get both visas done as soon as possible, so it’s much quicker like this. Coz the Botswanan visa alone can take up to 2 month (I need to send out my documents to England through the British embassy) + the South African visa… I get that in Greece. 🙂
Ok, I see. Call both embassies to confirm your plan will work and you’re not violating any local rules to be sure.
Your blog is definitely very useful! 🙂
You’re welcome and safe travels…
Hi Anil…. I have dual citizenship from the US and the UK. I have lived in the US most of my life, but will be moving permanently to Amsterdam in a couple months. Since Holland is part of the EU, I do not need to get a visa to work over there, however, it is imperative that I am not on the radar as entering Amsterdam on a US passport, otherwise I will not be able to stay for longer than 90 days, and I will also not be able to register as a resident of Amsterdam and receive a Burger Service Number. Given the exit & enter on the same passport laws, in addition to passport control checking for an exit stamp in my passport, I am not sure which passport I should use to enter the EU to become a resident. Right now, my flight is booked Amsterdam via London, but I’m wondering if I need change the flight so that I enter London with my US passport and then, on a separate flight, enter Amsterdam with my UK passport.
I have looked everywhere I can, called both the US and the Dutch Embassy, and still cannot get a definite answer. I just want to make sure I’m doing it the right way, and to ensure that I do not run into any problems once I have begun the journey.
Thanks so much!
Check in to your flight from the US with the UK passport and you should be set.
That’s what I thought too, but I’m worried that passport control in London will wonder why I’m entering the UK, without ever receiving an ‘exit’ stamp.
What do I tell them when they ask what I was doing in the US?
They likely won’t ask, you’re a UK citizen. And if they do ask, say you’re a dual citizen (which UK recognized I believe but confirm that.)
Thank you Anil.
Hi, i just want to ask because my daughter’s Philippine passport expired last August 22,2012 and i had forgotten to renew it.We are here in Dubai and we are leaving for South Africa for good this coming October.My husband is a South African and he got new South African passports for my kids.Is there any problem showing the expired Philippine passport with the valid Dubai visa at the departure together with her new South African passport? I knew that to renew her Philippine passport here in Dubai,we still need to wait 4-6 weeks before the new one will be release and we are leaving before that time.I am planning,if it is okay to use the expired Phil. passport for exit here in Dubai and use the new South African passport in entering South Africa? I will just apply for her new Philippine passport in the embassy in South Africa.Will there be no problem doing that?I don’t want to encounter any problem at the airport during our departure so I need to clarify everything before leaving.Please advise. Thanks.
Yes, there will be a problem. You can’t use the expired passport and visa with a valid passport from another country (even if you’re a dual citizen). This post may help clear things up:
Hi! I’m a passport holder of both Australia and Estonia. When I first entered Europe I was not thinking clearly and entered on my Australian one (stupid I know) however my 90 days is almost up. I go from Serbia to Denmark soon,sk you think it would be an issue of I left Serbia on my aus passport then enter Denmark with my Estonian (never before used) so no stamps etc… thanks in advance
Are you stopping by Estonia? They might just stamp both passports for you if you ask. Otherwise what you mentioned should work fine.
Something here doesn’t make sense. If I have to enter the country and leave it on the same passport, it means that I can enter it and leave it on one passport and enter it again and leave it again on another passport. This is my situation, I am both French and American.
So I have entered the US on my french passport with a visa and I have been there for 2 years, and now I am going to leave the US with my french passport, as it is suggested. And I would like to reenter one week after with my US passport instead and stay for one year this time and leave with my US passport next year. According to what you say, this is ok, because I made a 2 years trip on my french passport, and now I am going to make a 1 year trip with my US passport, each time entering and leaving with the same passport. However, if you look at a smaller time scale, it also looks like I am going to make a one week trip to france, leaving with one passport and entering with the other. Which, according to you is no correct.
So what’s wrong ?
Generally speaking, you should use the passport of the country you’re a citizen of when going there. Why enter the US on your French passport? You’re a US citizen so use the US passport.
Great forum – but any experience of travelling with UK and Chinese passports?
I know China does not accept 2 dual citizenships but any chance to get away from it?
Hi Dan,
Perhaps someone can jump in here and give you a hand. I would also call the British embassy in China or send them an email, they might be able to give you some information.
I’ve heard it’s like ‘Don’t ask don’t tell’
Basically don’t tell or let the Chinese authorities know you have dual citizenship. However, if you are flying to China say from the UK, they may ask you why you don’t have a visa to be in the UK…which might reveal your dual citizenship.
My friend had to renounce her Chinese citizenship when she became a Canadian, now when she travels to China it is definitely more work to get a visa to go (because they know she used to be a Chinese citizen). One way around it (at least for Canadians) is to request a special passport that doesn’t indicate your birthplace, thus they might not guess that you once had Chinese citizenship.
Definitely contact the British (NOT Chinese) embassy.
Thanks for the replies.
I am planning to travel back to china via Dubai from the uk. I have got uk permanent residency in my Chinese passport. I am thinking that I exit uk with my British passport, in and out Dubai with the British one as well and enter china with the Chinese one. The only concern is whether there will be any problems entering china? Will the immigration ask any questions where I travel from etc?
Hi Anil, this is an excellent blog by the way…. previously my wife was a Kenyan citizen. Whilst being kenyan she got an OCI (overseas citizen of india). She is now British with a British passport but her OCI is on the Kenyan passport. We’re going to India and were thinking of leaving on her British passport, entering India with her Kenyan passport and then coming back out of India with Kenyan and into UK with the British passport. Can you forsee any issues with this?
Thanks Sonchi, I appreciate the kind words. As for your question, honestly I’m not sure. It might just be easier to use the British passport and get a visa to India to avoid complications.
If you have dual citizenship for US and Jordan do you have to get a visa if you live in US and going to Jordan or vice versa? If so do visa expire?
You don’t need a visa to enter a country you’re a citizen of.
I have a South African and a British Passport. I exited the UK on my SA passport and entered SA on my SA passport. I’m not sure what to do on the way back though. Do I exit on my SA and enter on my British passport? Will the British border control not ask why my British passport has not been stamped? How would they know where I cam from kind of thing? I’m so confused.
Enter SA on your SA passport and the UK on your British passport.
Hi Anil,
I’m in quite an urgent situation. I have a Greek Passport and a US Passport. I’ve been living in the UK for the past three and a half months and I entered the country from Greece. I have never been to the States before in my life, so now that my girlfriend is studying there, I though it is the best time to go there. I though, “AT LAST”!!! However, I’m starting to fear that my dual nationality will become a big issue. I’m planning on leaving the UK with my US passport because I figured I wouldn’t need any visas. I tried to go to the US Embassy but they don’t let you enter without appointments, so I couldn’t have any of my queries answered. Could please help me with this information? Is it going to be a problem for me to leave the UK with a US passport if I’ve entered with a Greek one? If that is an issue, what do I need to do? I would be very grateful if you could help with this.
Thank you in advance
Also one more question, when I leave the States again to go back to the UK (which will be in about 9 months from the time I arrive, I believe) which passport should I use to exit the country?
No problem, simply do the reverse of below 🙂
Hi Jim,
It shouldn’t be an issue. When you book your flights, do so with the US passport information – at the airport when you check in with the airline, show your US passport – then at UK passport control the Greek one. Then in the US the US one 🙂 It should be a smooth process.
Safe travels,
I am holding british passport and wish to leave UK and go back to my home country (Malaysia), but my old malaysia passport has expired long long time and never used after i had my british passport. When i leave UK and entry into Malaysia, i wish i could used my malaysia passport (need to renew) but if i used my british passport to leave UK, i don’t think that’s a good ideal to used malaysia passport to enter into Malaysia. But if i used my malaysia passport on departure, what if the british immegresen found that my passport enter to UK many years ago but never go out, they might think i am illegal stay in uk, but infact i have a british passport (with different surname – after marriage). Can anyone help?
Go to the Malaysia embassy in the UK and get a new passport, are you close enough? They likely will also let you do it through the mail as well.
Hello; i’m going to Cuba for the Christmas holidays with my french passport, departing from France where I live and I would like my daughter to join me. She is currently studying in the US and she holds dual french-US citizenship. Because of the embargo, she cannot go straight to Cuba with her american passport nor can she exit the country with her french passport as she entered it with her us passport. She’ll have to travel through another country, Mexico for instance. My question is : can she exit the US with her US passport, enter Mexico with her french passport, use that french passport to travel back and forth Cuba, leave Mexico with her french passport (the one she used to enter the country) and then reenter the states with her US passport? Is that feasable and won’t they ask her (at us custom) why she has no stamp on her american passport? Do you have any idea or alternative solution on how she could join me? Thanks a lot for your help.
Here are two articles that may help:
Thanks Anil P,
But i still worried, if i used Malaysia passport to leave UK, and what if the UK immegresen think i am over stay in UK for many years? with new passport, and different surname. should i bring my british passport and marry certificate to prove? will any other problem may occur?
Thank you.
You’re a UK citizen no? You can’t then overstay 😉 You basically want to follow this procedure (in the article above and here in the comments as well):
Hello Anil, you mention above:
“Don’t tell passport control you’ve got two nationalities – even if asked. Doing so can forfeit your rights as a legal traveler. By the way, you’re not lying in this case either”
What do you mean “forfeit your rights” ?
This is the scenerio :
I will be flying out of Thailand into Macau on my American PP.
They will have to stamp me out of Thailand on my American PP.
I will then want to stamp into Macau on my German PP.
My German PP has never been used before, so what do I say if PP control in Macau ask where is my exit stamp?
Basically if there are restrictions on your other nationality, they may be imposed. As for Macau, almost always you have to enter and exit on the same passport.
Thank you Anil,
Ok well, having a German and American passport should then be ok? Do you know if there are restrictions on these two nationalities?
Will what I have planned above work?
I don’t know if there are any restrictions off hand but be sure to check the embassy websites of both to confirm there aren’t any visa or other conditions. Your plan otherwise should work, just follow the sequence mentioned above with airline check-in and passport control.
Great site! I am a dual UK & South African citizen. I am looking to go to Dubai & want to enter & exit on my British passport (to get the visa on arrival), as South African’s have to purchase a visa beforehand. Here’s my question – I have to exit South Africa on my SA passport,will it be a problem that there is no exit stamp in my British passport, when I land in Dubai?
Use the format above in the post along these lines: UK passport at check in, SA at passport control, UK at Dubai arrival, then reverse…if that makes sense.
Hi, thanks for the great site!
I am going to enter India with Israeli passport and after the 6 months visa is expired- i am not allowed to issue another one in a period of 2 months. I was wondering if i can just go out with Israeli passport and obtain another Indian visa in my second (Russian) passport and enter India again. Do you think it’s legal?:)
thank you!
You’ll have to check all of the applicable embassy websites however having just filed for my 4th Indian visa, I don’t believe what you’re proposing will work. The application requires details on dual citizenship.
thank you Anil
hey guys=) i need help im dual im pilipino and canadian i have two passports an i dont know what to use for going back to phil=( its my 1st time so i dont know how=(
Use the Filipino passport to enter the Philippines.
Hello Anil P,
Thank you very much for the great information.
If I may I just have a few questions you might be able to help with.
My Son is a dual national “Russian and Australian” and we’re leaving Russia for Australia shortly.
As far as I know, we should Exit Russia using his Russian passport but tell the airline and border officers he is a Dual National so they can see he doesn’t require a Visa to enter Australia. Does this sound correct?
We will be going through Abu Dhabi in UAE, so Question is which passport should we show
when entering the UAE? his Russian one or Australian one?
I’ve called both Russia and Australia and they just say, you should exit and enter the country you’re a citizen of with that passport. But i’m confused about the rest! 🙁
Any information you could advise would be greatly appreciated.
As far as I know, we should Exit Russia using his Russian passport but tell the airline and border officers (border control won’t care about Australia visa, don’t mention the dual unless asked) he is a Dual National so they can see he doesn’t require a Visa to enter Australia. Does this sound correct? > yes
We will be going through Abu Dhabi in UAE, so Question is which passport should we show
when entering the UAE? his Russian one or Australian one? > you won’t have to show a passport if it’s just a connection. if not, you’ll have to use a single passport for the entire trip. (and get applicable visas.)
Hope this helps!
Thanks very much, I called the Airline “Etihad” to explain the situation and they said the same thing pretty much.
They will ask where the visa is and we should just tell them he is a dual national.
Other than that there should be no other issues.
Thanks again Anil, much appreciated.
You’re welcome, glad I could be of help.
Hey there,
Hoping you could answer my question!
I have dual nationality between NZ and the US. I am currently living in the UK and have sent my NZ passport away to the UK border agency in order to extend my stay here in the UK.
However, I need to get home briefly for my brother’s shot-gun wedding in two weeks. My NZ passport will still be the border agency for sometime. Can I leave the UK on my US passport even though I did not enter on it? I know I will have no problem getting into the US, it is just weather I will have trouble leaving and coming back into the UK on my US passport. I have a letter from the Border Agency about them having my NZ passport. Will that help at all? Any info would be VERY appreciated as I need to by a ticket ASAP.
If you’re over on what the limit is for a US passport, it will likely cause you problems. The letter won’t help as you can’t ‘blend’ your nationalities, it’s either or when it comes to passport control.
I’ve been reading a million forums with great interest (and much stress). If someone could help me with my situation.
I have an EU passport and Australian passport.
I’m in Argentina. I left AUS with my AUS passport…and when I entered Argentina with my EU passport (as EU nationals don’t pay the tourist entry fee). No problem.
What is interesting is this:
My flight ticket was issued with my name as appears on my AUS passport.
My EU passport has a somewhat different name, as it is in accordance with my EU birth/baptist name (long story).
When I entered Argentina, they did not question this. Perhaps I did not show the boarding pass, I assume at this point? I can’t remember..
The problem is:
I just booked an online ticket from Argentina to Brazil. I will be exiting Argentina the same way I came: on my EU passport, and entering Brazil on my EU passport (again, no visa requirements with EU passport to enter Brazil).
BUT….I realised my name on the e-ticket matches my Australian passport, not my EU passport!!!! Aaaaaaaah.
ALSO…I have to pay an overstay tourist visa fine (from my EU passport).
What do I do?
Can I check-in with my AUS passport (which has no stamps or record of me entering Argentina).. and then go through passport control with EU passport?
Do they check names matching with boarding pass/passport at passport control?
Or do I pay the massive fine for a name change for my e-ticket and have it all match my EU passport and travel with that.
I am so stressed and confused.
I’d appreciate someone’s help.
The staff at Emirates in Buenos Aires are not the most helpful bunch.
Call your embassies, they’ll be able to sort out your situation. Good luck!
Hey man, you have a nice post over here.
I recently acquired US citizenship and I’m also an Uzbek citizen. I only have one passport, an American but not Uzbek. Can I go to Uzbekistan, get the Uzbek passport and exit Uzbekistan using my Uzbek passport to Ukraine/Russia (which allow Uzbek citizens to enter without a visa) and flee to the US using my American passport from Ukraine/Russia?
Thanks in advance
You can try picking up your Uzbek passport from the embassy in the US, that might be easier. Call them to find out the options in your case.
I cant get my uzbek passport from the embassy, the only thing i can get is the certificate of return to go back to uzbekistan in order to get my uzbek passport. Beyond that point, i want to exit uzbekistan via ukraine, by buying two separate tickets; uzb to ukr and ukr to usa. but im worried about leaving uzbekistan since i’ll have a brand new passport; i mean arent they going to question me about my passport being so new or whatever?
Who would question you?
I cant get my uzbek passport from the embassy, the only thing i can get is the certificate of return to go back to uzbekistan in order to get my uzbek passport. Beyond that point, will i have problems because i have a new passport?
hello hello i live in australia and have a residency here with my french passport…i want to go to india and need to make a 6 months indian visa on my israeli passport cause the french passport is going to expire in 8 months so i prefer to travel with my israeli….so do i need to leave australia with the french one but let them know about the israeli?? and then when i get to india i just show the israeli with the visa??
and do you think the indian embassy in australia would mind to make a visa to india on my israeli passport if i am staying in australia on my french???
The Indian government has some specific rules about visas for dual citizens and you’ll find out on the application which one to go with.
This is such a great blog and clearly has helped ppl! Please can you impart your passport knowledge onto me:)
I am a South African citizen living in the UK on an EU (Cypriot) passport – i am going to Thailand in December for a holiday and am not sure if I require a visa – as a Cypriot citizen I require a Thai visa but as a South African I don’t. Can I leave the UK on my South African passport and enter Thailand on my South African? and then come back on my EU passport?
Im terrified i get into some form of trouble along the way! Happy to get the visa if need be but just trying to work out whats possible.
Thanks very much and I’ll do my best.
You can but you need to follow the formula above. Check in EU passport at airport, SA passport on entry, then reverse on the way back if that makes sense.
Hello there,
You’ve got a great post there.
I was wondering, If you have dual citizenship and you’re traveling with two passports while visiting two countries, each with a different passport, wouldn’t you in fact need to stamp both passports with an exit stamp when exiting your country of origin? And is that allowed? While entering the second country you’re visiting, won’t they ask you where you’re coming from? ans subsequently would wanna see the appropriate exit stamp?
Not if the laws allow it and you follow the process I’ve mentioned above with check-in, passport control, etc.
hi, I have dual citizenship israeli and french and want to fly from australia to bangkok but the flight goes through malaysia with a 3 hour stop-over. Does anyone know if its possible to stop-over on my french passport? even though i’m born in israel and the passport was issued in israel? could there be a problem in the transit? do i need to go through immigration to transit?
any experience in this situation could be helpful…thankyou
Because of your Israeli citizenship? Call the embassy in France to find out.
Hi. I have dual citizenship US and Greek. I am currently studying in the UK with my Greek passport (so I wont need a Visa). I will be going back to the US for vacation and not sure which passport to use. In addition, my name on the Greek passport differs from the one on the US passport; so under which name do I book my tickets and how do I enter and leave the UK?
Use the US to go to US, but show Greek at passport control on the way out. How does your name vary? If it’s just middle/first name reversed, it’s almost never a problem.
Shouldn’t I always enter and leave the US with my US passport? I don’t have a middle name; my first name however in English is katherine and in Greek it begins with an A. Also in my last name, in Greek, it lacks an S at the end. I wouldnt be worried, except for the fact that my name is different in both passports.
Yes, enter the US with the US passport; and show the Greek passport at UK passport control if you’ve been in that country for more than 6 months (US visa allowance).
Is it possible to travel to Brazil from U.S with a Russian passport(brazil doesnt require VISA) and come back with my American passport(Brazil requires visa)?
The problem is that if I am going back to US but visa is absent, can cause suspicion no?
Does Russia recognize dual citizenship?
