This post is a part of Geek Takeover Week 2012.
I often find myself in long overnight layovers at various airports around the world. The key to getting through them is patience and planning to keep yourself occupied – without wasting money on kilo of junk at the convenience store. A long layover is a good chance to catch up or introduce yourself to television you may have missed before it got canceled. In no particular order these are some of the geekiest best seasons of science-fiction that had abrupt ends you can download, watch, and wonder why they were ever taken off the air.
1. Firefly – All 14 Episodes
Joss Whedon (director of Avengers) created a universe that takes place mainly on the star-ship “Serenity,” where a group of humans who arrive in a distant star system. The planets and moons in that system form a mix of colonized, partially allied, and lawless worlds that are both visually and politically intriguing. In hindsight, Firefly is easily one of the most boggling cancellations in sci-fi television (aside from the original Star Trek). Although Firefly lasted only 14 episodes, Whedon was able to resolve the story with the feature film Serenity.
University student and genius Quinn Mallory (played by Jerry O’Connell) builds a device that allows him to jump between quantum realities. Something goes wrong (as they tend to) and he, along with a group of 3 others, get lost jumping from reality to reality as they try to get back home. Along the way they encounter worlds where America had lost the Revolutionary War; in another, men are heavily discriminated against by women. Sliders is fun and interesting but takes a furious dive off a creative cliff mid-way during the second season; so best not to spent another layover watching season 2 unless you want to experience chest pain.
3. Star Trek: Enterprise – Season 4
Although the entire run of Enterprise is severely underrated among Trekkies, when the show was taken over in its fourth and final season by Manny Coto (current producer of Dexter) it became one of the best seasons of any Star Trek. Coto is a massive fan of Star Trek and it shows – most episodes feeling like stories I would love to have written and tell. Yes, the abrupt final episode is terrible but once you’re done with season 4, read what Coto had planned for season 5 to let your inner-geek shed a tear.
It’s generally rare to see animated series that are dark, intelligent, and serialized but Gargoyles is all of those things. Basically the show is about a group of noble gargoyles that were turned into stone hundreds of years ago. A magic spell brings them back to life in present-day New York; although they return to stone during the daylight hours. A story that sounds ridiculous as I write these words but trust me: if you like sci-fi and fantasy with a heavy dose of Shakespeare (plus Star Trek: The Next Generation cast member voices) you’ll enjoy Gargoyles.
I suppose it’s pretty clear by now I like the theme of alternate realities and the stories that can be told by manipulating them. We all question “what if” about the past from time to time and Quantum Leap is a show about just that. The show follows a loose arc and in each episode Dr. Sam Beckett (Scott Bakula) jumps into a new role to right a wrong in that person’s life. The acting is superb and each new reality is refreshing and unexpected as you watch from one episode to the other, especially during the first season.
There is a silly, sarcastic tone to Muppet-humor and Dinosaurs has its own brand of that beloved tradition. The show was originally conceptualized by Jim Henson – getting away with social commentary that only an animatronic-talking-dinosaur-head can. Dinosaurs had a certain edgy sarcasm that seemed to gradually dull after the first season, making it the one to watch so you can truly capture its essence. More than most of the other shows on this list, Dinosaurs is one that’s visually attractive to very young children you may be traveling with.
7. Batman Animated Series – Season 1
I used to draw comic book art when I was younger (and even sold a few as a teenager) so I was struck by the drawing style of Batman: The Animated Series when I first caught up with it. Aside from being instantly recognizable with its unique animation, The Animated Series has a very dark tone is true to Bruce Wayne himself. Some of the episodes throughout the series’ run border on being plain trippy as the writers pushed the limits early on. The second season introduces Robin, who sucks the life out of any Batman creation for me; and turns Batman into a curmudgeon babysitter rather than psychotic crime-fighter.
Batman: The Animated Series, Volume One (DC Comics Classic Collection)
8. Bonus: Deep Space 9 – Selected Episodes
Star Trek: DS9 was never canceled but during it’s original 1993-99 run but it was really crapped on by fans at the time. Whereas Enterprise’s season 4 is one of the best standalone Trek set of episodes, DS9 is the best series from beginning to end. (TNG fans who disagree, go watch season 1 and 2 of that series again.) Of all the Star Trek shows, DS9 is the one that non-sci-fi fans are most likely to enjoy. These are some of my favorite episodes from season 1-7 that will hook you in to finding out how the entire story ends.
