chicago bean

A few weeks ago when I posted the gadget lists of these travel bloggers, you not only learned that a Roost Stand for your Macbook might be something you’re missing out on, but also got a taste of some travel blogs I follow. It’s been a while since I introduced you to the travel blogosphere, a digital ecosystem where most sites fade after a round the world trip (hardly any from my 2008 list are updated anymore) but just as many blogs are born of new adventures.

When I asked you recently, these were some of the travel blogs you read and would recommend to other travelers.

Wandering Earl

The one blog that came up most frequently in your recommendations was WanderingEarl.com, a site and blogger I happen to know well. (We’re co-hosting our second tour of Istanbul this April.) Time Magazine ranked Wandering Earl as one of the 25 best blogs of 2012, which has only gotten better since. Earl has been traveling full time since 1999; some of his most popular posts include how he affords his lifestyle and that time he got held up in U.S. Customs, after an accidental meeting with the Taliban.

Uncornered Market

uncornered market

A previous live chat guest of mine, Uncornered Market was the second most recommended blog you told us we should be reading. In what can often seem like a blogosphere of solo travelers, Audrey and Daniel are a couple who’ve been traveling for 12 years together. Their stories are both inspirational and insightful, like How To Travel The World Without Killing Each Other. For more you can get started with Uncornered Market here.

How To Travel Blog? Q&Av4!

Sophie’s World

sophies world

There are a few things about this blog that make for unique travel stories. In Sophie’s own words:

Sophie’s World is a blog about the world’s curious and often unsung corners. And travel with kids. I (Sophie, that is) write the majority of the articles. But, perhaps unusually for a travel blog, the kids – Alexandra (no longer a kid, really) and Catarina (13) often share their take on things, too.

Turkey’s For Life


Barry and Julia who recommended Sophie’s World write Turkey’s For Life, another travel blog you should be reading as well. Julia and Barry recently celebrated their 5th year blogging about Turkey with a Fethiye focus; continuing to make everyone hungry for Turkish life with their recipes, photos, plus stories like this one from New Year’s Eve, in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

Legal Nomads

legal nomads

Another former live chat guest of mine, Jodi is also the person who let us all know about the Roost Stand for 11″ Macbook Air so many of you emailed me about. Jodi, author of The Food Traveler’s Handbook, quit her job as a corporate lawyer in 2008, eating around the world to our benefit.

That Backpacker

The Aer Travel Pack 2 Is Nearly Tech Backpack Perfection

that backpacker

As Audrey describes herself,

I grew up traveling but started doing so seriously when I turned eighteen. Since then I have traveled through Europe on three occasions, backpacked through northern Argentina, gone to India to attend a wedding (where I coincidentally cheated death on a rickshaw thrice in one night and bribed a cop within hours of landing in Mumbai), lived and worked in Korea, and am currently backpacking around South East Asia and wherever the wind blows.

Which Blogs Would You Add To The List Above?

There many more sites readers like Jenna and Yap said were on their short lists that I couldn’t include here. Although I wish these 8 travelers could have had blogs in their day, of all the travel sites you follow, what compels and keeps you coming back to them? Feel free to share links to those sites and your own in the comments below, with upvotes for your favorites already listed.