I’m confused, what’s the situation exactly?
FURTHER to my previous mail allow me to make my question more clear.OBJETIVE is to use a ticekt MR XYX WHO does not wih to go back soon So another MR XYZ use to go back instead preventing the wasted ticket
hoping it is clear .ie transfer the ticke to another bearing the same name with initials.
I have dual passports, US and Irish. I visit England every year for a few weeks and meet with my family members (sisters/brothers). In the past, I have always used my US passport when entering and exiting England. While in England, I often visit Ireland for a few days but don’t use my Irish passport when traveling between England & Ireland. Can I legally use my Irish passport when traveling between countries? I was born in England and also have a British passport which expired many years ago and I never renewed it. I appreciate your comments!
This a great blog.
I have Italian and Venezuelan passport, I’m used to shuffle them around. This time I will try:
1- Enter Thailand with my Italian passport.
2- I will then give up my Italian passport to the Indian Visa Office to get an Indian Visa on it. This might take 10 days.
3- In the mean time I wanted to visit Laos with my Venezuelan passport which won’t have the Thai entry stamp on it. Venezuelan passport doesn’t need a pre-issued VISA so I can get it at the port of entry in Laos.
4- I will re-enter Thailand from Laos with my Venezuelan passport and pick up my Italian one before flying off to Mumbai.
SO, maybe I have a couple of options:
– Getting entry stamps on both passports: never done it and probably not advisable to even ask for that.
– Leave Thailand with a non-stamped Venezuelan passport and show photocopies of the Thai entry stamp in the Italian passport?
I know none of these sound too wise or feasible, I was just wondering if anybody had experience with this…
Thanks Silvia. As for your questions, honestly, it’s best to wait before going into Laos for your Italian passport. That might make re-entry smoother for you.
(Also they won’t give you entry stamps on both passports.)
Thanks Anil, that’s what I thought.
Blue skies and happy traveling
Hi there,
I am a Lebanese national living and working in the UK, and I have a working permit/visa attached to my Lebanese passport.
I recently acquired a Brazilian passport (because my gran is Brazilian) which is amazing because it allows visa-free travels to Europe and other countries, whereas the Lebanese passport is very restrictive.
I have read the posts and found them very useful HOWEVER i am still confused about justifying myself at border control without having to use both passports.
Suppose I want to go to Paris for a weekend (so going from the UK to France). According to your post, I should check in with the airline with my Brazilian passport, but exit the UK with my Lebanese passport (which they will not stamp upon exit), and then enter France with my Brazilian passport which is completely empty! If I am asked at border control where i am visiting from, tell them it’s the UK, and then am asked why there is no proof on my Brazilian passport of any entry/exit to the UK, what am I supposed to do then??
And again, upon exiting France, according to your posts, i should check in with my lebanese passport (which carries my UK visa), exit france with my brazilian passport and enter the UK with my lebanese passport. From experience, border control asks all sorts of questions, such as where are you coming from, how long have you been out the country, why, etc…? When i enter the country with my lebanese passport which carries no entry/exit stamps from France, what am i supposed to say??
This is really stressing me out, and taking the fun out of having dual nationality to be honest! I really appreciate any help/advice you can give me.
You can tell them you just got a new passport from the consulate/embassy in the UK. You also need to check what the UK rules are for your visa (in terms of dual citizenship). Call the visa office to find out what the specifics are since it’s a bit different than just travel visas. Let me know if you have any other questions, good luck!
Hi, I have two passports: a Bulgarian one and a Spanish one. My name is Bulgarian.
Last time I entered and exited Turkey, I used the Spanish one, as I had the visas for the countries I was visiting after Turkey in this passport and traveled with a Spanish-registered car.
Now I plan to go to Turkey again, but using the Bulgarian one, as I don’t need to buy a sticker visa (15 euros) and will travel with a Bulgarian-registered car.
(Traveling with the same passport as your car’ country registration makes things at borders much easier).
Will there be problems when trying to enter Turkey with my Bulgarian passport, because I entered last time with my Spanish one?
Hi, I am a U.S. and Trinidad and Tobago citizen living in the U.S. I’m planning on going to China for a course and will need to apply for a student visa. The Chinese consulate wants $140 for a US passport and only $30 for my T&T passport which sounds like a bargain for me. My question isn’t on which passport to use at which point of entry or exit, but if its a good idea to get the Chinese visa on my T&T passport at all just to save $110. I really like the flexibility and cost savings of being a dual citizen at times, but I have never used my T&T passport since becoming a U.S. citizen and wonder if I will be shooting myself in the foot later if something were to happen to me in China? I’ve been to China before on an older T&T passport that wasn’t even machine readable and didn’t have any trouble at the border, and I don’t believe I will encounter any sort of racism as was mentioned above, which I think is always possible, I’m just looking for some reassurance that this is no big deal. Btw, this is an excellent site and I agree that Turkey was wonderful. Thanks!
I believe China asks about dual citizenship on the visa application process, so you’re better off using your US passport.
(Thanks for the kind words as well about the site and Turkey 🙂
Thanks Anil, your advice seems to be the consensus that I’ve been getting. The only way I can use my T&T passport it seems would be to apply outside the U.S. which isn’t going to happen in this short period of time. Btw, I see you’ve been to several other Caribbean countries but not Trinidad and Tobago, what’s up with that? 🙂 You should definitely try going sometime, Trinidad is very different culturally from every other island in the chain.
🙂 Was almost there last year part of my planning for Suriname. Hopefully soon though, haven’t been so it’s on the list!
I´m an american – spanish dual citizen. By law, I am required to enter and exit the US with my american passport. I am currently living in Spain and will be going to the US to visit my family. I booked my flight using my US passport info just to simplify the process.
The problem is that I´ll have a layover in Turkey (9hrs) before continuing to the US. Since it´s a long layover, I want to stay at a hotel near the airport. The problem is that I would need a visa to enter Turkey (exit the airport) with my US passport, yet with my Spanish passport I don´t. How can I get around this problem. Is it possible to just switch to the Spanish passport at Turkey.
BTW, I remind you that my plane ticket was booked with my US passport and my Spanish passport has a slightly different name on it (has a second last name).
To make matters worse, I believe that Spain also requires me to exit and enter Spain with my SPANISH passport.
This is definitely a confusing subject. Thanks in advanced.
You typically can’t switch in transit – as for your other question you can follow the formula above. (I’ve also got an article I’m working on for the next day that should help answer your question as well.)
Awesome blog, been looking for something like this. As you can guess, I’ve got some questions too, really appreciated if you can help me out.
I’ve used Taiwan passport to entered Taiwan for awhile now, and now I need to go back to US. So, I’ll use Taiwan passport to exit Taiwan, then use US passport to enter US, but I won’t have an exit stamp showing I’ve left Taiwan on US passport, would that cause problem with customs when I return to US? (Also, it’s a new passport, so it’s all blank)
In the past, they’ve always asked me a whole bunch of questions when I’ve re-entered into US, even when I have all the proper stamps in my US passport, so this time just really hope I can get through it without a hitch.
Hope to hear from you soon, thanks a million!
ps. Do you know if they can track your destinations with the RFID chip in passports?
No stamps won’t cause problems, if US passport control asks you about it, tell them you’ve got dual citizenship.
As for stops, as far as I know it’s not recorded on RFID chips (US passports).
Awesome blog! Hope you can help me out, do you know if US recognize Dual Citizenship? And, if I return without an exit stamp on the US passport, will they ask me a lot of questions? In the past, they’ve always asked me a lot of questions, even when I have all the proper stamps. Would really like to go through Customs without a hitch. Also, do you know if the RFID in the passport can keep a record of a person’s destination (entering & exiting)?
Thank you very much!
They don’t…think I got the rest of your questions above…
hello there, was wondering if you can help me. I have dual citizenship, Britain and Canada. I have already been in Australia on a working holiday visa on my British passport, that has now expired and i have a new Canadian passport. Can i get the same visa for Australia with a different passport?? (i left Australia Sept. 2011 and have been in Canada since) or is that slightly…against the law????
You can but why would you want to?
well my girlfriend is Australian we want to go back for some more travelling, but if i used my British passport again, i’d have to get her to sponser me, and that visa costs $2000, whereas a working holiday visa costs $200. so it isnt illegal then?? i know you say in the article they might not be happy about it, but screw them if it isnt against the law!
thanks dude!
I have a brazilian and Lebanese passports. I currently live in the United States with the student Visa in my Lebanese passport. But, in order for me to get through to brazil I need to use my brazilian passport.
Should I just leave the United States with a lebanese passport and then when I get to brazil I show them my brazilian passport, and then on my way out of brazil i show them brazilian passport, and then back into the United states with my Lebanese passport?
Sorry this so confusing. I’d appreciate any help.
Hi A, check out the first answer in this post of mine, it should help clear things up:
I’ve just written this post that addresses some of your most common questions in the comments here:
hey man, sorry for keep posting on here but im still not 100% on the details. i have heard that it is illegal because they ask you whether you’ve ever had a WH visa before, and as soon as you say yes thats the end of it, even with a different passport, the post you wrote(above)is very good and informative, but doesnt really answer my question specifically, i guess i should just ask the Canadian or Australian Embassy right?? again, sorry for bugging you about this, just wanna get it right!! thanks in advance again buddy!
No problem – yes, the embassies will give you the best information – though it may take some persistence to get a timely response. Good luck!
I have an expired chinese visa on brazilian passport obtained at the Chinese Consulate in New York. I went this year to get a new visa again in my Brazilian passport (cheaper) and the gentleman working at the embassy was kind enough to hint me to use the American passport instead. Although the fee is slightly higher for Americans, they now issue 10 year multiple entries Chinese visa to American citizens upon request in the form. So the information about not allowing visa on foreign passports if you are also US citizen might be depending on which agent you happen to see.
I have made a mistake. I am a dual citizen between Canada and Netherlands. I have come to Netherlands to study for a year and accidentally showed my Canadian passport when entering Holland. I am staying here for a year at least. Even though as a Dutch citizen I am legal to be in the country, am I going to have problems? As well if I leave Holland for another country (as I am planning on attending a conference in India) can I use my Dutch passport for this trip as then I am entering Holland on one passport and leaving on a different one.
Thank you.
Yes – you can just use your Dutch passport – but you may have problems using your Canadian passport in the Schengen now. Only use the Dutch one in Europe.
Thanks for the great blog.
Didn’t see it covered above but was hoping you could clarify a situation for me. My wife and I are going from the US to Australia via stopover in China in both directions. She has US/Australian citizenship. Last time she flew to Australia on her US passport and was given a lot of grief for not using her Aussie passport (it had expired at the time). I know she should normally enter Australia on the Aussie passport and exit same, but how does flying through China BOTH ways complicate things?
She has to fly on her US passport to China from the US (couldn’t arrange Australian Visa to China from USA). She has a dual entry visa already secured for China on US Passport. I assume exit China on US passport but show Australia passport to airline? Then enter/exit customs in Australia on Aussie passport, showing US passport to airline bound for China on return? Then enter/exit China on US passport? Just wasn’t sure how China would handle this since she’s passing through twice, on different passports potentially.
Thought we’d simplify it and just do all on the US passport, as Australian visa is only $20, but when registering online it asks if she has dual citizenship and wasn’t sure if we should answer? Not sure if they’d care if she arrives on US passport while she has Australian citizenship, as they didn’t care for it previously.
Any advice you can impart would be appreciated.
I assume exit China on US passport but show Australia passport to airline? Then enter/exit customs in Australia on Aussie passport, showing US passport to airline bound for China on return? > yes.
Then enter/exit China on US passport? > yes. but if you show the Australian passport (without visa) you’ll be denied entry. Use the passport wit the visa at immigration control in China.
Thought we’d simplify it and just do all on the US passport, as Australian visa is only $20, but when registering online it asks if she has dual citizenship and wasn’t sure if we should answer? > this is your best option. on the Aussie visa you should (always in general) be honest and having the Aussie citizenship they probably won’t charge you visa fee.
Hi Anil, Sorry for just jumping in here, it isnt even relevent to the above, but you have given good advice and wondering if you can help me. I wish to enter Australia again on my British passport. I was there for a year in 2011 on my Irish Passport and left when this expired. Although it states you must only enter once on a WHV as that is all your entitled to, my question is does anyone know of this being done? I am desperate to go back . Thanks a mill
Best to check with the British embassy in Australia. It would be interesting to know what they say, if you remember please leave a note back here. Thanks!
Hi there, how are you? Maybe u can help me I have Italian passport and A Brazilian passaport and I’m Australian permanent resident – my Australian residency is linked to my Brazilian passport! Question – im leaving australia on my brazilian passaport that has my australian residency , I’m going to brazil via Dubai and will spend a few days in Dubai! Can I enter Dubai with my Italian passport or do I have to use the Brazilian that contains my residency in audtralia? If I use the Italian I don’t have to apply for a visa if I use the Brazilian I have to apply for a visa to enter Dubai? The problem is that no one seems to know if I should use the Brazilian or If I could use the Italian?
Your help would be appreciated
To answer your first question, yes you can.
Hi there, very informative blog. I have both Canadian and New Zealand passports. I intend to spend some time in the US, as much as possible actually without applying for a work permit. As a canadian I can spent six months in the US (per year) and as a New Zealander I can spend three 3 months there without a work visa. If I were to go on two separate trips, one on each passport, spending a total of 9 months in the US within a year, would the authorities deem this suspicious and would I risk being denied entry to America?
Thank you, look forward to your response.
They might deny entry in that case; but you can – on either passport – apply for a longer term visa.
Hi Dave, here is my question about my upcoming trip:
I have 2 valid passport (Canadian and Chinese), my chinese passport has a valid US visiting visa which I had before i became a canadian. I am planing a trip to go back to china in 2 weeks, and my flights are as follow: calgary-seattle-beijing, and then the revers way back, my questions are:
1. When im leaving calgary, which passport should i use for the airline company in Calgary airport? my understanding is, since the airline ticket will show my final destination as beijing, the tickets are the same airline company i will get 2 bording pass at one time, so the airline company will check if i am allowed to enter the final destination(not seattle but beijing, right?), my canadian passport with no chinese visa is no good, but if i show them my chinese passport they will ask me to present my legal canadian document(PR card or passport), then i need to show them my canadian passport, the airline company may not care if my two passport contries both allow duo citizenship, but as u said show the less passport as possible. so which passport should i use?
2. And which passport should i use for the Canadian and US customs in the Calgary airport? we have a US customs here in Calgary, which means you are passing the US customs in the airport before you go on the airplane. I can not remember if there is a Canadian customs to go through when you leaving the country, but a US customs is for sure. I am thinking the customs only cares if you are legal to enter the country or not, since both my passports are legal, and with the US visa on my chinese passport, i can use either. Again, if using my Chinese passport they might ask me to show my Canadian legal documents, then they will see both my passport. But if i only show them my canadian passport with 2 boarding pass, does the US customs care if i don’t have a Chinese visa on my canadian passport? I don’t like to lie to the cutoms, but i could just show them my canadian passport and the first boarding pass and told them i am travel to Seattle, etc. but if they find out i am lying then the problem becomes bigger.
3. When i am leaving seattle to china, i guess i should use my chinese passport for the airline since they will check if i am good for the final destination, right? but this might just creating troubles since i am using canadian passport to enter US and use chinese pssport to leave the US.
4. When i am back to US and Canada, i am planing to use my canadian passport for both seattle and calgary, since i dont think both US and Canadian customs cares where u come from and if u have a legal documents from the origin country.
All in all, one of my main question is when u leaving and entering the country, does the customs cares both where u come from and where you going? if so they will check both legal documents for both contries? or just the heading country they care about.
Thanks a lot!
I have a question if any one has experienced this,
I am living in DUBAI on a Pakistani passport since long time and has UAE RESIDENT VISA on it, UAE does not recognized Dual Nationality and I also have UK passport, usually i will exit on Pakistani passport and go out from UAE and take another flight from different country to Europe and vice versa same..Now if i am checking on Dubai Airport on UK passport to London than Airline has no issue but soon after i face immigration where some time they ask for boarding card and also asked where are you going, so If i lie that going to Pakistan where boarding card says London, than they will have me for keeping 2 passports in my pocket etc.. LAW here are very tough. so any one is experiencing same from DUBAI/UAE airports than please share your experiences and tricks to save money for rerouting flights.and solutions.reagrds.
Sorry I can’t be of help here, maybe someone else knows more information and is willing to post it…
Hello, I’m hoping that you could also answer a question for me regarding my dual citizenship. I was born in Canada but also have a German passport. I’ve been living in Germany now for a year and a half and I entered the counrty with my German passport. I am now going to visit Canada for Christmas and would like to know if I should use my Canadian passport or my German one to enter Canada. I will only take one passport with me so it’s important I take the right one. I am worried that if I use my German passport,that they will ask me questions about how long I’ve been living in Germany and where is my canadian passport etc… But if I use my Canadian one, I am afraid they will think I was only visiting Germany and would inquire about how long I had been there for etc…..what should I do please?
A quick response would be much appreciated, I fly in a few days.
Thank you!
Take both passports but show the Canadian one in Canada.
Hi, hope you can help me..
I am traveling around the world and at the entry in Laos I intended to use my Uruguayan passport to save $5 on visa over my second passport (US). After getting the visa at Laos entrance, the immigration official asked me where was the exist stamp of my prior country visited (Vietnam) so I explained I showed my second passport where the stamp was. Bottom line he forced me to use the same passport I exited the prior country! Now I am worry I can’t use my visa free Uruguayan passport at Russia border because I will be have an exit stamp from India on my other passport (US)??
Any advise?
You can try changing your route in a country that doesn’t require a visa from either passport before entering Russia.
I’ll be very relieved if you could advise me with the best solution to my issue. I have a Mozambican passport and a Portuguese passport. I’m flying to Switzerland from south Africa, i would like to know: after entering south Africa with tha Mozambican passport to i present the same passport and the airport control? and my Portuguese passport to the airline. making in this case only using my portages passport in Europe and my Mozambican when i return to enter south Africa? this has been a very complicated issue to me. hope you can better inform me.
Here’s the formula:
I just hosted a guy from Hong Kong.He is citizen of three countries:
UK,Hong Kong and Canada.
Anytime he flies back to Canada he conceals his Canadian citizenship ,entering Canada on either British or Hong Kong passport.
I dont quite understand why.go and figure.
I don’t either.