- Season 1: Emissary, Duet
- Season 2: The Jem’Hadar
- Season 3: Visionary
- Season 4: The Way Of The Warrior, The Visitor, The Quickening
- Season 5: Trials And Tribble-ations
- Season 6: Rocks And Shoals, Far Beyond The Stars, In The Pale Moonlight
- Season 7: Once More Unto The Breach
Which Shows Would Be On Your Long-Layover List?
I haven’t watched every single sci-fi series and don’t gravitate toward the fantasy genre in the same way. So, you may be shouting at the screen right now at some obvious omission I’ve made. (Dr. Who immediately comes to mind.) I’d like to hear your suggestions for some specific seasons of science-fiction, comic, or fantasy shows you’d recommend to make the time fly by the next time we’re stuck at the airport waiting for our next flight.
What shows would you geek out on happily – making a part of you wish your next flight is actually a bit delayed?
I only came over here to make sure Firefly was at the top of the list. Otherwise, I would have totally stopped following you on thefacebook! 😀
I’m glad you didn’t try to explain all the different reasons that Firefly is so great, or this would have to be a really long article.
haha, I’m glad I didn’t disappoint you! Of all on the list though, summing up Firefly was the most difficult. I did end up writing more, then less, and changing it around a few times.
I’ve started watching Quantum Leap on Netflix, and it really is a great show. I also have a place in my heart for Star Trek The Next Generation, just because I used to watch it with my dad when I was a kid. Still haven’t seen Firefly, but I hear nothing but good things for that show.
I too got into Quantum Leap much after it aired and had a great time going through the series. I wish I had been in the US to see the Blue-Ray screenings of TNG in theaters, hopefully they’ll do it again 🙂 As for Firefly, it’s short but sweet and guessing by the other series you’ve enjoyed, am pretty sure you’ll enjoy it eventually.
I would add Eureka which just ended after 5 years. I also liked some of the Stargate shows including Atlantis and Universe.
I’ve never seen Eureka but heard it mentioned quite a few times this past weekend at the Star Trek convention in Las Vegas. There’s a actor or director connection there; I’ll have to check out a few episodes.
Hi Anil, Lets see, besides Firefly and Sliders, I was also disappointed to see Invasion, Caprica and Farscape go off air. Really really disappointed. Another series: Roswell was my favourite for a while too but instead of making it sci-fi-y they made it more and more soap-y.
Your comment reminds me of the old “Dark Skies” from the late 90s. Such a good show, have you seen that one? Makes me wonder why all of these ski-fi shows you named got canceled in the first place.
While it’s not technically scifi, Buffy is definitely a great show to marathon in airports.
Also, I second adding Farscape to the list –
And come on, Doctor Who already.
I know I’m so behind on Dr. Who! It’s a big hole in my sci-fi resume 🙁
Quantum leap!! Brings back great childhood memories. That was my favorite show
A sci-fi classic; I’m glad Scott Bakula got the Star Trek captain job, which prompted me to go back and see Quantum Leap.
Oh yes! You named some of my favorites (I’d add Battlestar Galactica and TNG to this list). I especially agree with you that Deep Space Nine is the best of the Treks if you look at the series as a whole, and as a work of literature. And your picks for specific episodes almost exactly mirrors my own top 10 list. It’s got more depth than the other series, and you can really see growth and change in the characters from start to finish. (Don’t believe me? Watch the pilot and the finale back-to-back. Whoa.) Some day, in Jordan, at the Star Trek Theme Park, we will have to sit and wax poetic over Deep Space Nine, Anil. 🙂
I’ve got to watch the new Battlestar from beginning to end! DS9 is really powerful and the acting is great. What I love is they don’t forget about the supporting cast as many of the other Treks have a tendency to do. And Garak. There’s Garak… 🙂
I’m happy to hear we agree on many of the best episodes and look forward to that conversation in Jordan. Over a cup of raktajino or blood wine!
I’ve never seen Firefly so may have to check that out while waiting for The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Dr Who and Game of Thrones to come back.
In case you’ve missed any of these, I recommend Kolchak: The Night Stalker (an inspiration for X-Files) Blake’s 7, Farscape, V (original series), Day of the Triffids, Being Human, Misfits, Max Headroom and Red Dwarf (except the crap last series). You might like Lexx too.
I’ll make a note of those, haven’t seen them. I’ve just caught an occasional episode of Walking Dead and I couldn’t look away when I did. Thanks for the recommendations!
Firefly – YES!
I came for your post “8 great motorcycle books” and have stayed for more. I’m really enjoying your site. The pictures of Sweden are divine.
Thanks Kevin, much appreciated.