Nominate your favorite city to travel to and at the end of March you could win $150 cash in The Best City To Visit Travel Tournament 2011.
In 2009 it was Sydney, Australia; last year it was Zermatt, Switzerland; all you have to do to enter this year’s contest is leave your city nomination in the comments below before this Sunday, February 27th at 1800 US EST.
Any City In The World Is Yours – Except These
You can select one city per email address provided someone hasn’t already picked it in the comments. As always, newsletter subscribers got a head start so the following places aren’t available.
- Zermatt, Switzerland – (Jen)
- Valletta, Malta – (Mike)
- Curitiba, Brazil – (Anna Luiza)
- Guilin, China – (Marijus)
- Kyoto, Japan – (Todd)
- Paris, France – (Amy)
- Istanbul, Turkey – (Natalie)
- Bangkok, Thailand – (JW)
- Playa Del Carmen, Mexico – (Sergio)
- New York City, USA – (Michaela)
- Sao Paulo, Brazil – (Tamara)
- Toulouse, France – (Deniz)
- London, England – (Erica)
- Porto, Portugal – (Stephen)
- Mexico City, Mexico – (Lynn)
- Reykjavik, Iceland – (Dave)
- Vancouver, Canada – (Scott)
- Singapore – (Paul)
- Jerusalem – (Judy)
- Stockholm, Sweden – (Alan)
- Beijing, China – (Paul)
Don’t fret if your favorite is one the list, surely you must have a second!
How The Tournament Works And Important Dates
The Best City To Visit Travel Tournament 2011 is a single-elimination bracket tournament. Every Tuesday in March, readers will vote on the head-to-head match-ups until 128 cities are narrowed down to a single winner.
- Deadline To Enter: Sunday February 27th, 2011 1800 US EST.
- Preliminary Round Kicks Off The Tournament: Tuesday March 1rst, 2011.
- Contest Championship: Friday April 1rst, 2011.
- Winner Announced: Tuesday, April 5th 2011.
The winner will receive $150 in cash via Paypal by April 30th. Plus, if you sign up now for my RSS feed or daily email updates during the entire tournament month of March and win, I’ll add $50 to your prize.
I’ll take the first 128 cities entered into the contest to kick things off next Tuesday March 1rst.
A Photo With Your Contest Every Tuesday
One of my goals in 2011 for foXnoMad has been to make the site more visual, with more of my personal photography and larger images. Since there will be quite a few tournament posts this upcoming month, I’ll continue the travel variety with a focus and collection of photos along personal stories after each one. Part of posting more photos means taking more pictures and I’ve got quite a backlog from the countries I’ve visited recently.
Even More Prizes Coming This Month
It’s a big contest month on foXnoMad, with an opportunity to win $50 next Thursday as well as several $100 Apple gift cards beginning the following week. Start your chances off right by nominating your best city to visit – big or small, both have won – by mentioning it in the comments below. Good luck!
[photos by: v3rnondotcom (tournament bracket), DavidMartynHunt (Zermatt Switzerland), Werner Kunz (Boston panorama)]
Neat contest! I’ll enter Prague, Czech Republic for this one.
I’ll plunk down Seoul, South Korea 🙂
I would be surprised if it were anywhere else! Good luck 🙂
I was going to say Seoul! Bummer! Well, you get my vote if my nomination doesn’t run up against yours!
Bogota, Colombia!
Luang Prabang, Laos.
Sign me up for Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Sorry guys, but I am claiming Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, before anybody else! (oh no! collective groan!)
This year I’m nominating New Orleans.
Hello, I nominate Edinburgh, Scotland, for the best city to visit!
Cuzco, Peru – amazing city!
I’m nominating Chicago. Great place to see baseball. Great foodie destination and just overall unique city.
Toronto, baby!
Hey, for cities that make it to the semi finals, will you let people post a pitch for it? (just an idea!)
Hmmm, not this time around although it’s a really good idea. I don’t want to change the format since I’ve laid it out already but like the idea so much that I’ll have to take you up on it next year.
But hey, I love your guest posts so you’re always welcome to!
Oh – I love the idea of pitching for the semi-finals! Anil, you should definitely do that next year!
Now I’m really tempted to do it for this contest! It is definitely happening next year, thanks both of you 🙂
Gotta say this is a great idea. Both from a content standpoint and from a blogger standpoint. Love it! Cant wait for next year.
Rio de Janeiro!!!
I nominate Bellagio, Italy. Thanks dude!
Thank you for entering and good luck!
Boulder, Colorado is my nomination. So much to do and very pretty.
Ummm . . . well, I’m kind of surprised no one has nominated it yet but, for me, Rome, Italy. Without hesitation – just think of the glorious food!