Merhaba Anil,
Bende de ABD ve TC pasaportlari var. Turkiye Amerikadaki bosanmayi kabul etmedigi icin pasaportlardaki soyadlari suan icin farkli. Bugune kadar sadece ABD-TC gidip geldim. Arkadas grubuyla birkac ulkeden olusan bir geziye cikmayi planliyorum. Bu gezilerde TC pasaportunu kullanacagim, ve bu gittigim ulkelere havaalani degil sinir kapisindan girecegim. ABD’ye geri dondugumde gittigim ulkeleri sorduklarinda Turk pasaportunu gosterebilir miyim? yada izlemem gereken yol nedir? Simdiden tesekkurler…
Türk pasaportunu gösterme, sadece ilk giriş ve son çıkış ülkelerini yaz. Ondan fazlasını sorarlarsa çift vatandaşlığını açıklayabilirsin.
Hi again, it seems that in the case of Turkey (or other visa free/visa on arrival country where you don’t fill forms), it is no problem to use whatever passport I want (Spanish or Bulgarian),
but what about countries where a visa is needed? I am specifically interested in Azerbaijan: when I went there I used my Spanish passport and on the visa form they asked
if I had a previous citizenship and when I ‘lost’ it. I wrote that I had a Bulgarian and I lost it in 2006 (when I got my Spanish one). At the border I was asked if I am a Spanish citizen (because my name is Bulgarian and I have been born in Bulgaria). I have heard from different people that in Azerbaijan they allow you only to have one citizenship and it seems that they think that this is applicable to everybody. Will I have a problem if I decide to travel to Azerbaijan again using my Bulgarian passport in the future?
It depends but stick with a single passport. You’re probably better off using the Spanish on in that case.
Thanks for your clarification.
It seems that having two EU passports is more a trouble than an advantage: now I am residing in Bulgaria, but I can not get a residence permit, because I am a Bulgarian citizen. And if I need to apply for a visa in Sofia with my Spanish passport, I can not, because I need a residence permit. This means that I need to go to Spain first in order to apply for a visa for a country which wants you to apply in your residence country. A little bit of an expensive Catch22.
What a great article, I’ve been looking for information like this for a long time now and I’m glad I ran into your site.
I’m wondering if you could advice me on a situation I’m in. I have a dual nationalities and to travel to the UK I can use either however with one I was allowed to stay for 6 months and when the 6 months are over you have to wait another 6 months to be able to go back in. I’ve been out of the UK for 4 months now but I want to go back to the UK. Can I use my other passport to go in?? which also allows me to go in the UK but for 3 months…
Any ideas?
You can but they might not allow you in. I would wait the 2 months to be sure.
Thank you! I’ll take your advice and sit tight 🙂
Geez, thanks for sharing the rule n your experience. I really want to understand whatimmigration look for in passport. Do they check my last port of embarkation? I have dual nationalities. Aust/Indonesia. I am really concern when I enter Indonesia they will question where I was. I reside in Thailand with with Australian passport and only use indo passport when I enter n exit Indonesia. Any advise?
I really want to understand whatimmigration look for in passport >> depends on the country, officer, special circumstances…
I am really concern when I enter Indonesia they will question where I was. >> aren’t you a citizen? What’s the concern with where you’ve been?
hi, did you try use 2 passport? any problem at indonesia? i have same problem, please contact me to my email, have a lot of question need to ask, thank you
Hi, i’ve got UK-US nationality. I’m most probably being really stupid but do i use my UK passport in Heathrow and then my US one when i arrive in america and then vice versa on the way back or will i need to show my US passport at some point in heathrow before i leave the UK and then show my UK one at some point in America before i leave there? I’m so confused by all this, this is my first time traveling back to America since we moved to the UK when i was a child.
Check out the last line of this article:
Hello Anil,
I was born in US and hold both US and Spanish passports. My US passport just recently expired, and I am schedule to fly to Mexico tomorrow. Yes, I know, I should have checked my passport expiration.
More importantly, what are the implications of traveling on my Spanish passport from Houston->Mexico and back again? I assume that on my return I will have to fill out Customs card using US passport info, and they will find out my passport is expired and wonder how I managed to get to Mexico.
Is there serious penalties that could arise from doing such a thing? Could I travel to and from Mexico on a foreign passport and eventually show US customs my expired passport so they will let me in with a slap on the wrist? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
It could cause you complications upon reentry into the US. If you have time to update your US passport I’d recommend it.
i hav bulgarian and macedonian pasport how tu travel in australia i live in itali
Check their embassy website.
Does anyone know, can I keep entering and leaving Shengan territory every 90 days and switching passports so I can stay indefinetly, or would they catch on to that? Thanks.
Sooner or later they would. Just get a long-term visa and save yourself the potential trouble.
A couple of other posts asked you similar questions but thought would ask again with regard to Japan which you may know have different rules. I have 2 passports…Australian and Irish, and I have been staying in Japan on my Irish passport …this gives me 6 months stay. I went to extend my visa and was rejected because I have been staying here too long. I have entered Japan 3 times in past year using tourist visa.
Now I have to leave. My question is if I re-enter using my Australian passport will they know that I have already used up my stay time on my Irish passport? Here in Japan they finger print everyone entering so I am worried they will cross reference that. Thanks.
I wouldn’t recommend you trying that. At least not so soon after being rejected a visa based on an overstay.
Hi again,
Do you know how a countries immigration looks at visas from 2 passports? Is the period of stay calculated by the visas in both passports or is it based on the person i.e. combination of 2 passports. I am specifically asking in regard to Japan.
PS. I wrote another post but do not see it here but you sort of answered it in other replies regarding getting more visa time using a 2nd passport.
It really depends. Typically though they are separate, however in your case it’s likely to cause you problems.
Thank you for your reply. I have another question you might be able to help. My japanese partner and I are now thinking of getting married in Japan. Would you know if any problem getting married showing my Australian passport which does not have visitors visa, and then applying for Spouse visa using my Irish passport? It’s in my Irish passport I have the visa to change to Souse visa.
I’m afraid I can’t be of much help there, best talk to an immigration or related lawyer to find out for sure. Best of luck.
I would go for Aussie passport and start totally new application.
As I understand from your post,your irish passport is messed up.
good luck
Thank you for the article.
My question is:
two passports: US/RUS. going to Moscow form US, stopping in UK for few days. I understand from your article to enter and leave the country on same passport. yes. I would enter UK on US passport and should leave with it also. My tickets to Moscow should be on Russian passport, ok. My Russian passport in on my maiden name. Therefore, different last name. So, when I leave UK for Moscow, I am showing my US passport and Russian ticket with different last name? or how does it work in this situation. I would appreciate any help. thank you
When you leave the UK immigration you show them the US passport – show the airline at check-in the Russian one. Typically maiden name changes are overlooked however it may be an issue in your case. Do you have time to get the passport updated? At the very least bring a copy of your marriage certificate.
Thank you. Would you recommend to buy a ticket on a married last name then?
Either way there would be a discrepancy in the names no? Any time to visit or send your passport for an update at the Russian embassy?
Russian Embassy doesn’t do it here.name changes have to be done within Russia only. It is a Very big hassle and takes along time.
But thank you
Lena, did you have a chance to travel yet? I am with the same issue. Last name on my Russian passport is totally different from my US passport Last name. I did not change my name due to the marriage, but due to the US Naturalization process. I would like to travel to Russia, but not sure how. Went to the Russian consulate in NYC, but they do not know what to do if my last name was changed not due to the marriage. I called Travel agent she suggested to purchase a ticket using both names with a comma, but I am afraid I may have an issue at the immigration check for doing that. Let me know what was your experience. Thanks
I apologize up front if this has been answered already and I just didn’t “get it”. 🙂
I have dual citizenship/passports for UK & Canada. I will be travelling to Dublin, Ireland, and spending my time there and then, via land transport, in Norther Ireland (N.I. is part of the UK, whereas Dublin, Ireland is not). Only one return trip ticket (Canada to Dublin) is being purchased. The airline wants passport info up front. Which passport info should I provide? Once the outbound flight is active, I cannot change the information online, so whichever info provided would apply to the return trip (Dublin to Canada) as well as the outward bound (Canada to Dublin) trip. That’s the confusing part, the purpose of the passport info for the airline means they have ONE set of info. Is it then appropriate to provide the airline with Canadian passport info, then leave Canada with Canada passort, then enter Dublin with UK passport. If so, then do I leave Dublin showing UK passport, but enter Canada via Canadian passport. Do I have this right?
Is it then appropriate to provide the airline with Canadian passport info, then leave Canada with Canada passort, then enter Dublin with UK passport. If so, then do I leave Dublin showing UK passport, but enter Canada via Canadian passport. Do I have this right? >> yes.
hi thank u for the article.. was wondering if u can clarify some things for me.. i have a dual citizenship in canada & philippines and will be travelling to 5 asian countries.. i know that to depart / return canada i should use my canadian passport.. in between the trip can i use my philippine passport to avoid having to apply for a visa to vietnam / cambodia? if yes, do i get in trouble with immigration when returning to canada? thanks for your answer in advance
in between the trip can i use my philippine passport to avoid having to apply for a visa to vietnam / cambodia? >> yes
if yes, do i get in trouble with immigration when returning to canada? >> probably not but check the conditions of traveling internationally with the department that handles passports.
Last thing, check with all of the country-embassies you’ll be visiting online to confirm – don’t just take my word for it.
Thank you. Turns out I have to use my UK passport anyway, as a Cdn passport only lets me stay 90 days in the Republic of Ireland. Uk is no limit.
My wife and I hold both U.S. and Italian passports. When traveling from the U.S. to Italy and back, I think I understand that we should:
1) use the U.S. passports to leave the U.S. (airlines and airport security) but then present the Italian passports upon entry to Italy
2) use the Italian passports to leave Italy and then present the U.S. passports upon arrival in the USA.
Is this correct? Also, are you aware if presenting the Italian passports upon Italian entry may result in taxes or fees being collected by the Italian government?
Thank you.
Yes and yes to #1 and 2. As far as the taxes, that I’m not sure about. Most EU countries have limitations on how much they can tax citizens living abroad. You may be exempt but check the embassy website or call them to be sure.
Thank you – this seemed to be the answer but I appreciate the confirmation. Regarding my question about taxes or fees, I now think I was referring to the tax/duty stamp on Italian passports which is supposed to be renewed annually. According to the Italian Consulate website this must be purchased if you use the passport to travel. It is possible that an Italian passport without a current duty stamp could be noticed coming into Italy. In that case, I cannot find out what would happen or if simply one might have to purchase the stamp on the spot. Any information on this would be appreciated.
I’d call the Italian embassy to see if there’s a fine and whether the amount of it is low enough to risk being caught upon arrival or exit.
I have dual citizenship – of two EU countries; The United Kingdom and The Netherlands. I came to Thailand on my Dutch passport (the UK passport was expired at the time), but want to switch to the United Kingdom passport – only 1 time and then continue using the UK passport in becoming an English teacher.
I have to do a visa run before the 17th this month. All flights to Malaysia and Singapore are fully booked.. So if I do a visa run by land to Cambodia – leave the country with the Dutch passport; will I have problems getting a Cambodian visa on my brand-new totally stamp-free English passport, enter the Kingdom of Cambodia on that – and then return to Thailand with the English passport?
I am told that in all likelihood they will try and make up an elaborate story to get as much money out of me as possible… or that it would simply be denied..
I suppose I could do 2 visa runs on the Dutch passport and then fly to Singapore and enter the country on the British one and then fly back, but that would be really time consuming and expensive..
Sounds like it will cause problems. What does the UK embassy there advise?
I phoned the British embassy and they thought it wouldn’t be a problem… I will be travelling in 10 days to Malaysia by land – which as a more develloped country should not take advantage of the situation like Laotians or Cambodians would..allegedly that is.. So I phoned the Malaysian embassy as well and they said it wouldn’t be a problem as the simple fact that I’m a British national is enough to get a visa on arrival and they wouldn’t care about how I got there or that I have two passports…
So I guess we’ll see what happens in 10 days.. I’ll report back to let you and your readers know.
Thanks, I look forward to hearing back from you. Good luck!
Made it back in one piece, though it wasn’t easy.
By land both the Thai and the Malaysians couldn’t be reasoned with and they almost left me between the two borders… I had to book another flight 1st from Penang to Kuala Lumpur and then from Kuala Lumpur back to Bangkok. I timed it with a flight coming in from England and got through passport control by playing the ignorant and distracted tourist, which was enough to make them not investigate further – although my brand new passport did raise an eyebrow.
I don’t recommend anyone doing this other than from and to your own country. I’m glad it was only a one time thing – and I’ll not do it again!
Thanks for sharing your experience!
I have hard time believing Malaysian embassy would tell you one certain thing and then Malaysian border guards would tell you different story and treat you like a refugee in no man’s land between the borders.
Hi /Merhaba!
I am a dual as well , Norwegian & US. Im going to Florida for a wedding. i went to the embassy today and filled out all the papers and will get the passport in 2 weeks aprox..(havent had a passport from the US issued the last 15 years) Can i BOOK the flight with the Norwegian passport and travel with the American one? please e-mail me as well, im running out of time to book the tickets.
Merhaba Nina 🙂 I’m confused about your situation? Will you have the US passport before your flight?
nina how did they allowed you to have 2 passports if norway doesnet allow 2 nationalities? i would love to know . thanks.
Hi Anil!!!!
I am traveling to pakistan soon i have both US & pakistani PP. my question is how can i travel without a visa… I asked my embassy… They gave me 3 different answers.
1) travel on your pakistani pp and show them ur us when u enter pakistan n ask them to stamp that us.
2) travel to pakistan on paki pp n come back on US.
3) get a visa
I am worried that i will be asked for exit stamp… As some one told me they were trying to travel on two PP n they had trouble n were asked to stay there for couple days for visa n stuff.
Have you read this article? It may help answer your question:
Hi! Good Day! I am a Dual citizen. I have US passport and Philippine passport.I got married here in the Pilippines. After that, I renewed my Philippine Passport with my married name on it but my US passport still got my single name. I’m planning to renew it in the US cause I’ll be leaving next month. Can I leave the Philippines with my renewed Philippine passport and my US passport that still got my single name? What last name should I use booking my ticket? Hope you can help me! I urgently need the answer… Thanks!
On the booking ticket use your US passport – if you can also bring a copy of the marriage certificate that might come in handy as well.
hi i have two passports Ethiopian and Finland and i would like to go Kosovo the capital city of pristine to see the national library of Kosovo outstanding place.
From addis ababa to pristine via Istanbul
1. i don’t wanna to show my Finland pp when I’m in etho or in Istanbul
2. i want to show my finish pp only when i arrive pristine in Kosovo
my question are
1. is that good idea or it’s working?
2. can police border in pristine track my trip back and know that i was using another pss when i was in Istanbul
note: my two pass has same names and date of birth
please tell me the best scenario
and also visa is on arrival according to both pp
What’s your route?
my route are
addiss ababa to istanbul istanbul to pristina the capital city of kosovo
can i use my ethio pps both addis ababa and istanbul and show my finish one when i arrive kosovo international airport only the two pps has same name and same date of birth
Hi Anil,
I have a question for you. I have a dual citizenship: South-African and Belgian. I am planning to go from Belgium to South Africa this summer (stop in Abu Dhabbi) and my questions were where do I flash which passport?
1. Checkin in Belgium: ?
2. Passport control in Belgium: ?
3. Entering South Africa = South African Passport
4. Checkin in South Africa to go back to Belgium : ?
5. Passport control: in South Africa: South African Passport
6. Arriving in Belgium: Belgian passport
How about in Abu Dhabbi (just staying there for a transfer flight) will I have to flash any passport? and if so, which one?
Thank you very much in advance!
Kind regards,
Check this article, it should help answer most of your questions:
Hi Anil P;
I’m wondering if you’ve come across the situation where someone has dual citizenship, with two passports but with two different names? I have a friend who wants to change his name legally in his new country and then have a passport issued in that name and use that passport almost exclusively, BUT keep his original name for his original country and passport and use it only when he goes home (the reason being his country won’t recognize/legally allow him to change his birth name). That person will not be using his original passport to enter any other country but his own (mostly), as his country needs a visa for everywhere!
Have you seen this? What problems can you anticipate? I called the passport agency of the country that would be issuing his second passport and they said they can only talk about their own, and that they would issue the passport in whatever name was on the documents they were given.
Any thoughts?
I haven’t heard about a similar situation, I would recommend call the passport office of both countries.
Hello, My question is a bit complicated:
In 1990 I entered the US as a tourist (my country of origin is Brazil), and after my 6 months allowed stay, I remained in the US because I fell in love. In 1991, I married an illegal Honduran national living in the US for a few years. According to Brazilian laws, I was supposed to had registered my marriage with my assigned Brazilian Consulate back then, which I didn’t. I had kept my single name in the US just because all my american documents would match the Brazilian ones (changing names is Brazil is a nightmare). Also, once a Brazilian citizen registers a foreign marriage with the Brazilian Consulate, if there is a divorce performed in the US, one must go to Brazil to finish registering the original marriage with the Brazilian Courts. Only them one can hire a lawyer in Brazil to represent them in a Brazilian divorce. Only after this process can a Brazilian national be really “divorced” in both countries.
Fast forward a few years, and the US Immigration “decided” my last name should be my husband’s name as he had petition the US Immigration to legalize my status (eventually got his legal residency). And so, I have had my husband last name for over 10 years in the US and I became an American citizens 3 years ago (my american passports has my husband last name). I also have a valid Brazilian passport with my single name on it.
Brazilian law requires all its citizens to vote (or justify upon entering Brazil, why you couldn’t vote) in order to keep their civil privileges such as owning property, getting a job, retirement benefits or claiming inheritance. Not only I have’t vote since 1990, all my Brazilian issued documents are expired (my Brazilian passport was issued by the Brazilian consulate). Next year I plan to go to Brazil, the 1st time since 1990, but I didn’t want to deal with all the bureaucracy in Brazil as I will be visiting during the World Cup and government offices will be a mess to deal with way more than usual.
Another Brazilian law requires its citizens to enter the country with a Brazilian passport.
Here comes the complicated question:
Should I just pretend not to be a Brazilian citizen and apply for a visa with the Brazilian consulate as an American citizen (using my american passport that bears my husband’s last name) so I can just go in and out of Brazil without issues and skip the aggravations or should I try to deal with this mess and get my Brazilian situation straiten out with the Brazilian government? I need to have a resolution so I can pick a name to put down when I buy the air fare and if I have to deal with the Brazilian government, I am going to need a lot of time before the trip to fix this mess as the bureaucracy makes everything so complicated and slow to be resolved.
Thanks for any help I can get 🙂
I am not sure, have you talked to a lawyer about it?
I have a Japanese and Canadian passport.
Born in Canada, moved to Japan when I was 20 and lived here ever since (9 years)…
When I visit my family in Canada, should I leave Japan with my Japanese and enter Canada with my Canadian passport? I am worried that they will find out and put me in a small room and take away either citizenship.
Is it illegal to do this? or would it be fine?
