Blow Out The Candles: foXnoMad Turns 5 Years Old Today

There are some gray whiskers popping up on foXnoMad (figuratively and literally) as this travel site turns 5 years old today. It’s been quite a journey thus far for a blog created originally to help 6 friends keep in touch – eventually morphing into travel blog, funding my travels for the past 2 years to over 40 countries.

red fox in field

Sometime within the past year I decided to formalize a general travel goal, setting my sights on seeing every country in the world. (The United Nations sets that at 193, while the Montevideo Convention’s more interesting list is 201 – so I’ll go with that.) There’s still lots of world to see, write about, and share with you.

Evolving Styles Over Year 4

Currently I’m in Valencia, Spain courtesy Tour Spain and Valencia Tourism, where I’m enjoying the city where paella was created in the late 19th century. Over the past 4th year of foXnoMad I’ve been focusing mainly on the Middle East, visiting (and getting lost) in countries like Oman, Egypt, Turkey, and Iraq while trying to give my posts a more personal touch. A sharper focus on the visual element is on the way, as well as some major travel projects coming up toward the end of the year.

In-Depth Travel And Tech: The foXnoMad Podcast Is Ready For Your Next Trip

ultimate tech guide for travelersThe Ultimate Tech Guide For Travelers 50% Off Today Only

For foXnoMad’s birthday, today only The Ultimate Tech Guide For Travelers is 50% off – but still includes 6 months of free personal travel tech support for yours truly. Need help setting up an online backup system before heading to India or find out your hard drive is going to crash…before it does? I’ll walk you through step-by-step each process, or anything else you learn in the ebook, to help make your laptop the most powerful thing in your backpack.

Also before the end of the year I’ll have another contest with a prize you can test your remote Facebooking and new found hacking skills on – a Macbook Air.

Thank You – Yes, You Right There

New foXnoMad Merch Shop With May Profits Going To Yemen's Children

I really cannot express my appreciation and thanks enough to all of you who have and continue to support me. For everything – from reading my posts to giving me tours of your hometown to exceptionally helpful travel comments – it is you, sitting right there, who inspires me. Thank you for that – I only hope I can do the same for you and help you travel smarter. Though I’m a bit slower these days on email (now well over 120 a day), my inbox is always open if you ever need anything. Enjoy some digital birthday cake on me, wherever you are in the world 🙂

My sincere thanks,


[photo by: JohanBerglund (red fox)]