Wow, someone actually beat me to it-Cusco. But on the bright side, since I’m living there now I guess I can pick another city, and since it’s cold and currently rainy season-I pick Chiclayo!
I know it’s tiny, but I always enjoy being there: Safaga, Egypt.
Barcelona, Spain!
I nominate Sydney, my home city. Maybe it can become the first multiple winner…
As Istanbul is gone…it’s got to be Vilnius in Lithuania. Craziest place we’ve ever been to! They’ve got a statue of Frank Zappa!! 🙂
Somehow this comment got by me! Craziest place hmmm?? Now you’ve got me curious 🙂
Anywhere that has a statue of Frank Zappa must be visited!
Bratislava, Slovakia
Mine is Pokhara, Nepal!
I’m gonna have to go with that backpacker paradise Dubai. Hee, hee…
Hi Raymond, for some reason my spam filter is going nuts with your comment and keeps un-approving it despite my say otherwise! Either way, in case you don’t see it here, I just wanted to let you know I’ve got your entry for Dubai recorded 🙂
I nominate Amsterdam, Holland.
We’ll nominate Berlin, Germany
I think I played Budapest unsuccessfully last year, but I’ll give it another shot!
Ah yes, it was Budapest but dones’t hurt to give it another go – you never know!
St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
I can’t believe no one picked Madrid, Spain. The art, food, nightlife…
Seattle, Washington. Beautiful scenery, great food, clean, great food, friendly people, great food, green, great food, Pike Street Market, great food. You get the picture. 🙂
Naples, Italy. Ciao a tutti! 🙂
Lübeck! Thank you.
Okay- I didn’t see this nominated yet- so here goes-
Izmir, Turkey
Hi Anjuli! It’s been a long time, I was wondering where you were! Honestly I was thinking of reaching out to see if all was well. Anyway, I didn’t want to put you on the spot but glad to hear from you – good luck in the contest!
I couldn’t say other than Cairo, Egypt <3 the city of a thousand surprises and a brand new atmosphere!
How are things there now; what’s the feeling in general? I’m very curious to hear more about it…and good luck in the contest!
The feeling is… well, a comment is not enough to explain, but basically I feel a lot of enthusiasm in the air, there are people selling and carrying egyptian flags everywhere, everyone I spoke to is happy with the revolution, and there is a lot of activism (and interesting projects!) going on.
I heard about someone who’s not happy (actually I just read of it) because this caused a loss for tourism and some people stopped working. This is also true. I hope and I’m pretty sure that tourism will come back soon as before… After all Egypt is one of the most amazing countries in the world in terms of touristic attractions – history, culture, beach resorts, desert, fun, art, etc.
The only downside I am actually experiencing is, as I live in Downtown (not far from Tahrir) the curfew here is very heavy. At midnight every single street to/from Downtown is closed and nobody goes in or out. Am I going to move to another area? No, I’m staying here! I love this area. Hopefully the curfew will only be temporary. Someone says 2 more weeks, others say until September. We’ll see!
On Friday they say there are going to be more protests so the area might be closed for the whole day. I hope not… after all it’s my day off and it would be nice to go out etc.
Anyway overall I don’t feel in danger at all, I am actually having a great time and I am really really happy. Sorry for the long comment but it was a tough question and I don’t feel like I entirely answered yet :p
No need to apologize at all, a great comment and fascinating to hear about what’s going on from someone who lives and knows so much about Egypt. (Especially being so close to Tahrir).
All I’ve read is that tourism is getting its legs back quickly, which doesn’t surprise me. Egypt has a lot to offer travelers and a permanent wonder(s) of the world in the Pyramids 🙂
I’m a bit torn, but I think Florence, Italy..
I nominate Tel Aviv, Israel. There is simply no other greatest travel destination.
Just got an entry via email for Swansea, Wales. Contestant name ‘SM’; just recording it here…
Montreal, Canada. The city has everything that you need-culture, nightlife and you are so close to go kayaking, hiking, skiing, biking etc..
Certainly quite a nightlife scene in Montreal; I have fond memories of that city – even if it was freeeeezing when I was there! Good luck in the contest 🙂
Lisbon, Portugal!
Honolulu, Hawaii! 🙂
Barcelona, Spain! The city is art!
Hi Benita, Barcelona has already been selected above – do you have another or second favorite?
Hands down Barcelona, Spain for their tapas and outdoor cafes
Hi Christina, Barcelona has already been chosen, do you have another city to nominate?
Dharamshala/Mcleodganj, India
Montreal, Canada
Hi Ayngelina, unfortunately Montreal has already been chosen, do you have a second favorite?
I missed out! I was going to nominate Dubai but it’s already taken. I look forward to the voting!