Here’s the sequence:
Hi Anil,
nice you are discussing this theme.. you might have an idea, if or how risky this situation would be: i have two EU passports and traveled to thailand on pp1. as you surely know, in 180 days, i am allowed to get 3×30 days of stay permitted. if, after the 3rd time, i´d fly out and come back with pp2, would i get the 3×30 again on my 2nd citizenship? that way, by using both pps, i theoretically could stay in thailand as long as i want. what´s your opinion? Worth to mention is that pp2 is not only old school, so no fingerprint, but also extremely full with stamps. and there´s 1 more question.. can they deny to let u in, if you have a full passport, or do they have to find.. the spaciest place and squeeze the stamp in. i wonder.. who says, what really is full?
If they feel you’re abusing their entry requirements and laws, they can refuse you entry. Best stick with a single passport and apply for a longer-term visa.
Just a question, I hope for the answer 🙂 I have a dual Citizen (US and Russia) Last name on my Russian passport is totally different from my US passport Last name. I did not change my name due to the marriage, but due to the US Naturalization process. I would like to travel to Russia, but not sure how. Went to the Russian consulate in NYC, but they do not know what to do if my last name was changed not due to the marriage. I called Travel agent she suggested to purchase a ticket using both names with a comma, but I am afraid I may have an issue at the immigration check for doing that. Let me know what was your experience. Thanks
Do you have a Russian government issued ID card you can take with you – plus marriage certificate? I would recommend it but please do check with the consulate as I am not certain.
This is the problem – Russian consulate was not able to explain to me what to do. They are able to make that change if my last name was changed due to the marriage in the USA, but due to the naturalization process – when I applied for the US Citizenship I requested for my last name to change they do not have a process in place. I hope if anyone replies with the similar issue.
Great blog article.. Thank you. Just wondering if yourself or anyone might have some perals of wisdom to share… I’ve got a friend who has dual citizenship.. Japan and Australia (both exempt from needing a holiday visa application for Italy she visited… She’s entered Italy (there now) on a tourist visa entering on her Australian passport.. Allows her up to 90 days. Now, my understanding is that she would have to leave for 90 days before she can come back again for a further 90 days… If she exits with the same Australian passport, then enters again on her Japanese (a few days later, not waiting for 90 days before doing so) is this risky business?? For the record, the 2nd passport has her mother’s surname, so I’m not sure if that helps anywhere… Would be great to know.. Thanks so much.
*pearls =)
She could be denied entry based on her previous entry to Italy. Although it’s unlikely. I would recommend waiting more than a few days before reentry.
hi Anil,
I have a similar situation. I stayed in brazil on my british passport which didnt need a visa. i maxed out the stay and a bit more. When I left I was given the mandatory fine for overstaying which i have to pay when i return to Brazil (I assume on my british passport). NOw, i also have an australian passport and was thinking that i could re-enter within the mandatory number of days (180) as long as i have the correct visa from the consulate? Is that correct? I`ve been told if i did, i would be charged with Fraud and denied entry but from what you have said and someone else said on another website, the immigration department of Brazil only record the passport i entered on which was my British, or do they have record of my australian also…it`s so confusing. Hope you have some feedback. Thanks for a great post. Lil
If they don’t you they’d charge you with fraud, I don’t recommend taking the risk.
I have US and Irish citizenship. I have since 1994 traveled to Russia half a dozen times using the Irish passport, having secured a Russian visa in the Irish passport at the Russian Consulate in Ireland and other cities in Europe. Now I live in the US and want to apply for a three-year multiple entry tourist visa using my US passport. The application for US citizens asks about prior travel to Russia; I am assuming that I need to describe and wonder whether the Russian Consulate in the US may check and find out no visas were issued to me–as a US citizen. For example, I was in Russia in 2011 (with visa in Irish passport) and my US passport was issued in 2005; so the consular officer will likely wonder why there is no visa in the US passport if I traveled to Russia in 2011. Should I explain that I am a dual citizen? Should I just apply using the Irish passport? Suggestions as to best approach?
It shouldn’t be a problem to notify them of your dual citizenship if asked. It’s better than saying you haven’t been and them questioning the lack of visa in your passport.
Hi.. I’m jus little confuse here..I hope you could help me out. M travelling to US in 2 weeks time. Last time I went on indian passport with valid visa on it. But now I got australian passport… Does that mean I can’t travel on indian passport anymore ?? I haven’t applied for dual citizenship yet.. Do you think my indian passport still valid to travel I mean can I use both passports to travel to US.. Since I can stay in US for 6months stay with b2 but with entering Aussie passport I only can stay 3 months under visa waiver .. So what do you think should I leave Australia with australain passport and enter in US with indian passport with US visa on it???
It depends on the purpose of your trip and visa but you’re likely better off using your Australian passport.
This may be slightly unrelated but i’ll ask anyway, nothing to lose 🙂
I have a US Visa till 2019 on my British passport but also have a Guyanese passport.
When I go back to Guyana, i’ll be using my Guyanese passport of course but what if I want to visit the US, how should I go about?
I mean i can always do a stopover first with my G-passport and then fly to US from there but is it possible to transfer visas from one passport to another? Or if i request another in Guyana, won’t the embassy/consulate see that I have dual-citizenship and report it or deny giving me one?
This article has the answer you’re looking for:
I have dual citizenship(Spanish and US), I am going to Spain this summer and I was wondering which one to use where, as a respect for each country I want to use the Spanish on the way to Spain and Us on the return to the US, but I am sure US immigration will ask where are the Stamps from the countries I visited, what do you suggest?
Check out this post, which goes through the general process, and then let me know if you have any other questions:
Hi! Your blog is great. I have a specific question I had hoped you could help me with.
I am going to France this year for a student exchange. I am an Italian citizen and I am registered in the A.I.R.E as Isabelle Church. I have since then changed my name (NOT BY MARRIAGE) to Isabelle Ulliana. I have been advised that the change of name process in Italy can take up to 8 months… I dont have this long! I leave in September. I have an appointment to get a new passport next month and I want to know if I can just get the passport in my birth name (Church) and travel with this and my Australian passport (Ulliana) and carry change of name documents and birth certificates if any trouble arises?
I understand to enter and leave a country on all the same passports but it is the two different names I am worried about. I will be staying in France for 5 months as well.
Thank you,
So you’re a dual Italian/Australian citizen? Getting into France shouldn’t be a problem but you really should get all of your documents under the new name before leaving the Schengen. It may cause you serious problems when traveling, even with the name-change documents.
Hi! Great post!
I have a rather specific question, maybe you could help.
I have Argentine and Spanish passports. Getting into the EU is smoother with the Spanish passport, but as an Argentine I wouldn’t need a Russian visa.
Do you think I could
1) Exit Argentina with the Argentine passport
2) Enter and exit the EU with the Spanish one.
3) Enter and exit Russia with the Argentine one.
4) Re-enter the EU with the Spanish one.
5) Return to Argentina with the Argentine one?
Hope it’s not too confusing!
I don’t think it will be a problem, but I would double-check with the Argentine embassy in Russia to make sure. Good luck!
Camilo, I don’t think there is a problem with that. I had the same concern last month before my trip to Russia. I hold a Uruguayan (which doesn’t need visa to enter Russia) and US passport. I used my US passport to exit India and used my Uy to enter Russia. I also called the Russian consulate in Montevideo to make sure this was possible. You should so the same just to be sure.
Good luck
Gonzalo’s post seems to describe my exact situation. Thank you very much!
I will be calling the Russian consulate tomorrow.
Thanks again, saludos!
Hi there!
Great blog. I need a opinion!
I have German and Myanmar Passport with the same name, and I’m in Germany right now. But in Myanmar Passport doesn’t have German visa and entry stamp. If I want to go to Myanmar, how would I do that? ‘I don’t want to take Myanmar Visa in German Passport’.
Do you think I could,
= in Germany, Check-in with Myanmar Passport at air-line and show German Passport at immigration (passport control)without Myanmar visa.
= and show Myanmar Passport at transit airport. (example: at Bangkok)
= at Myanmar, I’m not afraid to get problem because I can solve with some money.
Thank you
That’s the way you should do it!
Thanks for your reply. so mean that, I can do:
-show Myanmar Passport to check-in at airline desk in Germany Airport,
-and show German Passport at immigration ( Passport control ).
There would be no problem, right?
Thanks a lot.
Exactly 🙂
Hi Anil,
I left the US and entered Europe with my German Passport. I am returning to the US with my US passport. Because there is no EU sort of stamp in my US passport showing my original arrival to Europe, will I have any issues?
Thanks in advance for the valuable information.
Hi Ismail,
No, you won’t have any problems. If passport control does ask, you can let them know you’re a dual US/German citizen.
Anil, Will same apply to Canada/British Citizen?
I’m not sure, check their embassy websites.
Hi Anil,
I have dual-citizenship for both the Netherlands and Hong Kong.
I’ve been studying in Korea for about nine months in total now and I’m leaving for Hong Kong next Monday. I am on a tourist visa (using my Dutch passport) during my stay here so I had to renew the visa after every three months by leaving and re-entering Korea. I have already a lot of stamps on my passport.
The thing is, the last time I left Korea, the guy at passport control asked me these weird questions about my stay in Korea (What did you do here? Where did you stay? Why did you come back another time?). I was pretty surprised and nervous when he asked me those questions because I didn’t do anything except studying and travelling (and a Korean girlfriend, lol). So now I am actually considering re-entering Korea using my Hong Kong passport, because it is completely free of stamps and therefore, looks much “cleaner”.
Do you think this is a good idea? Or should I just use the Dutch passport again and don’t care about the stamps and the possible annoying questions? Because once they check my fingerprints at passport control, they’ll recognize my record right away.
Oh, in case you’re wondering why I didn’t apply for a student visa in the first place, the Korean course I took is per level and every course is about nine weeks (2,5 months). If I had failed a course, I would have just returned to my home country, but I was lucky enough to pass all courses ^^.
Thx in advance for your answer.
I would stick with the Dutch passport – it’s likely to cause less issues – despite the slightly annoying questioning.
Thx for your quick answer Anil.
I guess I’ll stick to the Dutch passport.
When I return to Korea in about three weeks after my trip to HK, there will be four stamps. Is there a limit to how many times one can enter Korea on tourist visa?
I’m not sure, best to check with your embassy!
so,at Asian airports they go by fingerprints not by passports anymore??
That means if i intend to do visa run to Japan and back on two different passports the trick wont work?
Hi Anil P!
Thank you for posting this, it is very helpful… though I do have a situation… I am Canadian born but I live and work in Indonesia.. It is not legal for Indonesia to have dual citizenship but the Canadians don’t care. I am travelling to the UK this summer with my Brit husband, and travelling to Spain for our honeymoon and also for a short business meeting (hopefully I can curb it to a maximum one hour meeting haha!)
Here is the quandary: I have gotten a UK visa for my INdonesian passport to go to the UK… But due to time restrictions, I won’t get my passport back in time to get a schengen visa.
Would it be okay to leave the UK with my Indonesian passport (i got multiple entry) and arrive in Spain and exit Spain back to the UK with my Canadian passport?
Would appreciate a response…. thank you so much!!!
It may work but also could cause problems since you’ve got the visa in one passport. I’d say chances are in your favor.
Hey there,
Great post. I just want to ask a question. Do I (as a person holding a dual nationality) have the right to show the passport that I WANT TO SHOW to passport control. Is it illegal in any way to withhold the other passport?
Meaning, if they find out I have 2 passports, can they legally force me to use one when I want to use the other?
Thanks in advance
A big “it depends” on the laws. But basically if you’re in a country where you hold citizenship, that’s the only passport generally they’ll accept. You enter and exit on the same passport everywhere else.
It can often be something of a gray legal area as well, for example if one country doesn’t recognize the other, etc.
I have a question regarding connecting flights. I have dual USA and Italian citizenship. I am flying to Italy and have a connecting flight in London. When I arrive in London, which passport would you recommend using when entering and leaving the UK to go to Italy? In addition, which passport should I use when I leave Italy and arrive in London for the connecting flight back to the US?
In short, the answer to both questions is: Italian passport. But check this article (linked below) for the full recommended process:
Hey man,
I have got dual citizenship of Australia and UK, and I am in the stages of planning a backpacking trip around central and south america. With my Australian passport I don’t require a visa for almost all countries except Brazil. However my British passport does not require a visa. So when I am say Paraguay and show them my Australian passport, am I able to whip out the British passport when I leave for Brazil?
It depends on how you’ll be crossing the border: http://foxnomad.com/2012/11/16/the-fast-answers-to-your-questions-about-traveling-as-a-dual-citizen
Hi, I’m a dual citizen as well, and one thing you should know, that I discovered very recently, to my dismay, is that in some countries, in passport control, before they stamp your passport, they want to see the exit stamp of the country you are coming from in the SAME passport.
This is incredibly annoying and it happened to me twice already. Leaving China with my Argentina passport, I wasn’t allowed into Macau with an Italian passport.
Leaving Indonesia again with my Argentina passport, I wasn’t allowed into Malaysia with my Italian passport.
In both cases they reviewed my Italian passport and asked me where my exit stamp was and said I wouldn’t be allowed in the country with a passport that has no exit stamp from where I was coming from.
This is ridiculous, I was really angry, and in fact can cause you a LOT of trouble if you need a visa for the country you are going to using the passport that you don’t want to use.
So far, it happened to me only in these two, and I truly hope there are not many others. I never had problems flying to the US, Canada and Australia using both passports.
Hi Nico, I had just the opposite experience. When reentering Europe, I held both my US and German passport up and they waved me through without looking at either.
This sounds like a very particular situation that could arrive in some asian countries. I can imagine that there are no laws regarding this sort of entry to a country but you were just subject to an arbitrary decision by a customs agent.
But I can only guess. Never heard of something like this.
I have a question about this dual citizen thing and the passport. I am a US citizen former Filipino citizen but I might become naturalized in the Philippines since I cannot apply for dual citizenship due to my age. But the Philippines requires you to renounce your other foreign citizenship. BUT, in order to FULLY relinquish your your US citizenship, you have to VOLUNTARILY and WITH THE INTENT to give it up even though you are naturalized in another country, so practically you can’t remove your US citizenship. So, my question would be:
If I am issued a PH passport, can I use it when I leave the Philippines and then use my US passport when I enter the US, vice-versa?
I’m not sure, you’ll have to consult with someone familiar with Philippine immigration.
I have dual Canadian/Irish citizenship. I live in Canada, I visited Japan in 2012 to see my daughter, I used my Canadian passport (they took my fingerprints). My Canadian passport has now expired. I was going to visit my daughter again and thought I’d just use my Irish passport. will the fact that they have my fingerprints on file with a Canadian passport cause me issues?
I’m not sure but if your other stay was without incident (no overstay, etc.) then I doubt you’ll have problems.
I have dual Turkish/American citizenship as well. However next year I will be studying in the UK, and my student visa is in my Turkish passport. While studying can I use my American passport to travel to France, since I wont have to get a visa like that? How should I re-enter the UK? Do I leave the UK with my Turkish passport, enter France with the American, leave France with the American, and get back to the UK with the Turkish? Will it create any problems?
It’s probably going to be easier to enter and exit the UK using the Turkish passport. It can cause problems if you switch passports with UK immigration, I would call the UK embassy in the US, or Turkish embassy in the UK to get the most accurate advice.
Hi Anil!
Hope you can help me with a confusion.
I’m a dual Pakistani/Irish citizen, living permanently in Pakistan right now. Sometime in the future I’ll be going to UAE and from there to Saudi Arabia BY ROAD! A visa for UAE on my Irish passport is free of cost, so I’m going to be using that. But what about when I enter the Saudi border form there? Should I apply for a Saudi visa on my Pakistani Passport?
And another thing is that my Family name (NOT surname) is on my Pakistani passport BEFORE my first name, while there is no family name on the other passport. Could this cause any problems? (assuming that the passport authorities abroad may think that my family name is my first name )
It could cause problems, I would suggest using the same passport for UAE and Saudi if possible. The visa might be a hassle (or fees) but it may save you trouble at the Saudi border.
That’s an interesting situation to have to deal with. Are there any serious penalties if you accidentally whip out the wrong passport and hand it to the immigration officer?
It really depends on the two countries in question.
Hi, I have dual nationality (canadian and brazil) I want to go to the UK for 8 months but i would only be able to stay for 6months on one passport. I underastand that I would hav eto then leave and I wouldn’t be able to go back into the UK for a month or two. BUT would I be able to go almost straight back in on my 2nd passport?
That will likely cause you problems. Just get an extended visa on the Canadian passport, it’s shouldn’t be too cumbersome.
Hi so glad I found this site. I have a USA and UK passport. I live in NYC and am planning to go to Brazil next summer for the world cup. As you know UK Passports do not need a visa to enter so I want to travel on that passport. My questions are….?
1) What passport do I use when I book my ticket?
2) What passport do I use when I check in my bags?
3) What passport do I use when I go thru security?
4) What passport do I use when I board the plane?
5) What passport do I use when I enter Brazil when I land?
Then of course the same questions for when I leave Brazil.
You are a life saver. I hope to book my ticket this Sunday. Thank you Anil!
Check this other article of mine out and let me know if you have any other questions, I think this should cover it: http://www.foxnomad.com/2012/11/16/the-fast-answers-to-your-questions-about-traveling-as-a-dual-citizen/
Sorry to bother again just want to make sure I have it right….
Check in with UK passport in NYC
Going thru security show USA passport in NYC
When boarding show UK passport in NYC
On plane UK passport
Enter brazil on UK passport in RIO
on the way back…
Check in with USA passport in Rio
In security line use UK passport in RIO
Boarding plane use USA passport in RIO
On plane use USA passport
Entering USA in NYC use USA Passport
Did I get that right? The only question I ask is when I book the flight online and they ask for a passport which one do I use?
No problem Jon, you’ve got the order correct. When you book, use the passport you’ll enter the country with. So going, UK, return, US.
Hi there,
I’m in a bit of a funny situation here and could do with some advise.
I’ve just had my Citizenship Ceremony and I am British now, having been Ukrainian up until now. As far as I know Ukraine does not allow dual citizenship, but I hear a lot about people who get other citizenship, but keep Ukrainian / Russia passport for convenience of travelling, even though that’s technically illegal, I think. For this reason my friends are advising me to keep Ukrainian passport and use it for traveling to Ukraine, even though I am British now, but It doesnt feel very safe.
Also, I didn’t cancel my Ukrainian citizenship before becoming British. Is that something that happens automatically, or do I need to do something? Is there some kind of global registry / database, where everyone’s citizenship gets logged?
Best Regards,
You should contact the immigration offices of both countries to find out. As for a global citizen registry, nothing like that exists.
