two ducks talking

It’s a bit ironic that I write this travel blog but don’t really like taking vacations. Don’t misunderstand, I absolutely love traveling, but I hate not working. So much so that somehow over the last 3 years I turned my vacation into a job. Before that as a full time hacker (no, I didn’t wear these but wish I had) aka. computer security consultant, I worked as hard as a played. If you’ve ever had drinks with me, then you really know how much hard work that means.

So, nothing big, no drama, I’m just going to be a good boss to my best – and only – employee. Me.

I’m going to give myself 6 weeks of annual vacation and force myself to use it. Plus 2-weeks of oh-crap twisted ankle, fist fight with a shady taxi driver (happens occasionally), or recruited as a solider in an interstellar war between good and evil (happens even more occasionally)…sick leave. Though usually I can knock out a cheating taxi driver while hopping on one foot plus stop any Sith Lord from destroying the balance of the force in less time than that. In other words, I probably won’t use all of that extra two weeks. But we’ll see.

You're Invited To Granada, Spain This November

So What Happens Here When I’m Gone?

Nothing. More specifically I’ll make a note here letting you know I’m going to be gone for one, two, whatever weeks. During those times I won’t respond to most emails, write new posts, and be very slow on getting back to your comments. Facebook, Twitter, and tumblr will probably be quieter too. Chances are my first break will be coming up after my February 2nd live chat with Uncornered Market right before I kick off that annual contest we all love so much.

Why The Breaks?

I’ve written over 2,100 articles here, on my other sites, and elsewhere – receive and respond to over a hundred emails most days – and am in front of some gadget working more than 50 hours most weeks. Oh, yeah, and traveling, photographing, and meeting up with you fine folks all over the world too. The occasional short break will give me a chance to indulge my other passions and recharge the 1.3 kilo lump of fat sitting in my skull. I believe resulting in better quality and interesting words for you to read in the long run.

…and surprises.

London Has The Craziest Path Ever To Win The Best City To Visit Of 2019!

Plus you’ll get a little reading break too from time to time, so no need to feel left out.

As always thank you and happy traveling.
Travel smarter,