Question for you. I am German national and US permanent resident currently in the Caribbean. I will fly back to the US to take my oath. Once I take the oath I will be dual citizen (US/German). I have travel plans about a week after my oath. To leave the US after becoming US citizen can I use my German passport?( name will match on the airplane ticket)I just do not know if I will get my US passport on time. I can have the US passport send to me so that I can come back to the US using my new US passport.
Hope this is not too confusing. Thanks.
So long as there aren’t visa issues you shouldn’t have any problems.
thanks so much
Nice tips mate and I’ve been doing the same for years – I’m also a dual citizen and never had any issues with it. I just use the passport that is either cheaper for the visa or has less questioning involved due to political issues between my passport country and the place I’m going. Safe travels. Jonny
I’m a dual national (USA & UK) I’ve been in the UAE working on my USA pp but now I’m here only on a visit visa (30 days) I want to leave the UAE and come back with my UK pp and work. would this raise any flags?
You’re probably not allowed to work on a tourist visa, check the conditions of your stay with your embassy or on their website.
My son is a dual citizen of US and Brazil. We are planning to visit BR for Christmas. He has his Brazilian passport now, but not his US one. Can we book the flight now with his Brazilian passport instead of waiting for his US one to arrive? If so, will there be any problem with immigration on the return? He will have his US passport before we leave.
It shouldn’t be a problem so long as he has his US passport before the trip.
I would be grateful if I can get a sure advice for my situation.
I’m planning to go to Belarus via Russia and neither passports I’m currently holding can grant me a visa to Belarus upon entry, so I issued a Visa for my PASSPORT X.
I found out afterwards (from airways and Embassy) that I would need another visa to Russia as well (probably 2 Transit Visas) in order to be allowed to board in..
The situation got even more fu**ed up as I found out that I will able to get a Visa upon arrival Russia… but visa PASSPORT Y!!
Can I show my passport Y in Russia, and Passport X with the visa on in Belarus?
Thank you for your help!
Sounds tricky, call your embassies!
Hey so i have a question, im getting new zealand passport as well, (originally a us citizen) because my dad was born there, so im applying for citizenship and they will probably say yes, im in the uk, and i want to stay longer than 6 months. Im currently here on my us passport, so could i switch to my New zealand passport and stay another 6 months?
Not until you get the passport. Then you’d have to exit and reenter, but double check with the UK embassy in the US.
Thank you for all your information. I was hoping that you could clarify one of your points you made. Where you said:
“Broadly speaking, most governments worry about illegal immigration; which your second citizenship may actually be guilty of.”
Could you clarify with an example of what you mean by “which your second citizenship may actually be guilty of”? How can being a citizen of a nation make you guilty and of what? Is this a small percentage of situations? Are you saying that it could be illegal to be in the country you are traveling to while being an citizen of your second nation (dual citizenship)?
Also, how does telling passport control that you are a dual citizen as you say “can forfeit your rights as a legal traveler.” Can you give an example to clarify that as well?
Thank you!
In other words, there may be specific restrictions for holders of X passport, which could be a problem if it’s one of the two you have. Make more sense? In certain cases, you may be treated as the other citizenship you carry – it’s very rare however and generally more of a concern in special cases where two countries have political tension, etc. Hope this clears things up.
Hi Anil!
Thanks for the post; just to clarify/for some personal information…
I’m a Canadian/US dual citizen, planning to visit Buenos Aires. The reciprocity fee for Canadians is half that for US citizens, so I was planning to:
– Leave the US on my US passport
– Pay the reciprocity fee & enter Argentina on my Canadian passport
– Leave Argentina on my Canadian passport
– Re-enter the US on my US passport
Is that legit? Will the US border agency wonder why I have no passport stamp from Argentina? Thank you!!
Hi Natalie, that shouldn’t be a problem at all!
Hi Anil, thank you for your blog, very useful!
I do have a question I hope you can help me out with. My girlfriend got a work visa for the US for a year and I’m going with her, but I can’t apply for a work visa nor a 1 year tourist visa. I have a dual citizenship (Swedish/Peruvian, I live in Peru) and I can enter the US with my Swedish passport as a tourist, allowing me a 3 months stay. My question is, can I leave the US and go to Canada for a few days to then re-enter the US with my Swedish passport to get another 3 months stay? And can I do this 4 times to stay a year? I would probably be entering my land (Vancouver-Seattle or Montreal-NYC) which I’ve done in the past and turns out to be a lot less complicated.
Or should I get a tourist visa on my Peruvian passport (which I never needed) and pretty much alternate between the both?
Hope you can clarify things out for me, thanks!
Hi Daniel, happy to hear this article has been of some help. Check the US embassy in Sweden or their website to find out for sure. Otherwise try getting a longer term visa on the Swedish passport, I think you’ll have better luck with it.
Hello buddy, so im in a country i can stay max on one passport each for 6 months. Ive almost been here 5 months now. Im leaving to apply for a visa but might not get it. Im leaving at the end of my allowed stay. If i dont get the visa you think i can come back on my OTHER passport for a new 6 month time frame instead of having to wait 6 months to come back? Thanks
It may be possible; depends on the two countries, and passport control. Check the embassy websites for entry restrictions.
Hey Paulo, I realize this was a while ago but I have a similar issue. Did you have any problems switching visas to stay another 6 months? Also, which country was this?
Hi Anil
I’m an Indonesian national born in the US. I just renewed my American passport last year and I intend to visit the states next month. My folks told me to play it safe by making a visa for my Indonesian passport, however once I applied for the visa I was rejected because I already have an American passport.
PROBLEM : Indonesia doesn’t allow dual nationality and renouncement of my American passport is not an option. How do I get from Indonesia to America using both my passports? My flight starts in Jakarta, transits in Hong Kong, and ends in New York, same route back. Is it possible to exit Indonesia with my Indonesian passport to Hong Kong, then leave Hong Kong and enter the states with an American passport? same thing going back. Leave america with an American passport to Hong Kong, then depart from Hong Kong to Indonesia with an Indonesian passport?
When you applied for US citizenship, where was it? Indonesia likely has a process for dual citizens, whether it’s giving up the previous citizenship, etc. Talk to the Indonesian immigration office.
It was in the US Embassy here in Indonesia. Thanks for replying, but I’m going through singapore and it is possible to use both my nationalities there. I’d suggest anyone with dual nationalities from Indonesia or SEA that doesnt allow dual nationalities to take a separate flight to Singapore before heading out to where you want to go with your other passport. I asked around and some of my friends have done it before. hopefully everything goes well
Hi Damar,
I’m in exactly the same situation except that it’s Malaysian & French passports. May I know why flying form Singapore works?
I’m a dual US/Philippine citizen and I plan to travel within Asia on my Philippine passport. When I eventually return to the US do I declare every country that I’ve visited on my trip even though the visas will be in my Philippine passport?
I have US and Bulgarian Passport and plan to travel first to Peru and then Brazil, returning to USA. Brazil requires visa for US passports so I will use the Bulgarian passport to enter.Should I use the Bulgarian passport to enter Peru also? My concern is that I may be asked in Brazil where is the stamp from Peru as I would be arriving on flight from Peru.
Yes, but check the embassy websites as well as U.S. State Department entry/exit requirements to see if being a dual citizen can cause problems in either country.
please I need help ,I have a refugee friend that is from sierra leone he has a stay permit and a travel document in Switzerland and they have also approve to him that in one month time they will give him a swiss citizenship ,but he wantes to travel to sierra leone this month with his switzerland permit and his sierra leone secret passport without using the switzerlan traveldocument, because with the swiss traveldocument he is not allowed to travel to sierra leone ,so my question is, is it possible for him to travel using the sierra leone passport and the swiss permit without any controle involving, because since he is seeking for a swiss citizenship he is not allowed to have any sierra leone passport, but on his stay permit it is written that he is a sierra Leonean by nationality , so with that written on his paimit he thinks that they will not know that he is not allowed to go to sierra leone. please I need an answer
I can only try to give general advice about travel visas. I would talk to a professional for concrete answers, sorry I can’t be of more help!
I have 2 passports – Canadian and British, but I am in the US on a work visa. I normally always travel on my Canadian passport. I don’t even have any stamps in my current UK passport as I’ve only used it to travel with EU countries.
I need to fly to Rio for work soon, but I do not have time to get a visa stamp in my Canadian passport which I obviously entered the US on. Do you think it would be ok for me to fly to Mexico on my Canadian Passport and then fly to Brazil on my British passport from there? UK does not need a visa for Brazil.
Where does Mexico enter into your situation?
Mexico City is one of the options for a stopover. i guess it is not a requirement, but i thought i may need a ‘third’ country in order to switch passports…
I had previously been told that it is risky to get on a plane with one passport and then land in another with the other passport…
There’s no need if it’s only a layover and you’re not leaving the airport international terminal. You should be able to follow the advice in the post above but as others have suggested, call the British Embassy in Brazil to confirm.
I’ve read through your site and I’m not clear on a couple points – partially because I’m not sure what you mean by ‘passport control’ in your US-France-Brazil example.
Basically, when i check-in, I’m asked by the airline for my passport. According to your example, I would present the UK passport which does not require a visa for Brazil.
Then, when I am going through security, there is a person that asks to see my boarding pass and passport (is this what you mean by passport control? There is no other ‘control’ that i know of within the US). Do I show my Canadian or British passport here?
Then finally when I board the plane at the gate, they sometimes asked to see the passport again, and I presume I would show the British one here.
Then in Brazil, I would likely have the same, but there I am sure they have an explicit ‘exit control’ system, where I would have to show my British passport, but I would show my Canadian passport ever where else for the airline..
One last question – doesn’t showing different people in the same airport, different passports cause a flag? ie. showing the British passport to the airline, but the Canadian to security control?
Nunu, i had a similar situation in the past. Leaving India with one passport (US) and entering Russia with another passport (Uruguay) that didn’t require VISA.
I called the Russian consulate and explained them i was going to enter their country with no stamp and a different passport i was using. They told me it was OK.
I suggest you call the brazilian consulate and clear out your doubts as i did.
Thanks – I’ll do that as well. So did you show the airline your US passport when you were leaving India, or did you show them your Uruguay passport?
Once I’m on the plane to Brazil, I am not too worried – I am more concerned with actually getting on the plane in the first place and not having the airline or exit/security control raise any concerns to prevent me…
I recently got my second citizenship (US) under my married name, but I bought tickets to Panama a couple of months ago and the ticket has my maiden name, which I use in my first citizenship…
I would like to go through passport control with my US passport, but the airline is giving me a hard time about changing the name, can I check in with the passport that has my maiden name and do the passport control with my US passport? Any ideas?
Have you called the airline to see if they can change the name on the booking if you provide them with a copy of the marriage certificate?
Hi, I have dual citizenship of Canada and Hong Kong. I plan to travel to Japan as a temporary visitor status which gives me 90 days of stay. I am planning to stay longer than the 90 days, which means I would need to leave the country and re-enter. If I initially use my canadian passport o enter, and then on my second entry I use my a Hong Kong SAR passport, would the customs officers have record in their system that I was the same person whom entered with my canadian passport? Also to note is that they take fingerprints as record upon entry.
Also I am unable to apply for a visa for a longer stay because the process takes 6 months, and I am planning to leave in two months. So my only option is to enter with a temporary visitor status.
I’m not sure, you’ll have to check Japan’s specific entry requirements. How long do you need to be out of the country before reentering? Is there some reason you don’t want to or can’t use the Canadian passport both times?
So I have a dilemma and would love your advice. I have dual citizenship, US and Thai. I am going to Brasil for the World Cup and I’d like to get in on my Thai passport because it allows me 90 days free. US visa to Brasil is 160 dollars… I am flying out of the US though which would require me to exit on my US passport. Then I’d like to use my Thai visa at customs, but then I guess I would need to get a flight back into the US via my Thai passport in order to exit Brasil on the same passport I entered? What do you think? I am entering and exiting from different cities so a roundtrip flight is not necessary, I could buy tickets with the different passports. Cheers!
Going to Brazil, you’ve got it right. Returning, book the tickets on your US passport. When you check in with the airline in Brazil, show them your US passport. At *customs* however, show your Thai passport. That should work, but there’s a small chance they’ll wonder where your US visa is. In that case you’ll likely have to pay the Brazilian entry fee but it is very likely to happen in the first place. Do confirm however with the Brazilian embassy website’s immigration/visitor information though to be sure and don’t just take my word for it.
Hi you helped me a while back and thank you for that. Just wanted to ask this…
So I have a US and British Passport and am traveling to Brazil in June. I am going to go on my British Passport so I do not have to get a Visa. You said you check in with your British Passport which I understand but then when I go thru security to exit the US you said to show your US passport with your ticket before you walk thru the metal detectors and such. Won’t the US security see that I checked in with a British passport and then wonder why I am showing US passport at this point?
Same thing on the way back I check in with US passport but then show British going thru security to get on the plane to come back to the US will they wonder the same thing in Brazil?
Thanks for your help!
You’re welcome, glad I could help. Actually, exiting the US, you won’t have to show a passport (they don’t require it) so the situation you describe will not come up. As for the way back, in Brazil passport control likely won’t care – so long as you’ve got a valid British passport and entered/exited legally. Just don’t mention you’re a dual citizen.
For a person with both Australian and msian passport. I travel from Austr to msia using msian passport. When I return to Austr, which passport should I use and how to overcome air ticket check in? This is because for a msian entering Australia u need a visa?
Here’s the process you should follow.
I have a visa to enter the US on my Sri Lankan passport and I have a EU passport. I want to travel to Hungary? What passport should I show when exiting and entering both countries?
Why not just use the EU passport for the US and Hungary?
Im a Filipino and also hodling Spanish passport and working here in dubai. Im planning to leave dubai for good and go straight to spain.
I want to know if I present the 2nd passport with the airline and presenting the 1st passport in the immigration (passport control)
and they ask me.. I cannot say no, as they can easily check it. Uae doesn’t allow dual passport.
Is there any problem, or do they hold me at the airport?
What passport did you enter on, what is your visa?
Hi, thanks for a very helpful post. One question though…
is there any law, internationally or in particular country, that says about the continuity of traveler’s nationalities (as if they acknowledge dual nationality) and requires you to enter the new country with the same passport you exited the previous one?
once recently I exited Thailand as American (as which I had entered) then on the same leg I cross the ground passage (Meckong river bridge) and sought an entry to neighboring Laos, as Japanese (for free entry/visa waiver treatment Japanese but not American can get) upon arriving Lao passport control, they saw no record on my Japanese passport that I had exited Thailand, they denied my entry.
Was this handled improperly by this particular ignorant Lao entry officer? (think so) then, what could I have said to him to explain nicely and politely, but confidently and sternly “It’s not your business where I have been so long as I have proper document to enter your country.”
any suggestion or advise would be appreciated. for I plan to make the same travels often.
I’m not sure about laws by country about immigration but as a general law, countries reserve the right to refuse non-citizens entry for any reason.
I was born in Spain,in75 the whole family became us citizens.I recover my mom citizenship and kept both us and Spanish,now I am being told that I can’t travel to spain one way?
I have no idea what you’re asking.
Hold Australian and Cypriot passport and want to travel to UK and around Europe and have a criminal record what is the best thing to do when exiting and entering – am I asked to declare anything on the way in or out? thanks
Best to be honest. Check with your embassies for more details.
Hi there, I’m a dual New Zealand & UK citizen. I have both passports. I’m planning a trip to Israel (First stop on a Europe OE) From what I hear security is very tight at ben gurion airport.. I will be using my NZ passport to get in to Israel, but I will also have my British passport on me for the destinations to follow.. Now when leaving & arriving Israel I hear they make you empty your bags and look through items individually, where my 2nd passport is going to be discovered. Also From Israel I’m flying to London so will be using my British passport for that flight. Any suggestions ? Have you had any experience with customs/security at this airport? Thanks for your time
The best thing I can suggest is to contact the British Embassy in Israel to find out if there will be any problems. (And if you remember, it would be great if you could post their reply here. It may help others wondering the same.) Thanks and good luck!
Hi Anil,
I am not so sure that I should lie to immigration in a third country, if asked if I have also another citizenship, especially when traveling with both passports (or any other identity document of the other country). They may thoroughly search your luggage and find that you have also another passport…and have lot’s of trouble, even getting arrested. I would not risk.
What do you think?
Have you been ever denied entry when saying that you had two citizenships?
I don’t recommend lying; what I suggest is simply not to volunteer the information. Be truthful if asked however. I haven’t been asked recently that I recall – stick with the citizenship you’re entering/exiting the country with and you shouldn’t have any problems. I hope this makes sense?
Hi Anil, Good advice on your site. My question got dual Kenyan-British passports travelling shortly from Kenya to other countries in Africa some by air and road. When I leave Kenya will enter & exit Botswana and South Africa with British PP. Then later enter Zambia & Zimbabwe with Kenyan pp by road .
Which passport do I enter back into Botswana? From the Zambia borders. Because after Botswana I am flying to Ethiopia and I am using my Kenyan passport. Kenyan passport doesn’t require a visa to enter Botswana and Ethiopia. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks
Show the Botswana authorities your British passport and the Zambians your Kenyan one.
Won’t U.S. Customs and Immigration be looking for entry/exit stamps from the other country? My daughter is eligible for dual citizenship in the Philippines, having obtained her U.S. Citizenship through adoption. She is currently a student in college in the Philippines and this would save us a lot of money and trouble, as she us currently paying penalties for overstaying her tourist visa. If she can enter and leave the Philippines on her Filipino passport, she wouldn’t have to have a student visa. My only worry is entry/exit into the U.S.
It won’t be a problem, they’re not likely to ask and if they do (US Passport Control) she can tell them she’s a dual citizen; the US recognizes duals. It’s in the front pages of the US passport.
hi, im a Peruvian and a Italian citizen . im traveling to Canada from PERU for a month for vacation. im planning on buying the airline ticket using my Italian passport, and probably do a lay over in the US. Which passport should I use when leaving PERU? and what about when arriving to the US and Canada? please help!!
Follow the steps here:
and let me know if you have any questions.
I have both HKSAR passport and uk passport but my uk passport is expired and waiting the new passport to arrive. run out of time. I am due to travel on 7th July 2014.
Can I use my HKSAR passport to travel to spain Salou but I have never use my HKSAR passport before so no stamp on my HKSAR passport. Will they question me why there are no stamp on HKSAR passport?
I doubt it will be a problem.
Hi Anil,
Have you ever left US with your Turkish passport to enter Russia visa free and then leave Russia with your US passport to go to a European country that requires visa for Turkish nationals?
I am planning to do so with my British and Turkish passports. Do you think I may have any problems?
You must exit a country with the same one you entered on. If you try to leave Russia with your US passport you’ll have problems since it won’t have a visa in it.
I have a US and a Polish Passport and am a current resident of Panama. I would like to leave Panama and travel in Europe using my Polish Passport. I do not have any entry stamps on my Polish Passport. Will that cause a problem when I leave Panama or return to Panama?
Anil, can you help me out with this issue? I have dual citizenship with the US and Philippines. I normally visit my country with my us passport because I’m allowed to go without a visa for 21 days but I have to buy a round trip ticket using just my us passport. Is there a way I can use my Philippines passport and just buy a one way ticket and stay as log as I want?
Exactly, that’s all you have to do 🙂
Hi Ive got a quick question that needs urgent answers.
My fiance and I are going to fly to Perth to get married.
I hold German and Thai passport, she holds Swiss and Thai passport and we both live in Bangkok on our Thai nationalities (passports).
We have our visa issued on our European passports, they were free of charge and very easy to obtain.
Would we go about traveling like this:
1. Present our European passports to the airline for our tickets and to acknowledge our visas.
2. Present our Thai passports at immigration (exiting Thailand)
3. Upon landing in Perth present our European passports to the Australian immigration.
4. Repeat this process in reverse on the way back
This is if we fly direct.
If we fly via Malaysia:
1. Present our European passports to the airline for our tickets and to acknoledge our visas.
2. Present our Thai passports at immigration (exiting Thailand)
3. Land in Malaysia and present our … passports
4. Exit Malaysia and present our … passports
3. Upon landing in Perth present our European passports to the Australian immigration.
4. Repeat this process in reverse on the way back
We don’t know which would be easier and right now we have a choice between two ticket choices. One direct or one with a stop over in Malaysia.
Advice please!! And many thanks!!
Let me know if this article doesn’t help:
The article does just confirm the idea I already have on what I need to do.
But it looks like we’ll be flying via KL on our way to Perth.
Help me answer this question and I’ll be out of your hair. Which passport would we show in KL at immigration when we land from Bangkok, I know that both passports (Thai and EU) do not require visas, but which would be best since we would have to in the end show the AUS immigration our EU passports.
Since it’s a layover, I don’t think you’ll have to show a passport. If so, use the ones you booked flight tickets with.
yesterday i entered Russia using two passports.Russian customs didnt like the fact that I am using two passports,so they took my canadian passport inspecting it for long time behind closed window.then,they made me stare at them while they compared Serbian passport with my face(as they didnt believe it was me.
It was unpleasant situation.
Urgent urgent Hi me and my husband and my son r travelling to the usa we r egyptians and got a visa to enter but my son has a canadian passport as well. We live in the united arab Emirates so we have residency there but my son has it on his egyptian passport now he should leave uae with the camadian or the egyptian and when we r bk he enters with which passport. ..
Which passport is your son’s visa in?
1.-I have two passport Canadian and Peruvian. I already bought a air ticket with the Canadian Passport. Can enter with the Peruvian Passport in Peru I am planning to stay for more than 180 days as far as I know if I stay more than 180 days in Peru I have to pay $1 a day in Peru I want to avoid that so it is ok to leave from Canada with the Canadian Passport and enter to Peru with the Peruvian Passport.
2.-When I leave from Peru. What passport should I leave Peruvian or Canadian?
Peruvian Passport???
3.-Which passport should I buy my air-ticket leaving from Peru Canadian or Peruvian?
4.-When I enter Canada. Which passport should I use Canadian or Peruvian?
Canadian Passport
Follow the steps in #1 here:
Hi Anil:
I have dual nationality Spanish and US.
I need to travel to China and I have been living in Thailand for a while with my US passport. Because China charges so much money to US citizens I am thinking to request a Chinese VISA as a Spaniard and exit Thailand with the US passport then enter China with the Spanish one. On the way back I am planing on exiting China with the Spanish passport and entering Thailand with the US one.
Do you have any information about whether this is possible in China? I am not even sure they will put a VISA on my empty Spanish passport since I have to request it in the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok… not sure if I am making sense……
It makes sense and should work.
Hi hope someone can help ,my husband holds a british and turkish passport can he travel to Dubai on his british passport or does he need a visa because of the turkish passport ?
He can go on his British passport.
Hello, I wanted to ask you some questions….
I have 2 passport’s Mexican and American. I am currently in Latvia.
I flew from the states into Sweden then to Latvia, upon my arrival to Sweden I was stamped with and entry on my American passport. I am aware that I have a 90day “visa” to travel freely thru the Schengen Area with my American passport.
But, If I wanted to stay longer in the area after my initial 90 days, could I use my Mexican passport to receive another 90 days without needing to apply for residency?
My idea was to fly to the UK then back Latvia. I would show my American passport upon exiting Latvia to get my exit stamp, then upon arriving to the UK I would present my Mexican passport for entry. Then book another flight back to Latvia and present my Mexican passport (with no Schengen stamps) upon entry to Latvia. would that work?
My Mexican passport has no stamps as it was recently renewed. what types of problems could I come across?
or what do you suggest in order for me to stay longer in the “Schengen Area”?
Flying back to Mexico or USA is not an option at this time…
Thank you!
It may work, although depending on the stamps in your passport, if you’re asked it might cause you problems. I would contact the Mexican embassy in those countries to confirm the laws to make sure everything is legal – that way if you are questioned, you’ve got good responses. Otherwise it’s a risk; no country is obligated to accept a tourist and if they think you’re trying to cheat the system, might deny you entry.
Hello Anil
I have dual nationality (Russia and Pakistan). At the time I am in Pakistan.Soon I should go to Egypt.As I know I need visa on pakistani passport but dont need visa on Russian Passport.which passport I should apply to go to Egypt? If I will travell on pakistani passport I will need visa which is dificult to get visa on pakistani passport , I travell on Russian passport it will be difficult to come back to pakistan without getting visa for Pakistan.i dont understand what to do?
Why not visit on your Russian passport if you don’t need a visa?
Here is what you can do (assuming Pakistan accepts dual citizenship):
Let me know if you have any questions after reading that article.
Hey Anil,
I hope this comment still reaches you, since this post is more than 2 years old.
I have both US and Pakistani passport. I will be travelling from US to Pakistan and will have a layover in Turkey for a day. I was thinking of getting a visa and going around. What is your advice? What passport should I get my visa on? Its harder to get a visa on the Pakistani passport than the US one.
Leaving the US, show my US passport? And entering Pakistan, I should use my Pakistani passport?
Will be grateful.
Hi Shaq, I’m always around. You can get a visa on arrival in Turkey with the US passport, go with that one.
Leaving the US, show my US passport? And entering Pakistan, I should use my Pakistani passport? << yes and yes
I have 2 passports….U.S. and a brand new and as yet unstamped Estonian one. Taking a trip to Brazil which requires a $165 visa for Americans and nothing for Estonians/E.U. Citizens. If I understand previous blog entries, I could leave the U.S. on my U.S. Passport while checking in with the airlines with my Estonian passport. I would enter and exit Brazil with my Estonian passport. For my return flight from Brazil I would use my U.S. passport. And finally I would re-enter the U.S. on my U.S. passport.
Could you confirm my understanding of the travel/passport process and also let me know if there is anything to be concerned about having a brand new unstamped passport in going through Brazil’s Customs? Many thanks.
You’ve got it right.
US: Check in with airline using US passport. Upon arrival in Brazil passport control, Estonian. Leaving: use Estonian for passport control and check in with airline using US passport.
Just a clarification….at check-in with my U.S. outbound flight, shouldn’t I use my Estonian passport since a Visa for Brazil isn’t required with it. Otherwise using my U.S. passport, I could be hung up since I wouldn’t have a Visa in my passport. Am I missing something?
You’re right – if the airline asks for your Estonian entry stamp, just let them know you’re a dual citizen.
My son will be going from US to UK for 8 months total (study and travel). He will be traveling from US, but connecting in JFK to go to London and he will probably have to check in again for a boarding pass, since it is a different non-partner airline.
He has dual US and Swiss citizenship, so he will not need a Visa because of his Swiss passport.
In his Swiss passport he has an additional last name with a hyphen like it is used in Switzerland where they add the mom’s last name. For example in US passport is Smith and in Swiss passport is Smith-Jones.
The ticket shows his US passport name with the Smith last name only, would that be a problem?
Should he always show both passports? The ticket is January-August.
Show one passport, he likely won’t have any problems.
I think my first post did not get through.
So, I am dual citizen (portuguese/mozambican) and i live in mozambique as mozambican.
I book a trip to portugal ( moz-jnb-dxb-lis) and already have the visa to portugal stamped in my mozambican passport. I will be in transit jnb-dxb for short time…but on my way back i have 36h stopover in dubai and I would like to visit it…but my moz passport dont have 6 months validity to request a transit visa. I wonder if can use my poruguese passport(Visa on Arrival) to enter and exit dubai and then proceed my trip back on my moz passport?
1- which passport should I stamp when leaving portugal?
2- will immigration in dubai ask for a exit stamp on my portuguese passport if i leave portugal with my moz passport?
I will leave moz at 8 jan and get back 30 jan 15
Hope can you help me with this…I dont want to spend 36 hour inside dubai airport…grrr..,and i really want to know dubai…
tks in advance and look forward to hear from you sooner as possible
sorry about my english…
It did get through, it was just help up in moderation.
The situation is pretty straightforward, use the Portuguese passport for the entire trip. UAE is visa on arrival I believe.
hi , thanks for the article .
i wanna travel to Netherlands and i am a two passports holder ( Saudi and American passports ) .
i will buy my flight ticket with my American passport and enter the country with the same passport ?
am i going to face any problems ?
Thank You
To answer your questions, yes (use the American passport) and no (you shouldn’t have any problems).
Sorry if it seems I wrote twice but I can’t find my first comment. Anyway, I’m in turkey with my Italian passport and the 90 days will expire in a month. Can I leave the country for a day and come back with my British passport? Will they catch on? Thanks!
The comment was held up in automatic moderation. To answer your questions:
Yes, yes, and it doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter? Ok cool, I heard so many horror stories about people getting fined and banned re-entry for a while because of over-staying and I thought coming back on a different passport would still count as overstaying. Thanks a lot!
The best way to be sure is to contact your embassies there but it shouldn’t be an issue as far as I know.
Just to be absolutely clear as many people have advised me against this. Turkey has a 90 day out of 180 visa policy as I’m sure you know. I plan to stay the full length of the 90 days, exit, and re-enter on a different passport.
I read elsewhere that this is technically illegal as the 90/180 day policy applies to the individual, and not to the passport. However will the authorities now that I have been in the country already? I only had my passport scanned and stamped on entry, do my details go into some sort of database?
I am thinking of trying this anyway as the residence permit is too expensive for me and too much of a hassle between the bank statements, insurance policies, tax numbers etc.
Thanks again and sorry if I’m insisting too much on this.
Hi Chris, it’s not a bother, though I would advise you call your local embassy in Turkey. It’s the best way to find out with certainty. The Turkish passport control will have a record of you and if you’re looking to stay long term, it’s could to cause you trouble. It might work once.
Old post but I’ll try anyway… I hold US and Italian passports. I’m currently in South Africa on my American passport. Thinking of doing a land border run to Namibia and swapping to my Italian passport to get a new visa and stay longer. Any advice?
I’m wondering if Namibia will wonder why my Italian passport is lacking a South African stamp. Or if they will even notice or care.
Thanks so much!
Old post but I’m still here 🙂
They’ll likely not care to be honest, however reentry into South Africa might be a problem.
Thanks so much for this great resource for dual passport holders!
I’ve got a question as I’m in Southeast Asia now, with US and Japanese passports. I entered Thailand with my US passport, and then tried to enter Laos today with my Japanese passport as there is no visa required for Japanese passport holders, but the immigration folks were very adamant that they must have the exit stamp from Thailand matching my passport (which was in my US one). After arguing for a bit I threw in the towel and paid for the Laos visa (not a huge deal).
My question now is that I was planning to go to Vietnam next with my Japanese passport because again they give you one for free for 15 days, but I’m worried that I’ll run into the same problem I just had here in Laos, and the repercussions could be worse as Vietnam requires you to have an entry letter prepared as a US citizen in order to do Visa on Arrival.
So my question is: anyone know if Vietnam checks the previous country exit stamp? I’m going to go ahead and get the US letter, but I’d prefer to still go on the Japanese passport if possible (saves $45), but don’t want to try it and get in further hot water with the Vietnamese authorities on entry.
Hi Simon,
It’s my pleasure, I’m happy this post is of some help.
To answer your question: they might check and they might care. It’s hard to say honestly, but generally switching passports in this way isn’t always the easier. You can try calling the local embassies in Vietnam to see what they recommend. Best of luck!
I arrived in Sa on my Canadian passport as my SA passport was expired that very same day. They refused to recognize my dual citizenship and gave me 90 days. She told me when I get my new SA passport I can stay in the country longer and leave when I want to. However home affairs says that’s incorrect and that I’m in SA illegally. I now have my new SA passport but worry if I don’t leave before the expiry date on my Canadian passport – will they consider me undesirable on my Canadian passport ? Also if I leave on my SA passport and return to SA again ( years later on my NEW Canadian passport ) is there a way they will know I never stamped out as a Canadian and black list me again on reentry( assuming I lost my sa passport etc) . Do we need a letter for airports showing we have dual citizenship ?
It all depends on whether or not SA allows dual citizenship.
The question below seems pretty similar, but I just need the extra security asking with my own words. lol
Me and my family are planing to visit China, and to minimize the hassle & costs, we all want to get the visa on the Brazilian passport (instead of the US), since one of the family member is not a US citizen. Is it possible?!! How would I tell the Chinese consulate abt the dual citizenship?!
Great job on the blog!!
It shouldn’t be a problem but double check with the Brazilian consulate in China to be certain.
The Chinese consulate said, if you are an American Citizen, you MUST get a visa on a US passport. Just wanted to let you and whoever else may read this know. 😉
Thanks for updating the thread!
Hi – I have dual UK / Australian citizenship with 2+ years expiry left on each passport. I currently work and live in Saudi Arabia under a business visa gained from UAE residency which is employment sponsored and leave/return to Saudi once a month to/from UAE. The visas are in my UK passport. I wish to leave Saudi for a holiday in Israel via Jordan. If there are stamps in my passport from Israel, it would mean i would probably denied re-entry to Saudi and i must return to Saudi after the holiday to fulfill work requirements. A way to do this would be: Fly out from Saudi with an exit stamp in my UK passport: Enter Jordan with the Australian passport and obtain a tourist visa on arrival stamped in the Australian passport: Exit Jordan on a flight to Israel; Enter/leave Israel on my Australian passport: Enter Jordan on my UK passport: Leave Jordan on my UK passport and re-enter Saudi on my UK passport. Although it appears it can be done and would cost me the price of 2 Jordanian visas, is this legal/practical or could i create a problem for myself ? Any advice would be welcome… Thanks Donald
Hi Donald, honestly I don’t want to give you bad information, it’s best to contact your embassies to get the right details. Best of luck and feel free to post what they tell you.
Hi Anil, I have a scenario for you.
2 passports. Passport 1 is for birth country and passport 2 is not. Birth country doesn’t recognize dual citizenship. If for example you have a US visa in passport 2 (departing from birth country) and like to travel to the US, how would you proceed? Possible solution is to go to the embassy (in birth country) and reapply for a new visa on passport 1 but wouldn’t they question why you’re doing that since the other one is still valid? They will obviously see that you also have a citizenship not belonging to the country you’re in so will they report it? Or do you just wait till it expires before applying with another passport?
There’s no direct flight, so you have a stopover in another country (which for passport 1 AND 2 is visa-free) . Which passports do you show there?
In the end, do you get two separate tickets then? A round-trip for birth country – stopover and a round-trip for stopover-destination? (That gets pretty pricey)
If you’re leaving and going back from your birth country, you’ll need to use that passport. The problem is that the visa is in passport #2? Best to get a separate visa for that passport if possible.
Is it even possible to request for 2nd US visa (same type) on another passport?
It should be. Depends on the countries involved.
I’m planning on booking two separate tickets. I have a Guyanese and Brazilian citizenship and staying in Guyana. My US visa is in my Brazilian passport. Basically I book return tickets for Guyana-Trinidad and Trinidad-US. (Avoid complications with direct flights). Which passport detail do I use for the Trinidad-US ticket? When I check-in at Trinidad heading to US, I have to show my Brazilian passport to correspond with the booking details along with the US visa in there. But which passport do I show at check-in in the US leaving for Trinidad? I need to use the same passport I left the country with, right?
When going to US, use the passport with US visa. Then to Trinidad when checking in use the passport that doesn’t need visa.
Hi, I have US passport and Iran Passport. I like to travel to Iran and come back without USA’s knowledge. I can travel to Turkey with US passport but show the Turkish officer Iranian passport. Since turkey does not require the visa for Iranian. Then from there travel to Iran and come back from Iran with Iranian passport. Then using US passport to come back to the USA. The only thing USA will ask is” There is no entry stamp from Turkey in your US passport. In the 2nd thought, I can travel to Canada with US passport, then exit from Canada to Turkey with Iranian passport, Travel to Iran with Iranian passport and back to Turkey with US passport, Now I have exit stamp from Canada and entry to Turkey with no problem. The only thing is I exited from Canada on the day of 7 and arrived to Turkey at the day of 17. It means I have been in the airplane for 10 days, which is funny. Please help me and tell me what to do. My name is Ghassem. Thank you
Just tell them you’re a dual citizen upon reentry to the US.
I think you even do not spend time to read these comments. The main concept is I do not want USA to know I had been travelling to IRAN. You want me to tell them I am a dual citizen ????? !!!!!.
It is much wiser that you tell me you don’t know the answer instate of giving me a wrong answer that can be more harmful.
I do but the US will know whatever you do based on your movements and visas.
I am US citizen and Spanish citizen. I want to travel to the UK and I want to use my Spanish passport so I don’t have to apply for a visa. Is it possible? How will I do this so I can come and go freely to both countries?
You don’t need a UK visa with either of your passports.
I’m just a little confused here. I have a US passport and I just got an EU passport and I want to move to England. If I leave the US with my US passport and land in London with my EU passport, they will stamp my EU passport. When I want to come back to the US, I leave London with my EU passport and enter the US with my US passport, BUT there won’t be any stamp in my US passport to show that I was ever England. I’ve travelled outside the US before on small vacations and every time I enter the US and go through customs again they always ask me where I went and how long I was gone. If there’s no stamp in my US passport, how can I prove that I came from England without showing my EU passport?
If they ask, just tell them you have dual citizenship.
OK, I am still confused. I want to travel to Germany, in preparation to move there as a German citizen. If I use my American passport, I have no proof that I entered Germany legally, as a German citizen. Likewise when I return to the states, if I use my German passport I will be seen as a Geman citizen and not an American. So do I use my American passport on when exiting and returning? Then it will not be stamped. Same for my German passport.
Sorry but I still do not understand which passport to use!
You enter Germany with your German passport. Enter US with US passport. The stamps don’t matter in this case – Germany cares whether you entered Germany legally, US cares about US entries if that makes sense. If either passport control asks, you can let them know you have dual citizenship; though I’m not sure German policy on dual nationalities. Best to check and go from there.
sorry know you probably answered this question a million times! I have UK and Nigerian passport
i will be travelling to Nigeria in march, exiting the UK with my Nigerian passport however i have a transit at Germany where i will have to go through security again (stupid)so do i show my UK passport or Nigerian passport at Germany! Both passport have the same names. i do know u still exit Nigeria with my Nigerian passport
UK passport.
I’m traveling from brisbane to Birmingham I’m dual national I have uk and Australia passports what’s the best way for me to travel bk with a stop over in Singapore and Dubai using which passports advice would be truly appreciated
Depends on the visas (if any) required for both passports. In both cases, I don’t think it will matter but you should check on your embassy websites to confirm.
Hello, I am a U.S. and El Salvador citizen. I live in the U.S. My concern is that I will travel to Russia in September and as far as I know that with my American passport I need to apply for a Russia. On the contrary with my El Salvador passport I will be able to enter Russia visa-free (given that the visa-free agreement takes affect by that time). So my question is, will I have any issues at the Russian passport control point in the airport if they find out that I’m also an American citizen?
Check the US state department website.
I am a Canadian (born in Canada) who has an Irish passport through my father who was born there. I’m planning a trip to Turkey in the near future, and need to get a visa. The cost for Irish passport holder is much less. The airplane ticket was booked under my Canadian passport, so that is the passport I will have to show when checking in for the flight. Canada doesn’t have a passport ‘exit control’ like many other countries.
Can I still get a visa and enter Turkey under my Irish passport? I’ve read in some places that customs receives a passenger manifest including nationality from the airline, and this ‘mismatch’ might set off a red flag if I present a passport of different nationality upon arrival.
I doubt it will be a problem but check with your embassy.
I would like to leave my homeland with my twin brother’s passport and enter turkey with my own passport, is it risky and hazardous ?
Not to mention illegal.
Hello!! My question is not about travelling so I don’t know if u will be able to help me. I never had problems travelling as I have brazilian and spanish passports, I just use the BR passport to enter BR and ignore it exists elsewhere. But I have been facing a problem… in BR I am married and got my husbands name.. in Spain women don’t take the husband name NEVER. So.. now I am living in the UK and here I need the spanish passport as I don’t need visa. But I want my husband’s name to be in my documents, banks, bills, and everything, but if i use my brazilian passport i can be considered illegal because i have no visa in that passport, i don’t know what to do. What would you suggest?
hi im filipno citizen living in Philippines i have a son who is 3 years old and a dual citizen (filipino and US) his US passport was acquired from his father. His father who is currently working in Abu Dhabi wants us to visit him there. We are concern about our son if he is allowed to travel there without acquiring his visa because US passport holder there can travel free visa while me as im holding a filipino passport should apply visa to travel there.
I’m confused at to what the problem is.
Hi mate, I’m a British citizen and have a British passport. Also an Australian citizen with said passport. I understand, that leaving Australia use Aussie passport, enter UK use British passport right? Now, I have a stopover in Hong Kong, waiting for flight to UK. On entry to Hong Kong, what passport would you use?
Hi I have both Irish and British nationality. Last year I went to the states on my irish passport, however it has expired and I am applying for a visa to go to the states this summer and I only have a british passport ready to give them in time to make the application. Will entering on a british passport cause me problems, given that at customs last year they took my finger prints etc on an irish passport?
It shouldn’t but you should double check with your embassy to confirm.
I am a Tunisian National resident in India and I am planning to go to Dubai in few days. I also hold an Irish passport but the Indian visa is on my Tunisian passport. I know with the Irish passport, I will get a visa on arrival while I have to apply for a visa few days if I use the Tunisian passport.
My question if anyone can help is If I will I be able to leave India using my Irish passport first, if so could I use my Irish passport to enter and leave Dubai or not. My plan is to come back to India after this trip.
Thank you
Follow this procedure: http://foxnomad.com/2012/11/16/the-fast-answers-to-your-questions-about-traveling-as-a-dual-citizen/
I have a Japanese and Philippine passport. And I’m here in Japan. But I’m planning to go to the Philippines to take my college degree. I just turned 18 years old this year. Can I still use my Philippine passport for me not to be overstayed in the Philippines? Thank you.
Hi, I am a US citizen born living in the US with Italian citizenship. I am planning an extended stay in Italy. If I leave the US on my US passport and stay for a year, entering Italy with my Italian passport, is there any consequence regarding beingout of the country for more than 90 days ?
Two married person have two different nationality ( one is Russian 2nd is Pakistani) luckily in 2014 the both get British Nationality so now each of them have dual nationality Russian/British and Pakistani/Russian, here come twice in story
they have two son
9 years old son have Russian Passport and Pakistani Passport now due to apply British Passport
6 years old have only Pakistani Passport and due to apply British Passport and Pakistani
so parents will have dual Nationality, But Children will have 3 passports , its legal?
British law allow dual countries Nationality I believe British HO don’t care if there national have Pakistani and Russian nationality along with British BUT Russian and Pakistani DO have problems I think , in that case what children should do ?
Hello Anil,
I have both U.S and Honduran citizenship. However, I live in Brazil with a student visa in my U.S.A passport, but I would like to take a trip to Nicaragua using my Honduran passport because of the CA-4 agreement in centro america. I would like to stay in the country over 3 months, so I thought this would be the best option. I’m not sure what passport I can use, because my permission to be in Brazil is thru the student visa, and I assume that is how I can come back.
Also, my name on my honduran passport is different than on the U.S.A passport, because they automatically added my honduran family last name after my american last name. I don’t know if that will cause any confusion.
I thought about flying straight to Honduras and then taking a bus to Nicaragua, to avoid any extra problems. Either way I am still not sure if I can or how to use my Honduran passport so I can go and come back to Brazil.
My honduran citizenship is recent, so I have never tried to use this passport for international flights, only for crossing the borders by bus into other countries when I am in Nicaragua or Honduras.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
As far as I can say, I don’t think it would be a problem; unless there is some specific restrictions against dual citizenship in Honduras.
Hey Anil,
I get what you say about entering and leaving a country on the same passport but what happens when you’re actually travelling to/from the 2 countries you hold nationality from? E.g. I’m Brazil and UK national and am about to board a plane to Rio on my Brazil passport (no exit passport control in the UK, so not a problem), but on my way back to the UK should submit details of my Brazil passport to the airline in Brazil, go through Brazil exit passport control with Brazil passport and then present my UK passport at entry to the UK? I once did the reverse and immigration in Brazil told me off for using my UK passport to board the plane to Brazil!
No, to the airline, it’s where you’re going they care about. Enter your UK details when flying to the UK. At passport control in Brazil, show them your Brazilian passport. Does it make sense?
Hi, i have the mexican and the german citizenship, i´m planning to travel to europe and my flight has a scale in houston USA, (as a mexican i need a visa to enter USA , but as a german i don´t) so which passport number should i put in the flight, my mexican or my german? some people tell me i can’t put the german passport number because i need to get out of the country with my mexican passport.
Follow this process: http://foxnomad.com/2012/11/16/the-fast-answers-to-your-questions-about-traveling-as-a-dual-citizen/
Hi, I have dual British and South African citizenship. I plan to visit Abu Dhabi and SA in the summer – stay in Abu Dhabi for 7 days, then visit SA for 10 days and re-enter Abu Dhabi for 10 days before returning to the UK. I recently learned that I now have to enter SA using my SA passport. Would it be correct to assume that I could enter the UAE on my British passport (first port of entry), use for SA passport for return flights to Johannesburg (second port of entry) and then return from the UAE to UK on my British passport?
Could you please advise as I am sent from pillar to post (embassy calls) in London. No one seem to be willing to provide me with an answer.
Yes, that should work – but check with the appropriate embassies to confirm.
Hellow,I have a quick question plz.I am a u.s and philippines citizens.I’m going in philippines very soon. So which pasport I will show when leave the u.s. and philippines? Hope you can help me thanks a lot.
If the Philippines has visa-free to U.S. citizens, you can just use your U.S. passport for the entire trip.
Hi, thank you for providing us with important info. I have some questions about traveling in Europe with two passports.That might be important for other people in similar situation.We will be traveling on trains through multiple countries .I have US passport and EU passport,my husband only US passport.
When booking train tickets and Global pass that allow me and my husband travel in Europe I was prompted to choose country of residence,which is for both of us US. That’s because passes and train ticket are sold only to US residents.I will come to Europe with EU passport,back to US on my US passport. This is clear.The tricky part is that rail officials have to check global pass together with US passport.They do not want to see my EU passport.I already talked with customer service on the website that sells passes and train tickets to US residents and they say I have to show my US passport.
So during this trip I have to show my two passports to different people: rail officials in different countries (US passport) and sometimes to immigration officials(EU passport) and in hotels (EU passport).I know we will be traveling along Schengen zone but just in case I want to clarify situation with showing different passports during this long trip.When we will come to my home country I have obligation to use my EU passport,but still showing my US passport to rail official in my home country. To be consistent maybe it’s better to come to Europe on my US passport use all the way till I come to my home country and since then using my EU passport. I try to clarify consistency issue. Hope your advise will help other people as well.
Hi Vicky,
You’ve got the right idea except than when you enter Europe, if you’re staying less than 3 months, you can show the US passport. Does this answer your questions?
I have dual citizenship for america and sweden. Visiting the us my passport got stolen. What do I risk by going back to sweden with only my swedish passport through the passport control?
It might cause a problem, I would immediately report the passport stolen and order a new one. When’s your flight?
Hi there, I am a british citizen n pakistan citzen as well.I carry two british and pakistan passport.I am living in Saudia have a iqama.I hv enter saudia through pakistan passport I hve benn travelin in thid passport whenever I hv been visitin Pakistan on my Pakistan passport.Now I hv decide to settle in United kingdom .I want to enter there through british passport.But what about my exit stamp what to fo about it if I want to use my british passport. Plz guide me what to do?
You have to enter the UK on your British passport. You’re a citizen of the country, shouldn’t have an entry issues.
Hello Anil:
I’ve dual citizenship and two passports-Bulgarian and US. I’m traveling to Brazil in October, and intend to use my BG passport to enter Brazil. However, the passport will expire before I exit Brazil 10 days later.
Would I be able to enter Brazil on my BG passport (although it will expire soon after that) and exit on the US one?
Many thanks.
Hi Nadia, unfortunately the answer is no. You’ll need a passport (I think) valid for at least 6 months.
Hi. I have two passports, taiwan and china. Haven’t used the taiwan passport since it was renewed. now we’re going to taiwan, the agency said i might be questioned if i’ll be using the taiwan passport. so i used the china passport and apply for a visa. will taiwan embassy know i also got a taiwan passport?
Why not use the Taiwan passport? You’re a citizen of the country.
Hey, great Blog and great info. Ive become a regular traveler and all this helps a alot. I have a question regarding dual citizenship, so that i dont screw up my next trip. I have UK and US passports and will be going to Brazil, I will use the UK passport for entry to Brazil as no VISA is required. When leaving the U.S. do i show my U.K. passport to the airline? and if so they will ask about my US status (citizenship etc) so should i show them my US passport aswell?? Im worried it will create a fuss. Secondly upon re-entry to the US the immigration officer will likley look for the non-existent brazil VISA in my US passport, im assuming that telling him im a dual citizen wont create to much fuss here either right??
Thanks for info you can provide – APW
No, UK passport will be fine for airline.
On reentry they likely won’t even look at your passport. But if they do you can tell them.
Anil, salut from India. I am a dual citezen of Russia and Turkmenistan holding an oci card (through Indian spouse). Will be travelling to Thailand. my oci is connected to Turkmenistan passport, with I do not like. as a Russian I can travel to Thailand without visa, and I like it. So, what passports to show, where go put stampts at exiting India and entering India. Honestly speaking I want to finally connect my oci to Russian passport, how is it possible to do so??? I thought you could give valuable comments. Thanks in advance, Namaste.
I’m not sure, it depends on where you origin flight is from.
I have both an Italian Passport and US passport. I live in the US. I will be staying in Italy for about 6 months. What passport do I use getting in and out of Italy and will I have a problem entering the US again.
Use the US in US and Italian in Italy passport controls.
I am an Australian citizen and I am in UK on tier 2 work visa, which is in my Australian passport. I recently had to apply for Russian visa using my Australian passport from London, and I have not received the passport back. Meanwhile I need to go to Netherlands for work. I also hold Japanese passport.
My question is, can I go to Netherlands using my Japanese passport and return to UK on it? As Japanese passport holder I do not require visas for short stay in neither of these countries. I will have travel itinerary out of UK (the elusive Russia trip), so I don’t think I will be denied entry into the country. I am taking a trip to Japan in January so I don’t think I will even overstay on my Japanese passport as such.
My main concern is that for a period of November to January, technically both Japanese and Australian myself would be in UK. It’s not like Heathrow has exit stamps anyway so I don’t think it’s an issue and I will receive an entry stamp into Japan, but I would hate to think few years time I get deported because Japanese self overstayed and worked in UK when I have perfectly good UK visa on my Australian passport to do so.
It won’t work as you’ll have to show the Australia passport on the way out.
Hi, I just want to know….if I enter a country with a passport A, and then I apply a visa in that country with the passport A, will I be able to travel in the country with my passport B (like for hotels) while waiting for the visa process?
If you’re already in the country why would you use passport B for hotels there?
Because I won’t have my passport A due to the visa process.
I got it. Perhaps a photocopy would work, check with the hotels or go with AirBnb.
I have a south African visa in my British passport which is in the process of being cancelled as I no longer live there. Can I travel to S.A on holiday on this passport whilst it is in the process of being cancelled? (I am able to be in the country as a tourist for up to 90 days). I have dual citizenship with another country which again you can be in SA for up to 90 days so should I rather travel on that passport? I don’t think they are connected in any way?
Thanks very much!
The passport is being canceled? As in your citizenship?
Iwuld like to get an up-to-date question about this:
My wife hods US and UK passports. We live in US. We are traveling to Brazil. Braszil does not require visa from UK citizen.
How should she use the two passports:
1) At check-in.
2) At US departure security.
3) Upon arrival in Brazil
4) Upon check in at return airport for return flight Brazil to US
5) At US arrival immigration and customs.
Thanks for answers. Need to know if she should get a visa in US passport, ASAP.
Sure, here’s the procedure: http://foxnomad.com/2012/11/16/the-fast-answers-to-your-questions-about-traveling-as-a-dual-citizen/
Not clear whether my comments are being submitted. I get no response on this blog.
G. Kinal
Selam Anıl, harika blog için teşekkürler.
TC ve UK çift vatandaşım. Çoğunlukla TC’de yaşamama rağmen sadece UK pasaportum var. UK pasaport ve TC kimlikle Türkiye’ye giriş çıkış yapıyorum. Uk ise sadece UK pasaport ile.
Mayıs ayında (6 ay önce) TC de evlendim ve soyadım değişti. Türkiye’deki UK konsolosluk pasaport değişimi yapmıyor, ayrıca posta yolu ile TC evlilik belgesi ile yeni soyadlı yeni UK pasaportu almak mümkün değil. Bunu ancak UK dan şahsen yeni pasaport başvurusu yaparak alabilirmişim. Ve gidince alacağım. Bir kaç hafta içinde gitmeyi düşünüyorum.
Bu durumda elimde çift soyadlı ( kızlık + evlilik soyadı)bir TC kimlik ve tek soyadlı (kızlık soyadı) bit TC ile İstanbul’dan Londra’ya nasıl varacağım?
TC’den çıkış her zamanki gibi UK pasaport + TC kimlik ancak kimlikte şimdi ikinci bir soyadı daha var, bu sorun olur mu? Evlilik cüzdanını göstersem yeterli olur mu? Evlilik 6 ay önce yapıldı.
1.Uçak bileti API sadece kızlık soyadı yani pasaportumdaki soyadı olacak bu çıkışta sorun yaratırmı?
2.Kendime bir TC pasaportu edinmemi ve TC’den çıkışta bunu göstermemi, UK’ a girerken de Uk pasaportumu göstermemi öneririmisin?
3.Bu durumda bileti TC pasaportu yani çifte soyadı ile mi almalıyım, yoksa UK pasaport yani kızlık soyadı ile mi almalıyım?
Şimdiden teşekkürler.
Kusura bakmayın bu cevap çok geç geliyor. Sanırım TR için Eevlilik cüzdanını yeterli olur ama en iyisi pasaportunu yenilendirmek.
1.Uçak bileti API sadece kızlık soyadı yani pasaportumdaki soyadı olacak bu çıkışta sorun yaratırmı? >> Sanmıyorum
2.Kendime bir TC pasaportu edinmemi ve TC’den çıkışta bunu göstermemi, UK’ a girerken de Uk pasaportumu göstermemi öneririmisin? >> Evet
3.Bu durumda bileti TC pasaportu yani çifte soyadı ile mi almalıyım, yoksa UK pasaport yani kızlık soyadı ile mi almalıyım? >> Pasaportundaki ismini kullan.
Hi Anil, this forum is very helpful. I can’t thank you enough.
I have an Indian passport and a Kenyan passport. Kenya allows dual citizenship but india does not. Im currently in India and have traveled several times to Kenya and other countries on an Indian Passport without any problem. When getting the Indian Passport, my finger prints were taken and these are always scanned on entry and exit probably to confirm that its genuine (not sure Just saying).
I intend to travel to Kenya soon on my indian Passport since its what i have been using. However its important that return on my Kenyan Passport. I cannot inquire from immigration since there is a slight difference in the names that i use on both passports and its illegal to have dual citizenship in India.
Kindly advise whether this will pose a problem on entry in india when my finger prints are scanned to be matched with the Kenyan Passport. I will apply for visa to India from Kenya.
I had also travelled to other countries with my Indian Passport. Won’t there be a problem if I go back in future on a Kenyan passport considering that some countries took tinger prints on entry/exit.
Generally speaking – you should enter the country of citizenship with the passport from that country. I don’t know what penalty or restrictions India has on dual citizens.
I’m an 18 yo living in China with my mom. My father is a Canadian citizen living in Vancouver BC. He applied for my Canadian citizenship when he immigrated 10 years ago and I got my Canadian passport 2 years ago. But the problem is that Chinese law doesn’t allow dual nationality so they came up with the idea that I use my Chinese passport when entering/exiting China and make a stop in the State, then use my Canadian passport when entering Canada via a land port. I travel back and forth every other month, 2weeks in Canada and 6weeks in China. I claimed that I’m going to Canada with my father every time when I was at the passport control, but the last time when I was in Seattle, the cbp officer suspected me that I didn’t go to Canada, but actually doing school in the State because it was barely a month since my last visit. He also said that the record showed that I was in US for a couple of weeks and then went straight back to China without going to Canada (since I’m entering Canada with my Canadian passport). They got me into secondary inspection. A few question was asked and they finally let me in. But after that I became quite paranoid, I’m afraid of I won’t be allowed to enter next time because I can’t provide any proof of going to enter Canada, since I don’t want my dual citizenship be found out. So what should I on at my next trip? Would a photocopy of my father’s passport or my Canadian citizenship certificate help? My dad will be helping me to apply a new passport in Canada so I won’t have my Canadian passport with me during my next entry to the US from China. BTW I am doing a online school in Canada, so probably the school materials of a Canadian school might help a bit? Besides, that’s also a part of the reason why I travel a lot, but my intention of entering US is completely sightseeing and transferring. I will have my Chinese citizenship renounced at the consulate in Vancouver during my next trip, then attend for a visa to China, so I just want to make sure that there won’t be any trouble on my next trip. Thanks a lot !
I’m reading this blog and curious as to what was the final outcome with your situation. Lots of people having issues now with China and dual citizenship. I notice there’s no reply too. Thanks as I’m in a similar situation. Thanks
You may have been asked this question before. I was born in the US. My father born in the US and my mother was born in Mexico (now a naturalized US citizen). I’m going to Brazil next year, and plan to get a Mexican passport to avoid the hassle of getting a Brazilian visa. So my problem is I booked my ticket under my ‘regular’ name. But since Spanish family names are different (e.g. Roberto Adams in the USA vs Roberto Addoms Hernandez in Mexico), I expect my name in my two passports will be different. Will the TSA give me a hard time?
It will likely give you issues at check-in.
Hello, I was born in the USA, but also have Polish citizenship due to my parents (long story).
In any case, I was just in Morocco, and flew into Warsaw, Poland via Paris. When entering the EU in Paris, I don’t know where my head was. I gave my US passport to stamp for entry into the EU instead of my Polish passport, which I wanted to use so I could stay and live here in Poland.
Now I’m trying to figure out how to leave the EU and get an exit stamp on my US passport so I don’t overstay the 90 day limit, then re-enter the EU and have my Polish passport stamped with an entry.
I’ve looked at going into Norway, as it is not an EU member country, but it is in the Schengen visa countries. But I’m confused now if my US passport would be stamped on exit from Poland into Norway.
Do you have any suggestions for my problem? I don’t want to have to fly all the way back to the USA just because of my mistake on entering the EU.
Many thanks
I think you can just show your Polish passport on exit. Try calling their embassy in the US to confirm.
I am a Canadian citizen. I hold a Canadian passport as well as a Hong Kong SAR (HKSAR) passport.
However, the last name used in the HKSAR passport is my maiden name while the one used in my Canadian passport is my husband’s last name.
I intend to fly to Turkey and I don’t need to apply for visa if I use the HKSAR passport. ( Visa is required for Canadians). Do you think I can use the Canadian passport to leave and return to Canada for the sake of matching the name on my air ticket, and use my HKSAR passport to enter Turkey ( I will be boarding a cruise in Istanbul and will not re-enter Turkey?
Do I have any risks at all if I do this?
I don’t believe it would be a problem, check with your embassies. Also, don’t Canadians have visa on arrival for Turkey?
Hi Anil,
Had a Question about Dual Citizenship. I have an Indian Passport and Nepali Passport. Indian, as i was born in India and Nepali- As My father was born in Nepal though he worked throughout his life in India and had Indian Citizenship. As you know the law suggests that we cannot have dual citizenship . My Question is that i would like to study in Australia and would like to go through Nepal as it is much easier. Hence i would be using my Nepali Passport to apply for the visa. Is there a risk with this . If a get a Visa would immigration officials scan in their database whether i have a passport of different Nationality. as i have already travelled to Nepal with an Indian passport . Please advise..
I wish I could help but it’s beyond tourist visas.
Hi – this isn’t exactly a dual citizenship question – I became a British citizen by descent, but did not apply to retain my South African citizenship (I didn’t realise I had to), so as far as I am aware I have lost that, so can I enter South Africa then on my British passport with no problems? Thanks 🙂
Yes, you’ll enter as a British citizen.
I have a question hopefully someone can help me
Im currently working in Japan on a working holiday visa on my British Passport.
I intend to get another working holiday visa on my Australian passport, Does anyone know if this is possible?
Do i just not mention i have already had a visa before or my dual nationality? If anyone can helo me that would be great
In Japan also?
Firstly thanks for your comprehensive article. Great resource!
I understand the steps and am clear on the process, BUT I have a quick question. I’ve been told by friends my logic is sound, but have never been an international man of mystery (travelled as a dual national) before.
I am a dual AU/UK national, departing Australia. I am planning to use my UK passport to travel (but AU to pass AU emigration) as my AU passport only has 5 months validity remaining, UK has 7 years. My trip is only 9 days long.
My question: will Australian emigration query me leaving with under 6 months validity (Singapore and Cambodia both require 6mo validity), and if so is the right response to indicate that I’m a dual national and will be traveling primarily on my other passport? I don’t want to be taken to a quiet room and shot…!
Sorry if that’s not clear. I really appreciate any insight!
If both countries (AU/UK) accept dual citizenship, it shouldn’t be a problem!
Very useful tips, thank you.
I do have Hungarian and Romanian.
The Hungarian beats the Romanian as it’s one of the best Passport to have, however the tips you gived it’s good to know.
Thank you!
P.S. Hope you visit Targu Mures, and good luck with your journey.
Hi Anil,
I am a Filipino with dual citizenship. I am a naturalized Irish citizen. In my Filipino visa that expired, I have my multiple entry US tourist visa. I have a valid Philippine passport and I want to travel to the US. Can I use my Irish passport to travel to the US and will present my valid US visa in my expired phil passport at same since Irish need to present an ESTA waiver when going to the US. I did not apply for ESTA as I have already my valid tourist Visa in my Philippine passport and am sure my U S visa is in their immigration list.
Please advise me on what to do.
No, this will not work. You need to use the Irish passport since the Filipino one is expired. ESTA can be done online and shouldn’t take very long at all.
Please answer this question of mine. I have both Canadian passport and Vietnamese passport. What should I do at immigration of Canada and at Immigration of Vietnam when I go to Vietnam from Canada. What should I do on the way back to Canada too. Please reply to my email address. It is [email removed] Thank you very much. Nghia Truong
This article should help answer your question: https://foxnomad.com/2016/08/02/book-tickets-check-airport-youre-dual-citizen/
My stepdaughter has two passports, however one now has a different family name. For the return flight will she have problems boarding as her final destination will be in a different name too the passport required to be shown.
So Vietnam we show US passport to exit right family name
Return we show Vietnam passport – different family name
Or should this be done differently?
Thank you for getting in touch. I can only give you general advice but if you’re looking for specifics, please feel free to send me your questions or set up a call through Plansify: https://www.plansify.com/anilpolat/
I have renewed my US passport from the US Embassy. I have not yet traveled on it. I have a Chinese Visa on my Pakistani passport and I want to travel from China to Dubai. I want to use my US passport to enter Dubai (since it’s visa free). How do I use my Pakistani passport that has Chinese Visa and my US passport for this trip?
Thank you for getting in touch. I can only give you general advice but if you’re looking for specifics, please feel free to send me your questions or set up a call through Plansify: https://www.plansify.com/anilpolat/
Hi Anne,
I am an American passport holder traveling to Zimbabwe and hold a Zimbabwe passport too .
My flight is from USA to London ( transit ) then to Johannesburg, South Africa ( transit ) and finally reaching my destination , harare , Zimbabwe.
Trying to avoid visas …
If I fly on USA passport I’m visa free from transit visa in London and SA but will need an entry visa in Zimbabwe…
What, when and how would I use my two passports to avoid the Zimbabwe entry visa and also what passports do I present to official when entering and exiting the various countries ? Thank you
Let me know if this answers your question:
thanks for your site which really very helpful,
Holding Jordanian passports me and all my family, I heard about the citizenship by investment to gain the Caribbean nationalities,I am interested, so within few months hope to have it all ready,
any advice?
I didn’t understand the tip which talks about using the same passport for entering and exiting , I mean if this apply , when to use the second passport?
Have you read this post?
Hi, this is really a very useful information….
I am a Philippine and BN(O) passport holder.
I am currently working in China, and planning a tour in Europe.
BN(O) passport holders does not need visa to enter EU.
My problem is how do I go about the check-in, immigration entry-exit etc. process….
I entered China using my Philippine passport with working visa pasted on it. In China, they do not recognize BNO passports. I also made inquiries and China will only put exit stamp on my Philippine passport. So there would be no exit stamp on my BNO passport.
Will it matter if i do not have an exit stamp on my BNO passport when i enter EU?
Will EU immigration honor my exit stamp in my Philippine passport and grant entry using my BNO passport?
Have you read this article? https://foxnomad.com/2016/08/02/book-tickets-check-airport-youre-dual-citizen/
Thanks Anil!
So I should book my ticket to EU using my BNO passport.
Upon check-in also show BNO passport or Philippine passport???
Upon exit immigration show Philippine passport (because I used that to enter China)
Upon arrival in EU I use my BNO passport.
Booking return ticket to China using my Philippine passport
Upon checkin show Philippine passport ???
Upon exit immigration show BNO passport
Upon arrival in China show my Philippine passport
Please clarify
I can only give you general advice, double check with your embassies if you’re unsure.
I need your advice.
I have dual citizenship (Greek – Canadian) living in Grece. I’m planning to visit the US by air & then I will go into Canada by land. I will be using my European passport. I know I need to apply for ESTA to enter the US. The question is: CAN I enter CANADA with my European passport by land
You would need to double check but almost always, you should enter the country you’re a citizen of with that particular passport.
Hi there! I just wanted to ask something. This might be long…
Ok so I have a US Passport and Philippine Passport; both have just recently been renewed.
I have been staying here Manila for almost 4 years. I haven’t applied for a dual citizenship for both yet but I do have both valid passports. (I know it sounds quite confusing)
I am planning to process my dual citizenship on July so I am going back to the US for a month or so
The thing is, do I show both passports at the immigration officers at the Manila airport?
Both of my old passports have stamps on whenever I leave or enter the country and there is also a “w/PP” or w/PhilippinePassport on the stamp of my old US Passport.
So.. with these new ones, should I still show both passports?
It is actually making me nervous because it will be my first time to travel alone and the Immigration officers here in the Philippines can be mean..
This post should help: https://foxnomad.com/2016/08/02/book-tickets-check-airport-youre-dual-citizen/
hi this is a very helpful post.
i have a question. i am a filipina living now in mexico and my kid is born here in mexico and therefore he has dual nationalities. we will be travelling soon to the philippines. will there be a problem if we only have 1 passport? just the philippine passport?
thank you
It’s best to talk with the embassies/immigration offices to be sure. Good luck!
hi there
just wondering,given Indonesia does not allow duel passports by its own citizens (even though quite a few have)
so say one has a indo passport and an Irish passport want to return to Ireland,do they fly say to Singapore on indo passport then from Singapore to Ireland on their Irish passport
i dont know if this site is still active as the post seem over a year old..
This post might be useful to you:
but you also should check what the penalties are for dual citizenship in Indonesia.
wife has indonesian and irish passport…indonesia does not allow duel passport.
if leaving indoesia she will need to use indonesian passport,but can she arrive ireland or europe on her irish passport as a valid eu citizen
consurn is exit stamp if she ever returns home to indonesia.
is it woth while also maybe to travel to singapore on indonesian passport,stay a day or two and leave singapore on her irish passport?
showing entry stamp on her indonesian passport through immigration?
I’m really not sure in this case. You need to be certain if Indonesia doesn’t allow or just doesn’t recognize dual citizens. In the former case, then it’s best to talk to someone with specific immigration knowledge (e.g. a lawyer). There may be other alternatives as well. The post above assumes both countries don’t have an issue with dual nationals.
Just an observation. If you are a Brazilian-American traveling through Canada on your way to Brazil (e.g., via Toronto) expect problems. I bought a ticket from a US city to Toronto and then to Rio. Since on the way to Brazil one uses their Brazilian passport, the airlines require a transit visa. Canada requires these visas from Brazilian citizens, unless they have a US non-immigrant visa. They will not accept one’s American passport even though Americans are exempt of Canadian visas. Their rationale is that you are traveling as a Brazilian, since you are using the Brazilian passport on the way down to Brazil. On the way to Brazil, Air Canada only accepts Brazilians passports with a Canadian transit visa or an American passport with a Brazilian visa, which the Brazilian Consulate will not provide to people who hold Brazilian citizenship, despite American citizenship also. I ended up losing quite a bit of money when I had to cancel a business-class ticket. One is better off taking a direct flight from the USA.
Hello, I have both American and Irish citizenship. I live in the UK on my Irish passport.
My question has to do with traveling around the EU. When traveling around the EU/Europe I normally only take my Irish passport with me and leave my American passport in the UK. Once when reentering the UK, the border agent questioned why my accent sounded American and not Irish (as I’ve lived 95% of my life in America and sound 100% American). I got through the check without much further hasle, but it made me question if traveling through any border without both passports might get me into a sticky situation.
My thinking is, I like to not travel with both because I use my Irish identity card, rather than my Irish passport book, which is extremely convenient as it simply fits in my wallet. No “big” book to keep track of, let alone two.
So my question is, when I travel around Europe, must I always travel with both passports or can I simply travel with my Irish passport? Or must I always be ready to prove my American citizenship at a border check, even though I’m entering with my Irish citizenship?
Thanks for the guidance.
You’ll have to confirm this but as far as I know, you don’t need your American passport. Dual citizenship doesn’t negate another citizenship, no matter your accent 😉
Hello Anil, thank you for your reply. How would you recommend confirming your advice?
Also, I have had the thought of contacting both the Irish Embassy and the US Embassy in the UK, but I imagine they would both answer in their own interest and tell me to always travel with their respective passport (and likely wouldn’t advise on a different citizenship).
Again, many thanks.
The embassies are the best place to ask – or an immigration lawyer but that’s a more costly option.
Hey there, great informative post = thank you!
I just had to renew my South African passport in my married name (they would not use my prev surname) but my French Passport is in my previous surname. I only require an online ETA visa for Canada. Would I book my tickets in my previous surname to match my French passport? What happens when on exiting SA they ask for my SA and see the ticket doesn’t match? Shall I keep a copy of my marriage cert, death cert from previous husband?
Thank you!
Thank Nicole. I’m not sure the answer to your question however. I would check with the embassy or try to get the French passport updated. Other travelers have noted though they usually just bring a copy of their marriage certificate with them.
Anil…my 12 year old son has both a Chinese PP and a USA PP but he must leave China on his China PP as we’re not suppose to have 2 PP. To visit the USA this summer, we received a Canadian visa on his Chinese PP and will plan to visit there for a few days and then travel to the USA with our valid USA PP. There is no PP control leaving Canada and the USA doesnt care as long as he’s got a valid USA PP to enter with. Going back, we will rerout the same way,show our USA PP to get into Canada and then his Chinese PP to board the flight. Question- do you see anything wrong with this plan? All docs are legal and valid. Should I tell Canada we have 2 PP? Any advice is appreciated. HELP
I can’t really advise here – if one country prohibits dual-citizenship, you may have issues.
That’s too bad. You mean like Canada might reject letting us in?
Issues with either of the countries of citizenship.
I travelled from Jakarta to Singapore on indonesian passport and from Singapore to Dublin on my Irish pass port…when I arrived in Dublin I applied for a sramp 6 visa and then a multi entry visa..in my Indonesian passport.you can’t get one without the other..once stamps were in my Indonesian passport I was able to travel directly from Dublin to Jakarta and vice versa…no problems now
Hi Anil, I am a dual US/French citizen and trying to figure out the best to do for a forthcoming trip to Vietnam.
French citizen do not need Visa to enter Vietnam
US citizen do need Visa to enter Vietnam
I will travel from the US directly
If I use my French passport to travel there, I cannot use it back because I won’t be able to enter the US with it.
Your best advice ?
Cost is important, since a stop over in France could solve the problem but is more expensive
This post might help: https://foxnomad.com/2016/08/02/book-tickets-check-airport-youre-dual-citizen
situation: UK (British Citizen) + HKSAR passport (associated with HKID card, in which HKID card have to be used when entering and exiting HK)
flights booked:
1. Hong Kong -> Frankfurt
2. Frankfurt -> St. Petersburg
3. Moscow -> London
4. London -> Hong Kong
which passport to be shown to Check In and Border control in EACH of the above flights? I have to enter the border after EACH flight due to ineligibility to check through the luggage.
Anil. British/Canada dual
Leaving Britain you have to use Canadian passport (new Canadian rules) so I also have to use Canadian passport to leave Canada to come back to Britain there is no opportunity to swop over to British passport this results in going into the foreign national queue even though I have British passport. Is there anyway around this?
It seems odd that the Canada rule on leaving UK with the Canadian passport would apply. What I’d recommend is contacting the UK embassy for the best course of action but most likely it will be to show both passports when you’re there. Do confirm though for the official information. Hope this helps and if you get a response and don’t mind, updating here with what you were told may help other travelers in a similar situation. Thanks!
Travelling with Malaysian and American passport to Malaysia from America
I have a Malaysian and American passport with the below situation and appreciate thoughts on below especially on return to America because of visa requirement.
Passports – I have both Malaysian and American passports
Visas – Malaysia requires visa to visit America but America does not require visa to visit Malaysia or second country Hong Kong
Policy – I understand America doesn’t care that I have a not allowed Malaysian passport but Malaysia does not allow me to have an American passport and will make me choose passport if discovered
Book ticket in America – use Malaysian passport
Check in at starting airport in America – use Malaysian passport
Departing immigration in America – Not applicable
Arriving immigration in Malaysia – use Malaysian passport
Book ticket – do I have to book 2 one way tickets instead of round trip because I have to use Malaysian passport to depart Malaysia because I don’t have visa for Malaysian passport to visit America and switch passports in intermediary country Hong Kong on the way?
Check in at returning airport in Malaysia – use Malaysian passport
Departing immigration in Malaysia – use Malaysian passport
Intermediary country Hong Kong arriving immigration – switch from Malaysian to American passport despite flight data?
Intermediary country Hong Kong departing immigration – use American passport to match arrival and departure passport?
Intermediary country Hong Kong check in – use American passport
Arriving immigration in America – use American passport
Scenario above doesn’t even get into the complications of having to renew Malaysian passport in Malaysia because I don’t have a green card to renew Malaysian passport while living in America. I appreciate anyone’s advice. Thank you.